Gen surg 2/22/17 Flashcards
3 general types of pain
somatic (problem with tissue, eg skin, can pinpoint)
visceral (no pain receptors, hijack nerves associated w skin dermatome of embryological origin
neuropathic (problem with nerve… burning pins and needles tingling)
why kick in nuts hurts in abdlomen
testicles start in abdomen
visceral pain referred to dermatome of embryologic origin
colicky abdlominal pain think…
hurts w peristalsis
(cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis)
-writhing, no comfortable position
obstructive visceral pain
(hurts w peristalsis)
(cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis)
-writhing, no comfortable position
types of abdominal pain
and descriptions
obstructive - colicky (w peristalsis), writhing no comfortable position (chole nephro lithiasis)
inflammatory - constant, no comfortable position, fev leuk (cholecystitis pyelonephritis)
perforated - sick as shit, constant, motionless (peritoneal irritants settle and desensitize if motionless) free air on xr (pud cancer penetrating trauma)
ischemic - pain out of proportion to exam (tons of pain, little tenderness) bloody bms, sepsis (CAD Afib mesenteric ischemia)
RUQ pain anatomic structures
LUQ pain anatomic structures
RLQ pain anatomic structures
kidneys ureters
ovaries testes
colon (appendix)
LLQ pain anatomic structures
kidneys ureters
ovaries testes
colon (sigmoid diverticulitis)
cirrhotic ascitic patient gets peritonitis
sbp spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in ascetic patient for whatever reason - fluid sitting there with low flow great for bacteria
diagnostic paracentesis - cx (low yield) and WBC (250 polys makes dx)
ceftriaxone, or fluoroquinolone if low serum protein or prior sbp (a peritonitic pt who does NOT need surgery) .. unless evident that viscous has perforated (multiple organisms in paracentesis)
cirrhosis is contraindication to ex lap
high risk of death, do everything to avoid operating on cirrhotic pt (but must operate if perforated viscus)
ruq us for cirrhotic ascetic peritonitic
diagnostic paracentesis to cx (low yield) and wbc (^250 polys diagnostic)
clinical pancreatitis - nausea vomiting epigastric pain to back after alcohol binge not remitting
next step
(just dx before tx)
then ivf npo ngt
air under diaphragm
what does it mean
ruptured hollow viscus, peritonitis, acute abdomen
all mean EX LAP
treatment for severe bleeding gastric ulcer
intravenous omeprazole
permits ulcer healing
gastric ulcers can perforate
rebound, guarding, motionless, diaphoretic, pale, toxic appearing
next step
ex lap (acute abdomen gets ex lap)
endoscopy of ruptured peptic ulcer for…
DONT do it! insufflation will make worse
perfed ulcers bleed
perfed ulcers perf
bleeding ulcers bleed
bowel obstruction on ct
distended abdomen and multiple loops of bowel with air-fluid levels
Multiple air fluid levels and obstipation are indicative of
bowel obstruction
localized peritoneal signs are consistent with diverticulitis
eg llq pain when palpated on r,
rebound tenderness on ll1 when released on r
dx diverticulitis
CT w IV contrast
typical abx for diverticulitis
risk of perforating active diverticulitis on colonoscopy
don’t do it till 2-6 wks resolved
elevated lactic acid means
tissue is dying somewhere
measure of poor perfusion
best test and first test in emergency situation where lactate is elevated and aterial occlusion is most likely, how to dx
mesentery angiography
ct ab can see
free air
masses (poorly)
dilated bowel
w con can see
-arterial and venous thrombosis in addition
work up thyroid nodule
get tsh, RAIU vs US
- if TSH low, prob low risk hot nodule, double check w RAIU scan,
- –if hot hyperfunctioning nodule, resect
- –if cold nonfunctioning, us + FNA, if cancer surgery, if non cancer q6mo checks us, if equivocal FNA again or a few months down the line
if TSH high prob nonfuncitoning not good
if ^1cm it is large get FNA if cancer operate if not q6mo checks ish
if v1cm small can check up q6mos w us
what does gastrin do
tell parietal cells to make acid
gastrinoma path pres dx tx
pud not improved w ppi
(gastrin just telling parietal cells to make too much acid)
virulent ulcers, diarrhea (it’s a stimulant…)
- gastrin level (off ppi’s!) slightly elevated into triple digits
- secretin stim test (secretin should turn off parietal cells, does not work on gastrinoma) inc gastrin when secretin given
- if positive secretin stim test or way elevated gastrin 4 digits off the bat get secretin receptor scintography or CT scan (something to localize)
and cut out - because can cause transform into malignant gastric cancer
insulinoma path pt dx tx
tumor secreting insulin
hypoglycemia (diaphoresis
presynchope, tachycardia)
elevated insulin
c-peptide elevated
sulfonylurea screen
ct scan```
sx of hypoglycemia
glucagonoma path pres dx tx
- gulcagon
- glucagon level
- CT scan to localize
migratory necrolytic nontoxic dermatitis think
get glucagon level
get ct
primary hyperparathyroidism
^Ca vPhos ^PTH
bone pain
eventually osteofibrosis cystica
sestamibi scan identifies hyperfunctioning gland
- you go cut it out
- but f/u postop hypocalcemia (perioral tingling, treusseau’s sign (elb flex wrist prone flex w bp cuff), chvostic sign (failure of facial nerver reflex to dull over time)
- give IV calcemia till remaining parathyroid glands wake up (were atrophic and suppressed by hyperfunctioning gland)
secondary hyperparathyroidism is a product of
so not the one surgeons operate on, they remove primary hyperparathyroidism
how does PTH affect
Ca goes up
resorbs bone
absorbs from gut
resorbs from kidney
Phos goes down resorbs bone absorbs from gut EXCRETES from KIDNEY -kidney always wins
perioroal tingling and trousseau sign after parathyroidectomy
next step
give IV ca gluconate
(don’t wait to draw ionized calcium level, but get those routinely going forward till other parathyroid glands wake up and get homeostatic calcium)
how does hyperventilation cause hypocalcemia
respiratory acid H+ blown off frees up binding sites on albumin Ca++ binds ionized calcium drops can become symptomatic (perioral tingling, chvostek, trousseau sign)
treat follicular thyroid cancer
radioactive iodine
(acts just like parenchyma so will take up thyroid)
treat anaplastic thyroid cancer
rapidly fatal, occurs in elderly
external beam radiation
thyroid lobectomy for follicular thyroid cancer
thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine
(because difficult to differentiate follicular thyroid cancer from normal thyroid, need to get whole thing out)
how much t3 vs t4 does the thyroid make
and which is more metabolically active
17x more t4 than t3
t3 is 5x more metabolically active
thyrotoxicosis vs hyperthyroid
thyrotoxicosis is a general term for too much thyroid hormone
hyperthyroid is thyrotoxicosis specifically coming from the thyroid gland
general function of thyroid hormone
movement metabolism mentation
first test for hyperthyroid
best test
tsh, free t4 (low, high… unless rare central hyperthyroid from pituitary… then both high)
RAIU scan
graves - diffuse enlarged toxic
thyroiditis - cold not making t4 during hyperthyroid inflammatory spilling
multinodular goiter - multille hot nodules suppressing the rest
toxic adenoma - single hot nodule suppressing the rest
factitious - cold from exogenous t4
struma ovarii - cold from ovarian t4
how does RAIU scan work
uptakes radioactive iodine wherever thyroid hormone is made
graves disease path pres dx tx
-autoimmune tsh receptor stimulating antibodies
-hyperthyroid - tachyc maybe afib diarrhea heat intolerance inc DTRs weight loss
exopthalmos pretibial myxedema from antibody deposition
-tsh free t4 as with any hyperthyroid down up
raiu diffusely enlarged and hyperactive
thyroid stimulating antibody test
-unlike other hyperthyroid responds well to thionamides (ptu - blocks thyroxine-triiodothyronine conversion in periph, or methimazole - blocks oxygenation of iodine therby th synthesis in thyroid gland)
radioactive iodine and surgery
(but watch out if exophthalmos and pretibial myxedema because rai may make worse… then needs steroids and surgery nit rai and surgery)
thyroiditis path pres appearance on RAIU scan prognosis
-inflammation of thyroid gland
-spills t4 for transient hyperthyroidism
painful thyroiditis = dequervains subacute granulomatous or infectious thyroiditis
painless thyroiditis = usually hashimoto’s or otherwise autoimmune
-RAIU cold because not making new t4 during inlammatory period
-return of function vs shrivel up and die loss of function (hashimoto’s)
multinodular goiter vs toxic adenoma
multiple small toxic thyroid nodules
single large toxic nodule
easy to see on RAIU scan because active nodules suppress tsh amd activity of the rest of the gland
factitious disorder vs struma ovarii
taking exogenous t4 eg healthcare worker with access trying to lose weight
vs toxic thyroid nodule on ovary
so if female and suspect factitious, get raiu scan of pelvis to r/o struma ovarii
thyroid storm
afib/shock (not just hyperthy tachy)
hypotensive (too tachy)
fever ^104
storm cloud cold ivf and cold blankets to reduce temp and hopefully hypotension
lightning bolt beta block (propanolol), ptu methimazole thionamides, steroids to further reduce peripheral conversion of t4 to t3
treat hyperthyroid
can use thionamides ptu or methimazole to control, may lit graves in remission, but most will need removal instead of lifeling medical management
rai for multinodular goiter and toxic adenoma and struma ovarii
rai for graves too, but can do thyroidectomy eg if exophthalmos severe… but can pretreat with steroids to reduce exacerbation of exophthalmos w rai…
ride thyroiditis out i think w supportive care… stop exogenous t4 if factitious
ptu - blocks thyroxine-triiodothyronine conversion in periph
methimazole - blocks oxygenation of iodine therby th synthesis in thyroid gland
medical mgmt of graves can put in remission, but most graves will need thyroidecotmy and other hyperthyroidism will need rai ablation
hypothyroidism path pres dx tx
-iatrogenic (thyroidectomy for graves, rai for toxic nodules, struma ovarii) hashimotos (autoimmune thyroiditis transient hyperthyroid then shrivel and die) other causes -- don't really matter, dx ant tx the same -bradycardia constipation cold intolerant dec DTRs weight gain -tsh free t4 (high low... unless rare pituitary cause both low) anti-TPO antibody to dx hashimotos -levithyroxine... give what they don't got if subclinical (high tsh but no sx).. treat (give levothyroxine) if tsh ^10
myxedema coma path pres dx tx
-severe hypothyroidism
(aka the opposite of thyroid storm)
-coma, hypothermia, hypotension
-warm ivf, Normal blankets (warm blankets in hypothermia could cause peripheral vasodilation and hemodynamic collapse), get tsh free t4 (high low), give IV T4 and if necessary IV T3
2 keys to remember in rai tx for graves
- likely to develop hypothyroidism as whole gland is uptaking
- likely to worsen ophthalmolathy so can pretreat with steroids
how to distinguish thyroiditis from factitious (both are cold on RAIU)
- high in thyroiditis because spilling with th
- low in factitious because exogenous t4 circumvents thyroglobulin formation
beta blocker for thyroid storm only or for hyperthyroid too?
give for hyperthyroid too, while geting to controlling otu or methimazole or getting to definitive rai or thyroidectomy
sestamibi scan vs raiu scan
sestamibi… nuclear imaging thay identifies ECTOPIC PARATHYROID tissue in body… not thyroid…
normal range tsh
normal range T4 thyroxine
.5-6 tsh
4.6-12 t4
often the first temporizing treatment for hyperthyroidism as diagnosis is being worked up
beta blocker (propanolol)
eurhyroid sick syndrome path pres dx tx
just from being sick, not a thyroid disorder, slightly low but not critically low t4 and tsh eg in an icu patient who had these labd drawn to rule out myxedema coma or hypothyroidism otherwise (those would look like low t4 high tsh)
rT3 (high) … because the enzyme that breaks t4 into t3 into t2 and rt3 to t2 to clear them is inhibited in sickness espec in hypoxia or ischemia… thus rT3 can help distinguish euthyroid sick syndrome from central hypothyroidism (from pit)
no levothyroxine necessary – only if deemed hypothyroid or myxedema coma (then iv t4 or if necessary t3)