Intro to HUSR Test2 Flashcards
managing perssonel
social worker education credentials
does case management, child protective workers, probation officers, multiduties, does follow ups, empowers clients, hands on
case worker
speak on behalf of others, helps others gets needs met
works with emergencies, suicide, trauma, emotional support, natural disasters
crisis workers
oversees programs, assess whether goals/objectives are being met
worker goes to the community and offers education/other services
active listening skills
- minimal encouragers
- verbal following
- paraphrasing
- reflection of feelings and 10%
- open ended questions
- providing feedback
effective communication skills
- create sense of trust/rapport
- have empathic understanding
- allow client to explore/clarify probs
- ensure safe zone
this type of degree is theoretical, research based, focused on education
this type of degree is hands on, applied, clinical
head nods, verbal followings are an example of
minimal encouragers
evidence based practice
empirical research
characteristics of HUSR workers
- congruence/genuineness, being yourself
- unconditional positive regard
- empathy
reflection of feeling has
example of open ended questions
how, what?
these questions stop the conversation, yes/no answers
close ended quetions
freuds’ theory
Id, ego, superego
cognitive behavioral therapy, make up a hierarchy of fears, good for phobias
systematic desensitization
psychosexual stages of development
- oral
- anal
- phallic
- latent
- genital
Mahler is
Mahler’s stages of development
- infantile autism
- symbiosis/ connection
- separation/individuation
these help us cope with anxiety to prevent ego from being overwhelmed
ego defense mechanisms
Yalom did what kind of therapy?
this is conflict between the id, ego and superego,this is what we do to ward off impending danger, state of tension that motivates us to do something about it
keeps painful thoughts/feelings away from consciousness
ego feels anxiety from perception of strong external/internal danger, it can’t escape, doesn’t deal with things directly, tell yourself it’s not helping
direct feeling away from its actual target to a safer target
ex: feeling angry at your boss, but you yell at your family
attributing your own undesirable impulses/feelings and desires to another
ex: I hate her really means, I think she hates me
William Glasser did what type of therapy?
reality therapy is based on these 5 things
- love
-power - freedom
-fun - physiological
these can be fulfilled in positive/negative ways
BF Skinner did what type of therapy?
positive/negative reinforcement, response cost, shaping, token economy
operant conditioning
Beck/Ellis did what type of therapy?
thoughts lead to emotions, modify thoughts through persuasion and irrational thinking, personalization, magnification
CBT is best used for
Jay HAyley/Bateman did what type of therapy?
in defense against threatening impulse you say the opposite of what you’re feeling, fake persona
reaction formation
revert back to behavior of an earlier stage of life, childhood coping mechanisms
use good “reasons” to explain a loss, explaining away failure, not necessarily a bad thing
taking in/swallowing values of others
ex:stokholm syndorme
existential therapy talks about
- death
- anxiety
- freedom
- meaninglessness
- meaning of life
- isolation
- responsiblity
carl rogers did what type of therapy?
humanistic/person centered
humanistic approach included
- self awareness
- human growth/potential
critical incident debriefing
crisis intervention
crisis intervention is a ___term model
ABC model of crisis intervention
A- basic, attend skills used to develop/maintain rapport
B- ID probs, cog/emotions, impairments of fxn, offer new ways of thinking
C- coping, support groups
steps in suicide prevention
- take suicide assessment
- determine if they’re low-high risk
interventions of suicide
- outpatient/inpatient treatment
- 1/2 way house
- meds
- partial hospitalization,
- self help/support groups
symptoms of PTSD
- fear
- anger
- helplessness
- detachment
- sleep probs
- physiological re-activity to cues
causes of PTSD
- sudden death of loved one
- victimization
- battle
- natural disasters
EMDR stands for
eye movement desensitization reprocessing
therapy approaches to PTSD
- critical incident debriefing
- meds
- group therapy
phases of community disasters
- primary
- secondary
- tertiary interventions