Summary of experience questions- core comps Flashcards
Talk us through how you carry out a risk assessment on your site H&S inspections
Yes I would review site for any hazards
If identified, I would consider what the possible risk is off that hazard- eg fall from heights
I would consider the likelihood of that risk occurring- is the site very rural or in a built-up area
I would then be able to determine how much or a risk it is an make an instruction based on that. If it is very high risk, I would instruct that it is addressed within 24hr or if not perhaps anywhere between 2days- 2 weeks.
Talk us through the hazards you identified at Crosbie WTW and how you dealt with these?
Site fence had a gap- high-risk of someone getting in. Caravan Park near, possibly of wandering teenagers.
Crosbie’s roof has been removed as a H&S measure already, but it was clear that the brickwork at the top of the building was not sound as some has already fallen off. (high-risk) while rural we do have a fishing club at the reservoir just up from the site and its not unthinkable that you could potentially get some curious person having a snoop around the site
There was also a number of chambers without padlocks on them.
- What sort of things did you consider when reviewing Assynt for disposal?
How would you identify Japanesse Knot weed or other invasive species ? what are they? and what would you do if you thought it was present on site?
Japanese knot weed- green/purple hallow stem and green leaf’s
giant hogweed- green stem, white flowers.
Himalayan Balsam-green stem, purple/pink flowers
take photos, google images, get checked by expert and then prevent further growth and arrange safe and appropriate removal.
What are the 5 types of property inspections and can you give us an example of carrying out one?
its actually 4 but I have referred to 5 in example
- .aquistion
- .occupation- think h&S
- .disposal
- .developement
what guidance do you consider when carrying out an inspection
RICS surveying safely 2019
RICS guidance note on technical due diligence 2020
SW 10 life saving rules
H&S at work act 1974
What does the code of measurement practice say about accuracy?
They must be accurate. They must not mislead.
An accuracy allowance of 10% +/- may be acceptable
It is worth always considering:
• What am I measuring?
• Why am I measuring?
• What are the conditions of day of measurement?
• What are the ramifications if the measurement is not accurate?
• Am I using the appropriate measurement tool
What sort of information should be included in a measurement?
- Purpose
- Basis/standard used
- Method of measurement- the tool used
- Unit of measurement
- Measurement tolerance
- Date of measurement
- Inclusion of calculation (not sure if this is essential?)
How do you ensure accuracy of measurement?
• Ensure that I have selected the correct basis of measurement for the purpose of the measurement
• Ensure that my measurement tool is working correctly. Test it with a measuring tape.
• Ensure I accurately record all measurements on the day
• Carry out full calculation in a calm environment and review guidance on inclusions and exclusions
• Get a senior colleague to check if you are unsure/not confident with final number
Carry out full calculation when in a good environment and always double check guidnace on inclusions and exclusion
What is RICS guidance on the types of measurement surrounding the old basis and new IPMS?
Must follow RICS property measurement 2nd ed which incorporate imps for Residential and Office and must be reported for these types of buildings. Candidates can dual report if requested by a client or make a departure if can be justified. IPMS retail and industrial has been published but not adopted yet.
How did you go about measuring Castle House? What were the key inclusions and exclusions?
Castle house was being measured for two purposes:
Castle house was measured in line with IMPS 3, which is the floor area available on an exclusive business excluding standard facilities and shared circulation area. The floor area was measured to the internal dominant face.
The inclusions were: Internal walls, columns
Exclusions: stairs, lifts, cleaning cupboard and plant room
Included by stated separate: nothing but this would be balcony, covered gallery and roof terrace
Why was IMPS used and not NIA?
IMPS for office has now been adopted as the new property measurement standard, you may dual report if requested or depart from the guidance if there is proper justification in line with the guidance
How did you go about measuring the NIA and GEA of Whittingehame WTW? What were the key inclusions and exclusions?
NIA- measures usable area which is any area that can sensibly be used in connection with building purpose. I measured to the internal face. I excluded the columns and toilet. I included the stairs and corridor because there were both located in usable spaces.
GEA- The area of the building measured externally on each floor. I did so by measuring the building from the roof as it was built into the embankment. The full footprint could be measured from above. I excluded the external stairs leading to the roof.
What measurement basis would you use for an industrial building?
It would depend on what the purposed of the measurement was for- for estate agency or valuation it would be GIA or NIA but rating it would be GEA
What is the key difference between NIA and IMPS
The measurement for IMPS will be larger
The measurement for IMPS is taking to what is called the internal dominant face this could be window glazing if that makes up more than 50% of the floor to ceiling area. NIA measurement is taking to the internal wall which is the brick or blockwork.
All columns are included
There are no exclusions for height restricted areas of less than 1.5m
What are the new IMPS basis for the old basis?
They are not direct replacements but generally speaking
IMPS1- GEA -planning apps, costing work
IMPS2-GIA- property man, efficiency of use, benchmarking
IMPS3-NIA- estate agency and valuation
Can you talk us through the measurements for the WWTW rating valuations? What were the inclusions and exclusions?
GEA is used for WWTW
But you would also need height of the individual components to establish volumes to calculate the replacement cost.
WWTW are value on a DRC basis because there are no comparables
Exclusions: apparatus that was obsolete were excluded, only apparatus from first screen is included because sewages are not rated, and Pumping stations are considered part of sewars.
What are the 5 valuation methods
comparison, investment, DRC, profit, and residual
What was the key info acquired for the DCF at alt Mur Hydro?
Accounts since start of operations, proof of FIT (till 2035), planning permission info, copy of the lease (2015-2065) and records of power generated
Why was a DCF used
The owner of Alt Mur hydro required a valuation for lending. A discounted cash flow is a form of investment valuation. We used this because we had a cash flow over a finite period.
How did you approach the DCF?
We projected the cash flow over the remainder of the leaser period using the assumptions we could derive from the information gathered:
• Average capacity x capacity factor x hours per year= annual outfit
• then annual output x income for Kwhr= income from electricity)
• Projected income from FIT
• Added FIT and annual income from electricity to arrive at total income
• Projected maintenance and operating costs and Projected upgrading costs to work out totally expenditure
• Deducted expenditure from projected income to get EBITDA
• Discounted the EBITDA at a discount rate of 6.5% to arrive at NPV
How did you identify the discount rate for the DCF?
From comparable evidence of other renewable energy schemes
How would you identify the discount rate if you didnt have comps from galbraiths
How did you identify the GDV for the residual valuation for Langloan
This was identified from comparable evidence. The land immediately surrounding SW site has also been recently developed so this provided strong comparables for house prices. I worked out what size of house our site could accommodate and how many based on the comparable plot sizes and then the likely prices of those.
How did you identify if there was a marriage value or not?
Yes I did and there was a marriage value identified of 100k. SW title area required more remedial work as bulk of tank is situated on our land and our site area along could only house 1 large home as It was quite large enough for 2 whereas the whole site could house 3 homes.
What were the deductions for the residual valuation for Lang loan
GDV less selling fees Less construction and fees- site prep,planning,building cost, professional fees, contingency, developer profit, finance on construction (s line) Gross RV less finance on site purchase Less acquisition costs for legal =residual value
What were the deductions for the residual valuation?
• Remedial work to level the site • Planning app and S75 • Construction costs of £1500 per m2 • Professional costs – architects planners etc • Profit • Contingency • Finance on construction To get Gross RV • Less finance on site acquisition • Less squassation costs To get Net RV
What was the excambion deal made at Luss and how were the different elements assessed?
What was the excambion deal made at Luss and how were the different elements assessed?
In exchange for SW receiving the ownership to land we currently occupied with a WTW Luss estate would receive 2 different properties and 1 share of an access and 1 right of access.
All 5 elements were valued on a comparable basis
- Helensburgh WTW- land to be transferred to SW
- Helensburgh DIR- to be transferred to Luss
- Luss DSR- to be transferred to Luss
- Luss WWTW- 50% share to be transferred to Luss
- Tarbert- a right of access to be granted in favour of Luss
what does the RICS red book cover ?
contains mandatory rules, best practice guidance and related commentary for all members undertaking asset valuations.
What is the minimum requirement of a valuation report?
- ToE
- Inspection, investiagtion records
- valuation report
- basis of valuation, assumptions, special assumptions
- valuation approach and method
- date of report
How would you account for land contamination in a valuation?
if you are aware of contamination you must take this into account as part of valuation
- ensure any appropriate environmental or soil report has been carried out by specialist to understand extent of contamination and remedial work required to make land safe
- carry out valuation by deduct cost of remedial work needed from value
- cavat report to state your relying on information from environmental/specialist report
Who is responsible for contamination
The polluter
what is a special assumption
It is an assumption you would make within a valuation. Something that is not true but could be. For example a client may be thinking of upgrading the spec of their office from grade B to A so they may ask you to value it assuming its grade A space to understand the value
How would you value a leasehold property held on a ground lease of 100 years?
Value the leasehold and ground lease interests separately.
What is an equivalent yield?
It is somewhere between an initial yield and reversionary yield. It encapsulates the DCF of a property with rents rising and falling
How would you identify the yield for a valuation?
Consider the type of valuation your undertaking
Then consider comparable evidence
Income/cost x100=yield
What is an onerous lease clause that might affect value
Use- if the use is really restrictive this might be rather onerous
Alienation- if no assignation or subletting allowed
rent review provision- yearly rent reviews in a market where 5 yr reviews are the norm
What is the key differences between GIA/NIA and IPMS and 3
IPMS is:
measured to internal dominant face
includes columns
included height restricted areas of 1.5m and less
Inclusions and exclusions for IPMS 2 & 3 are the same
included but stated separate
covered galleries
roof terrace
exclusions: space above atrium external parking equipment yard patio
What are the New Rules of Measurement
Only relevant for cost management and construction
What are the different types of yields
Initial Yield- income/capital cost x100
Net yield- the yield accounting for purchasers costs
Gross yield- yield not accounting for purchasers costs (think auction)
ARY- used for a fully let property at market rent. Needs to consider all risks associated with that lease eg. location, covenant strength, use, lease terms
Revisionary yield- over rented properties so current rent/value x 100
Equivalent yield- the average weight yield when valuating a revisionary property using a revisionary yield and an initial yield
True yield- assumes rent is paid in advance
Nominal yield-assumes rent is paid in arrears