Intro To HUSR Test1 Flashcards
Belief that ones own culture and way of life are superior to all others
This model Considers which theories/interventions are most appropriate to the client’s needs, can work with vast range of difficulties
Generalist model of HUSR
Holding negative attitudes/behaviors toward a person because of the class a person belongs to
Prejudice/discrimination against someone based on a person’s ethnic/racial identity
Generalized beliefs about the characteristics of a group members, can be positive/negative & can lead to prejudice, discrimination & bias
Preconceived point of view about a person, group of ppl, or issue, can stem from beliefs from your personal background or family
Puts prejudicial beliefs into action & denies certain memories of a group access to certain rights that are available to others
Agencies that are govnt. run/funded
Public agency
Community organizations funded by donations, fundraisers & charity whose focus is providing service and effective programs rather than focusing on making a profit
Organizations that aren’t funded by state or fed govnt. programs
Private agency
HUSR worker with a college degree/ license
Person who works in the field of HUSR as part of formal education
Ppl who serve at a HUSR agency w/o pay & not for educational credit
HUSR workers who don’t have a professional degree/license
What services HUSR provides
Individuals, families, community
Casual theory, prehistoric civilizations?
Spirits are believed to inhabit inanimate objects
Procedure where a hole is drilled in the skull to release spirits/pressure
Hippocrates theory that an imbalance of the 4 _____ in the body could cause mental illness
Earliest criminal justice code, which stated that equality of retaliation should be used when someone breaks the law
Code of Hammurabi
Deviance during the Spanish Inquisition
Renaissance & HuSR were known for their
Scientific discoveries and asylums
Institution in London, built in 13th century that provided humanitarian care to the mentally ill and others who demonstrated deviant behavior
Physician who humanized institutions not only by removing chains but by offering food, shelter & clothing
Philippe Pinel
He was the great equalizer who worked with Thomas Jefferson to create mandatory education in the U.S.
Horace Mann
He categorized human deviance into separate illnesses, like schizophrenia
Emil Kraepelin
Federal legislation that provided govnt. funding for treating severely mentally ill patients throughout the country
Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963
Created by FDR during the Great Depression that provided some basic needs and set up work programs to help destitute ppl.
New Deal
aka Affordable Care Act, is a U.S. Federal state signed into law by Obama with the goal of overhauling the country’s health care system by increasing health insurance quality & affordability
Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
Efforts to prevent the occurrence of a disorder/prob by counteracting circumstances or risk factors that could contribute to or cause the disorder, before it happens
Primary intervention
Efforts to assist ppl who have already demonstrated early signs of dysfunction or to reduce the duration of the problem, problem in community
Secondary intervention
For a person who already has symptoms of illness or who engages in maladaptive behaviors with preventing further damage or complications and rehab for the person, out of control
Tertiary intervention
Policies, programs & practices that aim to reduce the harms associated with the use of harmful substances rather than focus on prevention of the substance itself
Harm reduction models
Concepts/ideas that help explain influences/ causes of human behaviors and actions
Sociological theory
Politics/ social values rarely affect individuals in that society
Sociological theories
Moral imperative
Accrediting organization in the field of HUSR
When HUSR worker develops another relationship with a client that’s outside of their professional one
Dual Relationship
A major challenge for HUSR worker
When the org clashes with the culture of the client
This human services model was used by many
Circumstances when confidentiality can be breached
Child, elder & disability abuse, harm to oneself or others, court order, investigation into death of client, when client signs a release form, FBI
CEU stands for
Continuing education units
This ensures competence, keep up to date on client’s needs, prevents negligent practice
Continuing education
How long do CEU’s last/ when do you have to renew?
30-36 hrs, renew every 2 yrs
Org culture may not promote cultural sensitivity
Multicultural competence
This type of ethnicity are less likely to express emotions, reticent, not be open
How to avoid dual relationships with clients
Have only 1 relationship with client
This requires employers to include ins. coverage for employees
National Alliance for Mentally Ill 1996 (NAMI)
This act was to get all students passing on to the next grade, even if they struggled
No Child Left Behind