CaseManagement Test1 Flashcards
Protecting private info
Acting upon one’s prejudice
Belief that ones ethnicity is superior
Focus on the immediate surroundings for the client
Capacity/comprehension when making a decision
Informed consent
Measuring the effectiveness of the services
Negative attitude/belief about another group
Info gathering
Team members from multiple professions
Adjusting ones behavior w/o giving up your own culture
Distinguished by cultural similarities
Speaking on the client’s behalf
Adapt to new culture and abandoning your own
Historical definition, group of ppl who are biologically different
Resources, supports, contacts
Person in environmental model
To give authority, to invest in legal power
Focus on larger society’s characteristics
Shared beliefs, customs, values etc.
Focus on client’s personality, traits and attributes
Number of cases
Helps ppl speak for themselves
Purpose of case management
To improve the quality of life for the client
Goal of Case Management
To teach those who need assistance to manage their own lives and to support them when expertise is needed/ when crisis occurs
CMs must build from the client’s ________ as well as identify challenges/barriers
Strengths, interests and support systems
Principles of CM
- integration of services
- continuity of care
- = access to services
- quality of care
- advocacy
- working with the whole person
- client empowerment
- evaluation/monitoring
Process of CM
- assessment
- planning
- linking
- implementation
- evaluation/ monitoring
This includes all activities in moving an individual through the service delivery system from intake to closure
Case management
Knowledge, skills used to manage an entire caseload
Caseload management
Linking clients to services/monitoring progress
Service coordination
Meeting with supervisors, staff, experts, community partners to review progress toward goals and implementation of services
Case conferences
Case documentation
Presenting problem, reason for the visit
Initial contact
Client’s current situation? What’s client’s social history? What’s the client’s wants/goals?
Info gathering
Communication skills, active listening
Interviewing techniques
Note taking
4 things that take place in assessment
- initial contact
- info gathering
- interviewing techniques
- documentation
What does it mean to be a strength based approach?
Looking at the positives/strengths of the client. Take what they can d well and build upon that!
- When an applicant becomes a client
- developing a service plan, goal setting
Important part of CM to refer services and knowing what services are out there that are appropriate for the client’s needs
Arranging service delivery, coordination, advocacy
5 A’s to referral
- appropriate
- accessible
- affordable
- available
- adequate
Coordination of services, follow ups, dynamic process
Evaluation/ monitoring
- responsibility to tracking services
- tracking client’s progress towards their goals
- measuring effectiveness of services
- measuring client outcomes
- client satisfaction
- termination-> complete/ end
Healthy interdependence
- self-directed
- empowerment
- non-linear
- individualized and person-centered
- holistic
- strength based
- support
- responsibility
- respect
Importance of documentation
If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen
CM models
- generalist
- interdisciplinary
- therapist as CM
- comprehensive service center
- family
This model has a comprehensive view is the person in the environment, need to look deeper
Ecological model
3 levels of ecological model
- micro
- Meso
- macro
What’s in the micro level?
Psych/ biological factors
- personality
- affect
- personal characteristics
- cognitions/ perceptions
- early experiences
- motivations
- genetics
- physical health
- nutrition
- illness
- neurological
- degenerative process
What’s in the Meso level?
- family
- work
- social groups
- culture
- values
- religion
- social class
- conflict
What’s in the macro level?
- larger society’s culture
- larger community
- larger org
- govnt
- economy
- prejudice/discrimination
- political system
- social stratification
Ecological model is concerned with transitions such as
- going to college
- first date
- getting married
- leaving home for the first time
- death of child/ spouse
When 1 person carries out all fxns, easier to coordinate, traditional
Generalist model
When different professionals deal with the same family,shared responsibility
Interdisciplinary model
CM fxns are an extension of therapeutic intervention, primary focus is therapy, second is the CM
Therapist as CM
Institutional, group homes, rehab, residential
Comprehensive service center model
Caregivers fxn as CM, family needs training, parental- professional partnership is necessary
Family model
Treat everyone with respect and equality
Exceptions to confidentiality
- child/elder abuse
- harm to self/ others
- court orders
Professional, ethics, guidelines governing disclosure of info shared during the course is client/worker relationship
Release of info form, when and how is it used?
How: client’s sign this form in order for the worker to obtain any info about the client from another person/ agency
Client has the right to be informed about the treatment/services they’ll be receiving from you, worker won’t share info with client’s family/friends w/o client’s consent
Informed consent.
Barriers to informed consent
- fees
- literacy
- language
- age
- disabilities
DV has 5 aspects
- psych
- emotional
- physical
- sexual
- financial
Power of control wheel is made up of
Physical and sexual
- using intimidation
- emotional abuse
- isolation
- minimizing, denying, blaming
- using children
- using male privilege
- economic abuse
- threats
Power/ control wheel
Children as victims are physically abused 50% of the time
Children as victims suffer from
PTSD, overwhelming anxiety, stress
After every cycle of violence, it escalates with every cycle
Window of opportunity is btwn
Battering and honeymoon stage
Way of life of a group of people, learned, not innate,transmitted from generations with attitudes, beliefs, values and behavior
Assimilation creates stress
Assimilation is the old definition with the example of melting pot
Acculturation gives the example of a mosaic or salad
When ppl adjust their behavior to fit the rules/ expectations of the dominant culture w/o giving up their own ways entirely
Why do CMs need to understand the differences of assimilation and acculturation when working with families?
It’s in order to unseat their culture, what spectrum they fall under, their generational aspect of mainstream vs. their culture and the stress it puts on someone.
This is an ongoing process to become culturally sensitive and open mindedness
Cultural competence
Culturally competent CM makes the client feel
- supported
- understood
- validated
Barriers with culturally competent society
- discomfort w/ differences
- blindness to privilege
- prejudice/ stereotypes
- discrimination
- oppression
- ethnocentrism
How do we break down culture barriers?
- communication
- respect
- open mindedness
- pursuit of knowledge/ experiences