Subs 1/5/2016 Flashcards
is growth plate on metacarpals and phalanges proximal or distal
metacarpal - distal
phalanges - proximal
carpal bones
so long to pinkie here comes the thumb
scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform
hamate captate trapezoid trapezium
peds uro probs of urethra
posterior urethral valves
peds uro probs of bladder
peds uro probs of ureters
ureteropelvic junction obstruction
ureterovesicular junction obstruciton
ectopic ureter
vesicoureteral reflux
peds uro probs of kidney
malignancy (e.g. wilm’s)
glomerular hematuria
microscopic hematuria
manage in peds
rbc’s on UA but not grossly visualize
usually self-limiting in kids so watch and wait… if persists probably congenital defect… surgery?
if blunt trauma - CT scan
macroscopic hematuria
manage in peds
grossly visualized
dysmorphic rbc’s or rbc casts - glomerular - u/a kidney bx
normal rbc’s no casts - non-glomerular - us, cystoscopy, ct/mri depending on pretest probability…
modes of kidney imaging for peds and use
US - hydronephrosis (obstruction, refux in peds) VCUG voiding cystourethrogram - reflux (eg diff reflux from obstruction in cause of hydronephrosis on us... essentially injecting dye from urethra to bladder then have kid pee... if contrast in ureters... reflux), also diverticula, big abnorms CT - w iv con for trauma (assess leaks), w/o iv con for stones (want to see radioopaque stones) cystoscopy - intraluminal lesions intravenous pyelogram (never used... basically just a little less definition than CT w contrast) renal bx eg to diff type of glomerular dz after u microsc showed dysmorphic rbc's or rbc casts
posterior urethral valves path pres dx tx
excess tissue blocks urine leaving bladder thru urethra
neonate no urine output, distended bladder
wwo oligohydramnios (low amnionic fl) hydronephrosis if prenatal care)
cr high or normal as mom can clear
us hydro, vcug ro reflux, cath massive output
cath temp, surg perm
hypo / epispadiad path pres dx tx
hypourethral opening ventral
epi urethral opening dorsal peeing in face
neonate by exam or child out of diapers
clinical dx
use foreskin to surg reconstruct urethral opening by out of diapers, SO DONT CIRCUMSIZE
uteropelvic junction obstruction / uterovesicular jo path pres dx tx
urinary pelvis outlet vs ureter bladder junction congenitally narrow, presents as infant or suffices when urinary flow normal
till teen binges alcohol (or challenges buddy to gatorade contest), inc u ouput, colicky andominal pain, spontaneously resolved
us hydro (kidney only for upjo, ureter and kidney for uvjo), vcug ro reflux (more important in uvjo), remal scintigraphy (radionucleotide scan)
surgery, maybe stent
ectopic ureter path pres dx tx
one normal ureter, one implants low
5 yo girl (out of diapers time) w normal u function.. bladder fills, urge to pee (one normal ureter) but constant leak never dry (ectopic ureter below urethral sphincter, maybe in vagina, no control, similar to fistula)
boys asymptomatic as implant above urethral sphincter
us no hydro, vcug no reflux, radionucleotide scan (positron emitting nucleotide tagged to metabolically active pharmaceutical of choice) to id affected kidney and quantitatively compare function to other side…
surg reimplant ureter
vesiculoureteral reflux path pres dx tx
retrograde flow bladder to ureters us hydro if approp prenatal care, recurrent uti's or pyelo wo prenatal care us hydro, vcug reflux abx if minor and may outgrow surg if otherwise
microscopic hematuria in setting of flank trauma
imaging to get
ct w iv con
to eval for kidney inj
intravenous pyelogram
like an angiogram of the gu system
substance injected iv that moves thru kidney and gu system
look for blockage, duplication, anatomic variants
not really used mich anymore as ct w iv con usually better
most common use for vcug voiding cystourethrogram
kids w uti’s
evals for vesico ureteral reflux
us useful for asdessing solid organs for injury
polydipsia polyphagia polyuria weight loss think...
diabetes milletus
what are you looking for on renal bx in peds
iga nephropathy (post febrile illness) post strep glomerulonephritis minimal change dz
kid with urti and 2+ proteinuria… next step in mgmt…
repeat u/a 1 wk
if still proteinuria… 24hr u protein
nasal renal think wegener’s
urti kidney dz think rheumatic fever
but mild sx start conservatively…
(med ed q)
painless hematuria suggests…
malignancy or anatomical defect
painless hematuria
palpable flank mass
wilm’s tumor
renal cell carcinoma
painless hematuria
flank mass
wilm’s tumor (nephroblastoma)
most common primary malignancy of childhood
age 2-5 usually
can think neuroblastoma if 1yo and ab mass crosses midline
wilm's tumor aka pres dx prog
painless hematuria, flank mass, in child age 2-5 usually (most common primary malignancy in childhood)
htn and fever possible too, making difficult to diff from inflammatory
u/a hematuria
ct to assess for distant mets
good prognosis if caught early
painless hematuria flank pain flank mass adult think...
renal cell carcinoma
renal cancer of adulthood
classically elderly smoker
colicky ab pain w hematuria think…
presentation of pyelonephritis
urgency frequency dysuria cva tenderness bacteria and wbc casts on ua maybe blood too but wbc's predominate
presentation of psgn
post strep glomerulonephritis
surgical correction of hypo / epispadias is a surgical emergency
no real need until out of diapers, so can wait to perform till newborn is more stable to endure surgery, but should still be done sooner rather than later (eg well before toilet training)
just delay circumcision till after foreskin can be used for reconstruction
undescended testis
orchiopexy (surgically move testicle into scrotum and tack it down) by age 6-18mos
testicular cancer a risk despite orchiopexy, so teach pubertal and post-pubertal monthly self exams
(sexual function and puberty maintained by other testicle and with orchiopexy)
the risk of testicular cancer remains the same after orchiopexy for cryptorchidism
so teach pubertal and post-pubertal self exams
inguinal hernia
bag of worms
extends to inguinal ring