Summer School Exam 2 Flashcards
he focused on dread/anxiety, single life was to live like Christ
he focused on nihilism, will to power, herd mortality, nothing after death so live it up
he focused on creative authentic experiences, to be happy, exist in the world
he focused on nothingness, good/bad faith, you come into this world alone & you die alone, self-actualize
he focused on the I/Thou relationship,looking at the client not as a diagnosis, being present in the here and now
he focused on logotherapy, if there’s a why, there’s a way, help ppl find meaning in their lives
logotherapy means
focused on flexibility/ versatility in practice of psychoanalysis, courage to be
focused on humanistic emphasis on integrity, presence, journey into the client’s world, here & now, experience
he focused on anxiety, death, isolation, meaninglessness, choice, I/thou, responsibility
this type of therapy is nondirective, becoming a person
this type of therapy is also known as non-directedness
is there diagnosis in person-centered therapy?
90% of therapy isn’t done without this
this type of therapist seeks focus on the individual experience of being in the world alone and facing the anxiety of this isolation, understanding of what it means to be human
existentialists tend to focus on
human experience, death, anxiety, depression &isolation
humanists tend to focus on
natural potential that we can actualize and find meaning
discrepancy exists between their self-perception and their experience in reality
process for striving toward fulfillment, autonomy and self-determination
ability to deeply grasp the subjective world of another person
accurate empathic understanding
4 basic goals of person-centered therapy
- an openness to experience
- trust in themselves
- internal source of evaluation
- willingness to continue growing
this is the most detriment to a client’s progress in therapy
founder of Gestalt therapy
Fritz Perls
goal of Gestalt therapy
for clients to expand their awareness of what they’re experiencing in the present moment.
organism must be seen in its environment or its context as part of constantly changing field, everything is relational, in flux & process
field theory
some aspect of environmental field emerges from background and becomes focal point, based on dominant need at the time
figure formation
equilibrium is distributed by emergence of a need/sensation so action is taken to restore it
self regulation
when content with others isn’t complete which leaves us feeling pain, anger, resentment, sandess
unfinished business
distraction/veering off to maintain some contact
blurring the differentiation between self/others
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
this type of therapy asks clients to stay in the present and relive those moments from the past
if therapists pay attention to this type of behavior, it is the assumption that the feelings are unexpressed and they tend to result in physical sensations/probs
body language
stuck point in which external support isn’t available or customary way of being doesn’t work
when a child is talking about a past trauma with her father, the client takes the role of the hurt child and imagines him to be present in this
empty chair
5 contact boundary disturbances
- introjection
- projection
- retroflection
- deflection
- confluence
tendency to uncritically accept other’s beliefs/standards w/o assimilating them to make them congruent with who we are
disowning certain aspects of ourselves by assigning them to the environment
when a person feels that they are the victims of circumstances and believe that people have hidden meanings behind what they say, this is an example of
when a person believes that authorities know what’s best for us rather than working for tings ourselves, this is an example of
This seems to indicate that the attitude of therapists facilitate personality change in the client
Role of research in person centered therapy
Limited awareness of themselves and are often vague about the nature of their problems
Restricted existence
Yalom’s givens of existence
- isolation & relationship to others
- death & living fully
- meaninglessness & meaning
focus of Yalom’s model was
choice, responsibility, death, anxiety
what’s the nature/importance of existential therapeutic relationship?
I/ Thou relationship
when a person isn’t open to trying new things
restricted existence
goals of existential therapy
- self awareness
- responsibility
Roger’s famous characteristic that fosters growth for the client
not asking questions and paraphrasing
goals of person centered therapy
- trust/ openness in order to grow
when a person evaluates what they’re doing is good/bad
internal source of evaluation
3 conditions play a role in person centered therapy which are
- empathy
- unconditional positive regard
- genuineness
is there a role in diagnosis in person centered therapy?
what’s the general focus of humanistic approach?
looking at the whole person, self actualize
silence can
allow client to think
he was the founder of field theory
Kurt Lewin
when a person focuses on certain things in life
figure formation
regulating oneself after a setback
organismic self regulation
language that denies power to client in Gestalt therapy
I can’t
cause for anxiety according to Perls
focusing on the future
what type of relationship therapist has with client in Gestalt therapy?
I/ Thou
this is the kind of talk that denies power/responsibility
“it” talk
layers of neurosis
- phony
- phobic
- impasse
- implosive
- explosive
when you’re not aware of yourself
anxiety starts to occur once you know things
when you’re stuck
feeling depressed about your situation, angry
when you let everything all out on the table & move into authentic self support
part of inhibiting ourselves from taking actions, doing something for others b/c you want ppl to do that for you,
goals of Gestalt therapy
- increase self awareness
- assume ownership of their experience
- develop skills that satisfy their needs for self regualtion
- become aware of their senses
- learn to accept responsibility for their actions
- ask for help/give to others
Gestalt experiments
- empty chair
- reversal
- rehearsal
- exaggeration
- stay with feelings
- dream work
acting the opposite of yourelf
reversal exercise
not leaving the present feeling
staying with the feeling exercise
acting out a dream
dream work