HUSR 450 Final Flashcards
Soliloquy, double technique, mirror technique and magic shop belong to which theory?
unconditional (+) regard, congruence, internal locus of evaluation and empathy belong to which theory?
life scripts, injunctions & early decisions, rackets, strokes belong to which theory?
TA (transactional analysis)
ABC theory, irrational beliefs, musturbatory philosophy, and rational philosophy of life belong to which theory?
REBT (rational emotive behavioral)
scaling questions, formula first session task, exception questions, the miracle question belongs to which theory?
SFBT (solution-focused brief therapy)
total behavior, WDEP system, choice theory, identifying wants, needs & perceptions belong to which theory?
Choice/Reality therapy
unfinished business, figure-formation process, contract/resistance to contact, energy and blocks to energy belong to which theory?
social skills training, cognitive restructuring, modeling, social learning theory belongs to which theory?
CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
teleology, creativity and choice, inferiority/superiority and individual psychology belongs to which theory?
coping-skills techniques, the buddy system, problem-solving and coaching belongs to which theory?
dialectical behavior therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction belongs to which theory?
exploring wants, needs, and perceptions, evaluating current behavior, commitment to an action plan, avoiding excuses and blaming belongs to which theory?
catharsis, spontaneity and creativity, encounter and tele, surplus reality belongs to which theory?
social interest, lifestyle, basic mistakes, early recollections belong to which theory?
reinforcement, contingency contracts, behavior rehearsal and problem-solving belongs to which theory?
TA, game analysis, structural analysis and script analysis belongs to which theory?
making the rounds, fantasy approaches, exaggeration exercises, reversal techniques belong to which theory?
behavioral assessment, precise the therapeutic goals, treatment plan and objective evaluation belongs to which theory?
exploration of resistance, free association, exploring multiple transferences, and looking for connections between the present and the past
lifestyle assessments, exploring the individual’s dynamics, translating insight into action and encouragement process belongs to which theory?
Which is a mindfulness and acceptance-based cognitive behavior technique that’s aimed primarily at treating depression?
mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Which approach would be least interested in exploring early childhood experiences?
reality therapy
conceptions of fictional finalism, basic mistakes, and social interest are a part of which theory?
the process of skillful questioning would most likely be used by a group leader with what orientation?
reality therapy
Unfinished business and avoidance are key concepts of
the method of interpretation of group process is most closely associated with which approach?
the object-relations theory is associated with
insight is stressed by which theory?
what approach would most likely aim to re-create the original family, so that members could work through their unresolved problems?
SAMIC is associated with this theory
identifying and working with ego states would occur in what type of group?
a group leader with what theoretical orientation would be the least interested in providing structure for the members?
what theory has become a recognized treatment for individuals with borderline personality disorders?
dialectical behavioral therapy
What theory most looks at what is working, and then doing more of that?
solution-focused brief therapy
a group leader with what orientation would be most interested in energy and blocks to energy?
the miracle question is likely to be used in which type of group?
Steve de Shazer is associated with which therapeutic app[roach?
Erv and Miriam Polster are associated with which approach?
Meichenbaum is associated with what approach?
stress-inoculation training
Moreno is associated with what approach/
Natalie Rogers is associated with what approach?
person-centered expressive arts
This model is brief and time limited, present and future centered, and based on the asssumption that small changes lead to larger changes
a leader who would invite a member to become each part of his or her dream is working what approach?
a leader who tells the members that the sharing of their dreams, fantasies, and free associations are essential to the work of the group process would most likely be working within the framework of
Technique that consists of bringing an anticipated event into the present and acting out that event is known as
Insight and working through are procedures that would be most likely used in which type of group?
What approach is rooted in the philosophy of client-centered therapy but with a twist?
Motivational interviewing (MI)
Phrase that best describes a leader who is behaving in a congruent manner is
realness or genuine
leadership style that adopts a not knowing position as a route to putting members in the position of being experts on their own lives is associated with what theory?
leader with which approach is most likely to structure a group by asking the members to develop contracts?
TA and CBT
a major difference between group therapy and group counseling lies in
the goals of the group
what is true about psychoeducational groups?
they tend to be short term
Similarities between self-help groups and therapy groups
- both encourage support and stress the value of affiliation
- both aim for behavioral change
- both make use of group process
Self-help groups focus tends to be on
- discussing external causes of member’s probs
- developing strategies to deal with environmental pressures/barriers
- stressing a common identity based on a common life situation
If you’re involved in group work with culturally diverse populations, it will be important for you to
accept the challenge of modifying you strategies to meet the unique needs of the members
List some advantages of group work with multicultural populations
- members gain from the power/strength of collective group feedback
- modeling
- ppl learn they’re not alone with their struggles
- cross cultural universality exists
a limitation of group work in a multicultural context
many ethnic clients consider it shameful to talk about their personal probs in front of others
Western values are
freedom, responsibility, and achievement
silent ethnic client may be interpreted as
being polite and respectful
leading a diverse group is important to
- prepare clients for group experience
- have general understanding of cultural values of clients
- develop patience in accepting differences in behavior
- help members clearly ID why they’re in a group
Best Practice Guidelines were developed by who? in order to provide general suggestions for enhancing your level of competence as a group worker?
principle of informed consent applies to
both voluntary and involuntary group
on the matter of coercion and pressure in a group, members should know that
- some pressure is to be expected as part of the group process
- they have a right to be protected against undue pressure
On the issue of psychological risks in groups, what can be safely said?
b/c groups can be catalysts for change, they also contain risks
advanced competencies have been specified by the ASGW for which groups?
- task work group
- psychoeducational
- counseling and psychotherapy
A___ group represents a microcosm of the social structure that exists in the everyday world and offers participants the opportunity to experiment with new behaviors, develop social skills, and get feedback from many diverse sources
What are group members rights?
- to know leader’s qualifications
- expect protection from verbal/physical assaults
- get help from leader in developing personal goals
- expect freedom from undue group pressure
What is recommended course of action regarding the freedom to exit a group?
- members should be able to leave at any time they wish w/o any explanation
- should NEVER be allowed to leave a group once they join
- members who are thinking of leaving should bring the issue up for discussion in group
- members should bring up issue of leaving privately with leader
leaders who develop sexual relationships with current group members are acting
- unethically
- jeopardizing their license and professional career
- degrading the profession at large
What’s the correct sequence of stages in a group?
- inital
- transition
- working
- final
What stage is characterized by dealing with conflict, defensiveness and resistance?
inclusion and identity are the primary tasks of which stage of a group?
teaching participants some general guidelines of group fnxing, developing group norms, and assisting members to express their fears and expectations are all group leadership fxns during the ____stage
initial and exploration
which stage is generally characterized by increased anxiety and defensiveness?
cohesion and productivity are most closely associated with the ____stage
working stage
conflict and struggle for control are most likely to appear in the ___stage
resistance in a group can be seen as
- common form of defense
- material for productive exploration
when attempting to organize and begin a group in an agency, it is important to
be aware of the politics involved in the setting in which you work
when working with involuntary group members, its important to
discuss with them ways to use the time beneficially
Those who seek services in college counseling centers are increasingly older and diverse in terms of sociodempographic features and life experiences, making group work more challenging
structured groups are often based on a learning theory model and used behavioral procedures
self-help and support group are used interchangeably
group leaders may encounter resistance from ethnic/minority clients b/c they’re using traditional white middle class values to interpret these client’s expereiences
it’s good practice to remind clients from time to time the danger of inadvertently breaking confidentiality
as a group counselor, you may face the need in a malpractice action to justify the techniques you have used
Identifying with clients by assuming their internal frames of reference
expressing concrete and honest reactions based on observation of member’s behavior
giving feedback
attending to verbal/nonverbal aspects of communication w/o judging or evaluating
active listening
demonstrating desired behavior through actions
challenging participants to look at discrepancies between their words and actions, or verbal and nonverbal communication
revealing one’s reactions to here and now events in teh group
disclosing oneself
promoting member to member interactions rather than focusing on member to leader interactions
safeguarding members from unnecessary psychological risks in the groups
preparing a group to close a session or end its existence
planning specific goals for the group process and helping participants define concrete personal issues as the focus of work
goal setting
many analytically oriented group therapists have a leadership style that is characterized by
objectivity, warm detachment, and relative anonymity
adler stresses the purposeful nature of
psychodrama was developed by
JL Moreno
an essential aim of existential-humanistic therapy is to
- help clients become more present to both themselves and others
- assist clients in ID ways they block themselves from fuller presence
- challenge clients to assume responsibility for designing their present lives
- encourage clients to choose more expanded ways of being in their daily lives
congruence of a group leader implies
awareness, unfinished business, here and now and dealing with the impasse is what key concepts from which approach ?
founder of TA is
Eric Berne
self-instruction, cognitive restructuring, self-reinforcement and coaching a key concepts from what approach?
confrontation, logical analysis, counterpropaganda and behavioral methods are from what approach?
REBT methodology
making commitments, evaluating their behavior, focus on the present, total behavior are from what approach?
reality therapy
free association can be used for
- working with dreams
- encouraging spontaneity with members
- promoting interaction between members
- getting at unconscious material
teleology, social interest, creativity and choice, developing a lifestyle are key concepts from what approach?
doubling, future projection, role reversal and soliloquy are key concepts from what approach
what best captures the role/fxn of a person-centered group counselor?
analysis of ego states, strokes, script analysis and games are from what approach
during initial stage of behavioral group, concern of the leader is to
- ID prob behavior
- develop baseline data
- teach members of group process
- conduct an assessment of each member’s current behavior
in REBT, role playing involves
cog. restructuring of beliefs
typical procedure used in reality therapy groups
evaluating current behavior
dreams are explored in which theories?
- Gestalt
- psychoanalytic
- psychodrama
choice is stressed in what theories?
- Adlerian
- existential
- reality
insight is stressed in what theories?
- psychoanalytic
- psychodrama
- Gestalt
- TA
process of skillful questioning would be used mostly by a group leader of what theory?
unfinished business and avoidance are key concepts in what theory?
what type of group serves the fnx of recreating the original family so that members can work through their unresolved probs?
individual psychology is another name for
contracts and hw assignments are most likely used in what groups?
- TA
- reality
concepts of introjection, projection, retroflection, confluence and deflection are part of
concept of basic psychological life positions are part of
what theory is most concerned with understanding and exploring and individual’s developmental stages
socioteleological approach holds that ppl are primarily motivated by social forces and are striving to achieve goals is associated with what theory
what type of counselor tends to give least amount of direction
here and now is emphasized in
- psychodrama
- existential
- person-centered
- Gestalt
solution-focused counseling has parallels to ____ which pays attention with whats right and whats working for ppl rather than dwelling on deficits,weaknesses and probs
positive psychology
ABC theory is associated with
focus on ego states would occur in what theory
what type of group do clients choose the goals they wish to accomplish, and litte attention is given to diagnosis, history taking analysis of dysfxnal interactions and explorations of probs?
SFBT (solution-focused)
cog. hw is most likely to be assigned for which theory
choice theory isa basic part of the practice of what theroy
role of the family would be stressed in what theory
miracle question is an example of
future oriented exception question
what approach focuses on expression and exploration of feelings
dealing with the present is stressed in which theories
- psychodrama
- Gestalt
- existential
- reality
what approach doesn’t emphasize techniques
Formula First Session Task (FFST) is a form of hw a group leader will give to members to
- complete between their first and second sessions
- puts emphasis on future solutions
- used in SFBT
- to increase optimism and hope about their present/future situation
a lifestyle assessment, focuses on family background would reveal a pattern of basic mistakes is used in what theory
role playing is likely to be used in what theories
- psychodrama
- Gestalt
- behavior therapy
what approach stresses total behavior, doing, thinkin, feeling and physiology
which approaches emphasize the personal qualities of the group leader rather than techniques
- existential
- person-centered
this approach teaches members how to ID irrational beliefs and substitute for them rational beliefs
social skills training groups rely on what type of tehnique
what type of group would members focus on their lifescripts through the process of script analysis
shame-attacking exercises are likely to be used in which group?
motivational interviewing is best described as
style of helping/method of communicating
contemplation stage is associated with
transtheoretical model of stages of change
what approach has the goal of uncovering conflicts and working them through?
attachment theory is considered part of the newer relational models within psychodynamic approach
feeling optimistic about what one is planning to do with one’s life
ego integrity
interpretations are subject to confrontation or refutuation
resistance in psychoanalytic is viewed as
unconscious dynamic
primary goal of analytic group work is to work towards
uncovering early experiences
psychoanalytic dream work consists of interpreting the
latent meaning of the dream
modern analytic practitioners are leaving behind the detached-observer model of classical analysis for
- intersubjective style
- form of relational analysis
this type of analysis puts emphasis on therapist self-disclosure,responsiveness, reciprocity and mutality
relational analysis
brief psychodynamic therapy has a time limit of
10-25 mins session
brief psychodynamic therapy is appropriate for
variety of client’s needs
brief psychodynamic therapy calls upon the therapist to
assume and active role in formulating therapeutic focus that goes beyond the surface of presenting probs
Adlerians contend that ppl remember only those past events that are consistent with their current views of themselves
phenomenological approach pays attention to how clients perceive their world
imagined central goal that guides a person’s behavior
fictional finalism
social interest is fundamental to Adlerian therapy
during ____phase, members are encourages to take action based on what they have learned from their group participation
who developed adlerian group methods?
Dreikurs and Sonstegard
adler stressed purposeful nature of behavior
helps explain human behavior fits together so there is some consistency to actions
goal alignment refers to the state where both leaders/members goals are the same
in psychodrama, participants are asked to enact their conflicts or crisis situations as if they’re occurring in the present moment
catharsis and insight are considered important in psychodrama
when the protagonist speaks directly to the audience by expressing some uncensored feelings/thoughts
psychodrama places importance on past,present and future
psychodrama emphasizes spontaneity and
psychodrama was by
technique where participants rehearse how they might approach someone with whom they would like to interact
future projection
this technique is useful for helping members clarify and prioritize their values
magic shop
in psychodrama, the past is dealt with by
- bringing it to the present
- reenacting the event and reexperiencing earlier feelings
3rd phase of psychodrama consists of sharing by
members of their personal reactions
ventilation of stored up feelings is
anxiety can be an impetus to change and be a positive characteristic
this group includes ppl who made a commitment to begin and complete a lifelong journey of self-exploration
philosophy with which a therapist operates
existential therapy
2 significant spokesppl for existential approach in US are
Rollo May and Irvin Yalom
we can turn our fear of death into a positive force when we accept the reality of our mortality
existential therapy places emphasis on the quality of the relationship between
leader and memebrs
in this type of group the leader would challenge members to become aware of their freedom and responsibility
techniques should come secondary to understanding members is for what approach
Rogers based some of his approach on existential principles
group leader’s personal qualities and attitudes are more important than the techniques they use
creative connection process in the expressive arts, one art form stimulates and nurtures the other
strength of person-centered approach is therapists have
latitude to develop their own counseling style
limitation of person-centered is tendency for practitioners to give support w/o
challenging clients enough
He developed the humanistic movement in psychotherapy, pioneered research in the process and outcomes of therapy, fostered world peace and pioneered encounter group movement
Carl Rogers
unconditional positive regard refers to
accepting clients as worthy persons
crucial factor that determines the outcome of PC group is
leaders’ relationship w members of the group
sensing accurately the inner world of a member’s subjective experience
research suggests that when therapists self-disclose it should be done to
- validate client’s reality
- normalize experiences
- strengthen alliance
- present alternative ways of thining/acting
blocked energy can be thought of as resistance
Gestalt’s leader is highly active and directive
process of distraction or interruption of awareness, which makes it difficult to maintain sustained contact is
process of turning back to ourselves what we would like to do to someone else is
tendency to uncritically accept other’s beliefs w/o assimilating or
process of blurring the awareness of differentiation between the self and the environment is
primary fxn of Gestalt leader is to suggest experiments that will lead to heightening awareness
recognition of current feelings, actions and sensations is
Gestalt techniques are aimed at integrating conflicting sides within members
Gestalt focuses on
here and now
injunctions are given from the child ego stage of the parents
TA shares with Gestalt therapy basic assumption that awareness is an important step in changing our ways of thinking, feeling and behaving
aimed at helping members understand ways to change their early programming
script analysis
analysis of lifescript of a group member is based on the drama of their original family
TA therapist will expect members to formulate a contract to guide the sessions
Berne’s position is that ppl are to a large degree the victims of their injunctions
redecision therapy, is done primarily in the context of
redecision therapy integrates TA concepts with techniques drawn from these approaches
- psychodrama
- family therapy
- fantasy and imagery
- Gestalt
contribution of TA to counseling with ethnically diverse clients is the structure it provides to help clients understand how their culture has influenced them
unpleasant feelings ppl experience after a game are
looking ahead, TA seems to be focusing more on encouraging clients to emotionally reexperience crucial experiences when early decisions are made
strokes are necessary for healthy development
messages that come from the parent ego state of the parents is known as
collections of bad feelings that ppl use to justify their lifescripts are
in CBT, assessment and treatment proceed simultaneously
there’s no single model that can be called CBT group
group leaders fxn is to collect data to determine the effectiveness of treatment,both for individuals and for the group
mindfulness based cog. therapy is a comprehension integration of the principles/skills of mindfulness applied to the treatment of depression
mindfulness-based stress reduction programs aim to teach ppl how to live more fully in the present rather than ruminating about the past or being overly concerned about the future
limitaion of CBT is de-emphasis of
the role of feelings in the process
contemporary cog. behavior therapy places emphasis on the interplay between the
individual and environment
dialectical behavior is used to treat persons with
- borderline
- anxiety disorders
- depression
- eating disorders
group members learn to discriminate between their own thoughts and events that occur in reality. They learn the influence that cognition has on their feelings and behaviors and even on environmental events
collaborative empiricism
factors that enhance the application of CBT is diverse populations include
- individualize each person
- emphasis on the external environ
- psychoeducational
- active nature of approach
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a blend of CBT and
- psychoanalytic concepts and techniques
- mindfulness training of Eastern psychological and spiritual practice
in behavioral groups ____ is a major intervention provided by the group leader and by other members
social reinforcement
group members need to be taught how to think logically and give themselves new internal dialogues if they hope to change
REBT is basically and educational model
Ellis developed REBT to try to make psychotherapy shorter and more efficient than most other systems of therapy
group members are taught to used logical analysis as a way of understanding their faulty premises
REBT leaders tend to be highly active and directive
Ellis believes ppl become emotionally disturbed b/c stressful situations lead to a breakdown of their coping mechanisms
cognition are the major determinants of how we feel and act
REBT techniques are designed to assist clients in substituting rational beliefs
ppl develop psychological disturbances b/c of their beliefs about the reactions to certain events
REBT methods include teaching ABC, psychoeducation,coping self statements, and dispute irrational beliefs
emotive methods used in REBT include
- unconditional acceptance
- rational emotive imagery
- humor
- shame attacking
in REBT group, members would be most concerned with
minimizing ways in which they create their own disturbances
REBT is considered as
- educational model
- didactic process
- process of challenging ideas/thinking
- teaching/learning process
REBT groups, role playing involves
cognitive/emotive evaluation of feelings/beliefs
when leaders ask members to imagine some of the worst things they can think of and then to train themselves to develop appropriate emotions in a place of disruptive ones
rational-emotive imagery
reality therapy emphasizes an inner self evaluation
reality therapy is an active, directive and didactic model
Glasser’s approach is grounded on phenomenological and existential premises
group members are expected to make plans for change and also commit to them
reality therapy rests on the central idea that we choose our behavior and are responsible for what we do, think and feel
core of reality therapy consists of teaching clients to take effective control of their
own lives
4 psycholgocial needs to survive according to Glasser
- belonging
- power
- freedom
- fun
basic concepts of reality therapy are total behavior, quality worlds, self evaluation and
planning and action
another word for quality world is
inner picture album
Glasser thinks depression is when we depress ourselves, rather than being depressed
choice theory tends to focus on
doing and thinking
SFBT is both future-oriented and goal-oriented
main therapeutic task is to help clients imagine how they would like things to be different and what it will take to bring about these changes
behavioral tasks and hw are part of SFBT
solution focused counseling is approriate for school settings for a number of reasons
SFBT believe ppl are resilient, resourceful and competent, we don’t have to be the victim of our past, clients choose the goals they wish to accomplish and build solutions to their probs
core of SFBT is assisting clients in discovering a range of solutions and enabling them to do more of what is working for them
main person who is considered the found of SFBT
key concepts of SFBT is positive orientation, focusing on solutions, not knowing position of leader and creating therapeutic partnership
techniues of SFBT
- exception questions
- miracle questions
- scaling quesitons
SFBT therapists believe life is change, and change is inevitable
MI is humanistic, client-centered and directive counseling approach
clinical and research applications of MI have grown and is reflected in more than 800 publications
MI emphasizes relational context of therapy
this works with ppl who seek therapy are often ambivalent about change and that motivation may ebb an flow during the course of therapy
MI can be a stand alone treatment but lends itself to various forms of integration
MI was developed by Miller and Rollnick
MI works by ____ motivation for change and adherence to treatment
activating client’s own
MI is a way of being with ppl and a style of helping
MI has been effectively applied to which of the following problems?
-eating disorders
-anxiety disorders
Over the past 30 years, clinical and research applications of MI have grown at at remarkable rate
MI is said to be rooted in the philosophy of ____ with a twist
MI is designed to evoke and explore
MI reluctance to change is viewed as
normal and expected