HUSR 425T- IPV midterm Flashcards
5 stages of Battered Women’s Movement
1) Women Break the Silence
2) Women’s need for safety were recognized
3) Women demanded accountability from system
4) Women’s experiences are accepted as legitimate &movement is mainstreamed
5) women reconsider approaches/ return to issue of organizing
year women broke silence
year women’s need for safety was recognized
mid 70s-80s
year women demanded accountability from system
mid 80s-present
year women’s experiences were accepted as legitimate & movement was mainstreamed
late 80s-90s
year women reconsider approaches issue of organizing
most dangerous/lethal time for a woman to leave an abusive relationship
first 72 hrs, can lead to homicide
DV is learned
times on average a woman will leave an abusive relationship
advocacy offers
peer counseling offers
supportive environment
TIPM (E) stands for
Thoughts Intentions Plan Means Exception- is there anything stopping you?
who are the most impacted by the abuse?
the youngest child
percentage of girls who haven’t talked about healthy relationships
% of boys who haven’t talked about healthy relationships
range of behaviors used to establish power and exert control, pattern of assaultive/coercive behaviors that adults/adolescents use against their current/former intimate partners
causes of IPV
- influenced by institutional/societal responses
- gender roles/identies
- reactions of families, friends, loved ones of survivors
behavior by an intimate partner or ex-partner that causes physical, sexual, psychological harm, including physical aggression, sexual coercion, psychological abuse and controlling behaviors
IPV defined
types of abuse
- physical
- sexual
- emotional
- psychological
- financial
- spiritual
- legal
- cyber
globally, 1 out of __ women experience DV
reasons they don’t leave
- fear
- guilt
- culture
- social norms
- lack of options
- love
- kids
- financial dependence
- denial
- shame
speaking on someone’s behalf
active listening includes
- empathy
- non-judgment
- non-verbal cues from survivor
- aware of your own body language
support system
this lists the outlines of what the survivor will do to maintain safety for themselves and their children
safety plan
75% of men commit family violence
% of women who are victims
% of men who are victims
1 out of 4 women in the US experience violence
who is at greatest risk?
- the infants
- women 20-24
cycle of violence
- abuse
- reconciliation
- calm
- tension building
power and control wheel includes
- emotional abuse
- isolation
- minimizing/denying/blaming
- using kids
- economic abuse
- male privilege
- coercion/threats
- intimidation
red flags for abusive relationship
- abuse of drugs/alcohol
- abuse of family members
- isolation/controlling
- extreme mood swings
- demeaning
- force you to have sex
equality wheel includes
- respect
- trust/support
- honesty
- responsible parenting
- shared responsibility
- economic partnership
- negotiation/fairness
- non-threatening behavhior
emotionally stressful event/traumatic change to a person’s life
sample feelings of another, put yourself in someone’s shoes
way of listening that focuses on what the other person is saying an confirms understanding about message and feelings
active listening
person who can provide skills of listening and understanding, provide encouragement
peer counselor
over 3 million children witness violence in their home every year
Nurturing Wheel of children includes
- physical security
- discipline
- give time
- encourage/support
- give affection
- care for yourself
- trust/respect
- promote emotional securty
deep, enduring connection established btween and child and caregiver in the first several years of life & influences every component of the child’s life
characteristics of an abuser
- self-esteem issues
- blame others for their actions
- jealousy
- violent behavior is always justified
- need for control
- lacks guilt, remorse
- manipulative
- socially charming
nearly 1 in 3 teens feel controlled by their partner and have experienced threats and violence
nationwide, 1 in 10 high school students have been physically abused
majority of parents can’t correctly identify all warning signs of abuse
teens in abusive relationships, fewer than 32% say they can confide in their parents
warning signs of an abusive person
- overly sensitive when not getting one’s way
- has been cruel to animals
- calls partner names
- believes in rigid gender roles
- extremely moody
- hit someone in the past
assets for teens
- support
- empowerment
- boundaries/exceptions
- positive values/identity
- constructive use of time
- commitment to learning
- social competencies
can’t hit you with anything bigger than his thumb
rule of thumb