HUSR 410 Midterm Flashcards
a state of emotional and psychological imbalance
According to Kanel’s formula for increasing fxn, which comes first?
changing the perception of the precipitating event
in Chinese, crisis means
both danger and opportunity
during a crisis state, a person is generally
the ego has been hypothesized to be the part of the mind that
masters reality in order to fxn
if a person in crisis doesn’t seek intervention, he will often
return to a lower level of fxn, attempt suicide, become a crisis prone person
the curvilinear model of anxiety suggests that the highest level of performance and optimal motivation occurs when someone experiences
moderate anxiety
the coconut grove fire occurred at
a nightclub in Boston, 1942
Who was associated with the Wellesley project?
Lindemann, Caplan
Which is not one of Caplan’s 7 characterisitics of effective coping people?
working through problems as fast as you can all at once
What led to the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill in the 1950’s?
the widespread use of psychiatric medications
What was the goal of the community mental health centers act of 1963?
to create 1 community of mental health center per 100,000 people
current health maintenance orgs view crisis intervention as
cost effective
which theoretical modality has been a contributing force to crisis intervention?
pscyhoanalytic, cognitive, humanisitic
nonmalificence refers to the ethical idea of
doing no harm to clients
guide to behaviors that are deemed good for society and each individual
the use of paraprofessionals to provide crisis intervention is controversial for many mental health professionals
ethical issues usually deal with
boundary violations, improper/incompetent practice, breach of confidentiality
countertransference problems can often be addressed when a counselor seeks their own self-awareness through personal therapy
example of dual relationship
sex with a client
clients may waive the right to privilege if they wish the counselor to share certain info in court
privileged communication
which isn’t mandatory for a crisis worker to report to authorities?
marital affair
evidence based practice helps clients receive the most competent service possible
preparation and practices that integrate multicultural and culture specific awareness, knowledge and skills
multicultural counseling
cultural sensitivity isn’t really an ethical mandate
during which stage of development cultural sensitivity might a therapist be hypervigilant and confused in determining cultural significance of clients’ actions?
burden of considering culture
which refers to behaviors and traditions of all or most humans regardless of race, ethnicity or culture?
which ethnic group might be most likely to deal with family enmeshment?
a typical crisis issue for a gay individual might be
disclosing their sexual orientation to others
Kanel’s ABC model of crisis intervention is based lossely on
Jone’s ABC method of crisis management
the “A” section of the ABC model focuses on
developing/maintaining rapport
which technique is considered a basic attending skill?
verbal following, open-ended questions, paraphrasing
which type of question would be most effective in gathering factual info?
which type of question allows clients an opportunity to explore their thoughts and feelings without feeling interrogated?
the best time to use clarifying is
when the counselor isn’t quite sure of what the client just said
when a client is crying, the best technique would be
reflection of feelings
which statement most expresses and emotion?
I feel mad
which is the most true about the “B” section of the ABC model?
it focuses on the client’s presenting crisis
which is considered an ethical check?
suicide, homicide, organic issues
in the coping stage, a crisis worker might offer which as a coping strategy?
12 step programs, stress management, bibliotherapy
the meaning a client has for the precipitating event is also referred to as a
which type of statement lets clients know that their feelings are normal and understandable?
which type of statement provides factual info and current stats about a problem?
when beginning the coping section, the 1st thing a counselor should do is
help the client’s explore their own attempts at coping
which would be grounds for involuntary hospitalization?
suicide, gravely disabled, danger to others
who is best known as a founding father of modern suicidology?
Norman Farberow
crisis workers should only conduct a suicide assessment when
a client seeks counseling for any presenting problem
which is not a typical symptom or clue that someone is suicidal
feeling hopeful/powerful
an effective intervention for a middle risk suicidal client would be
written no-suicide contract
a high risk suicidal client typically has
a suicidal plan, the means for killing themselves, and strong suicidal ideation
non-suicidal self-injury is often referred to as
self mutilative behavior
which program was created to help teens suffering from NSSI?
which is a risk factor for violence against others?
during a psychotic decompensation, a person usually experiences
when someone can’t provide themselves with food, water, cleanliness and other basic needs,they are often referred to as
gravely disabled
the MSE is
a formal assessment tool
which section of the MSE would focus on whether a person was hearing voices?
the purpose of assessing for signs of suicide is
to determine the risk level
which statement is true about suicide assessment?
there is validity and reliability in several scales
during a developmental crisis, the roles of all the family members
change as one person’s role changes
the task during the infancy stage is
helping the infant develop trust that his needs will be met
in which stage is the child searching for an identity and differentiation from parents?
homeostasis in a family refers to
structural family therapy would say that the fxn of a family is
to provide support/nurturance and create children who can fxn in society
which type of boundary occurs when the pattern btwn members is emotional distance?
which isn’t a subsystem within a family?
teens may engage in self-destructive behaviors in order to meet which needs?
autonomy and nurturance
which is an example of cyberbullying?
taking unflattering pictures, hurtful messages, spreading rumors
which would be a promising intervention in a bullying prevention program?
developing consistent rules against bullying
which is most true about teen pregnancy?
California has the highest rate in US
which is the least likely reason for a teen to runaway from home?
street life is extremely glamorous and exciting
what would be a goal for family therapy in dealing with a runaway teen?
deparentifying the child
what % of persons with eating disorders are female?
in which eating disorder is the person most likely to refuse to maintain adequate nutrition?
goal of crisis intervention
increase client’s fxning
father of modern crisis intervention
a stressor that triggers a crisis is often referred to as a precipitating event
some anxiety helps motivate people to work through a crisis
nonprofessionals were used to provide crisis intervention at the Wellesley project
cognitive behavioral models have contributed much to the practice of crisis intervention
basic attending skills help develop/maintain rapport
ABC model tends to have more structure than long term therapy
crisis workers try to identify
precipitating event, perceptions/impairments in fxning
a high risk suicidal client usually must be hospitalized for a brief time
it is common for depressed individuals to think about death
a no suicide contract is a good idea for a
middle risk client
psychosocial task for a toddler is to develop a sense of autonomy
the midlife crisis also includes the empty nest syndrome
cyberbullying is often done on social websites or through texting
developmental crisis are often expeted
the elderly struggle with the need for integrity vs. despair
families often go into crisis states because of structural failings