random 1/16/17 Flashcards
umbilical hernia vs omphalocele vs gastroschisis
covered by skin
covered by peritoneum
not covered
umbilical hernia path pres dx tx
incomplete closure of ab muscles around umbilical ring at birth
assoc w premie, af am, hypothyroid, ehlers danlo, beckwith wiedeman syndrome
soft nontender bulge covered by Skin protruding during crying coughing straining etc, may have small intestines omentum etc
easily reducible usually, little risk of incarceration or strangulation
clinical dx
spontaneous reduction by concentric fibrosis and scarring if small usually
if large (^1.5cm) or other medical issues may not reduce - surgery around age 5 if persisting or earlier if problematic
evisceration of bowel with no covering membrane, red, right of umbilical cord
surgical emergency
protrusion of abdominal contents at base of umbilicus, covered by peritoneum without skin
immediate surgical repair for survival
umbilical granuloma
usually after umbilical cord cut, soft moist pink pedunculated friable
silver nitrate
surgery usually required for umbilical hernia
usually reduces via concentric fibrosis wo incarceration or strangulation
-surg if not closed about age 5 (higher risk if large ^1.5cm or other medical issues) or earlier if problematic
-surg for omphalocele, gastroschisis
-silver nitrate for umbilical granuloma
how to know if aortic arch is widened on cxr
obscures left pulmonary artery/hilum
blunt aortic injury
mva or fall from height 10+ feet
not very specific htn tachyc anxiety
cxr mediastinal widening, maybe r trach dev, left mainstem bronchus depression
ct angio if cxr and hx equivocal
mediastinal widening w myocardial contusion
maybe see rib fractures
most common cxr finding after blunt chest injury
hemorrhagic lung opacities from pulmonary contusion
traumatic diaphragmatic rupture on cxr
herniation of abdominal contents into thorax
any patient w blunt deceleration trauma (mva, fall 10 plus feet) gets cxr
mus ro aortic injury
anterior bursae of knee
- suprapatellar bursa between quad tendon and distal femur, continuous w joint capsule
- prepatellar bursa subcutaneously
- deep infrapatellar bursa between patellar tendon amd proximal tibia
- subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa
define bursa
synovial sac to alleviate friction at bony prominences and ligamentous attachments
pain w rom w inflamed bursa
active rom often painful
passive rom often not, less pressure on bursa
prepatellar bursitis aka
housemaid’s knee
acute prepatellar bursitis
acute pain and tenderness anterieor knee in kneeling job
aspirate for cell count and gram stain (also crystals but less common) (acute prepatellar bursitis often infectious, staph aureus, from penetrating trauma, repeat friction, or extension of local cellulitis… other bursites usually not infectious…)
if cx positive drain and systemic abx
if cx neg activity mod, nsaids
patellar fx
direct blow or sudden force under load (fall from height)
pain swelling tenderness inability to extend knee
patellofemoral pain gender preference
more valgus, maltracking
extra axial well-circumscribed or round enhancing dural-based mass on brain mri think...
may also calcify and appear hyperdense on non-con ct
meningioma path pres dx tx
benign primary tumor of meningiothelial cells
middleage elderly woman
if large enough for mass eddect - headache, focal weakness numbness, seizure
extra axial
well-circumscribed or round, enhancing, dural-based, mass on brain mri (may also calcify and appear hyperdense on noncon head ct)
confirm intraoperatively (surg resection for symptomatic pts)
when to consider chemo for brain cancer
combo w resection amd radiation for highly malignant brain tumors (glioblastoma multiforme, medulloastoma…) or highly sensitive mets (eg testicular germ cell tumor..)
when to consider ct cap for brain cancer
when visceral primary suspected cause of brain mets (multiple ring-enhancing lesions at gray-white junction (intraaxial))
typical appearance of brain mets on… mri? ct?
multiple ring-enhancing lesions at gray-white junction (intraaxial)
multiple ring-enhancing lesions at gray-white junction (intraaxial)
metastasis to brain
indication for whole brain radiation
widely metastatic brain disease
ddx for anterior mediastinal mass
4 Ts thymoma thyroid neoplasm teratoma (and other germ cell tumors) terrible lymphoma
serum hormone levels in germ cell tumors
seminoma - 1/3 have ele b-hcg but usually normal afp
non-seminoma (yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma, mixed) - ele afp, some ele b-hcg
anterior mediastinal mass
w elevated afp amd b-hcg
non-seminoma germ cell tumor (yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma, mixed) - ele afp, some ele b-hcg
(seminoma - 1/3 have ele b-hcg but usually normal afp)
how long can surgery for femoral neck fracture be delayed to stabilize acute comorbid medical problems
longer risks further medical complication and less likely return to previous functional status
the 2 lobes of the parotid gland are separated by…
the facial nerve
hoarseness can result from surgery on…
thyroid or parathyroid glands
if recurrent laryngeal branches of vagus injured
tic doloroux
2nd and 3rd trigeminal branches (V2 V3)
external compression of trigeminal probably
tongue palsy can be caused by surgery…
in the submandibular region
if hypoglossal XII injured
jaw assymmetry can result from unilateral injury to
V3 which innervates muscles of mastication
exits foramen ovale and follows deep course to mastication muscles, so deep dissection needed to injure
strabismus results from what nerve injury
extraocular muscles
abducens trochlear occulomotor
winged scapula a complication of this surg…
axillary lymphadenectomy for breast cancer if long thoracic nerve injured
2 most important exam findings for compartment syndrome
pain w pasilsive stretch
(and swollen, tense, inc pressure)
are paresthesias an early or late compartment syndrome symptom?
from sensory nerve ischemia
tf dec sensation motor weakness paralysis dec distal pulses
are common findings in compartment syndrome
uncommon findings
pain out of proportion, pain w passive stretch, paresthesias, tense swelling
are earlier more common findings
causes of compartment syndrome
direct trauma
prolongued compression
reperfusion after ischemia
compartment syndrome responds well to narcotics
paresthesias count as neurologic deficit in context of compartment syndrome
paresthesias early from sensory nerve ischemia
but neurologic deficits (dec sensation, motor weakness) arise later
pallor is required to dx compartment syndrome
uncommon, not required
what does pallor signify in compartment syndrome and is it required for diagnosis
arterial occlusion
not required, uncommon, late finding
tf most compartment syndrome pts have dec distal pulses
most intact pulses
not required for dx
most critical prognostic factor for compartment syndrome amd what does it mean for disgnostic method
time to fasciotomy
so in high risk pt (eg limb revascularization) don’t wait to measure compartment pressures - go straight to fasciotomy
elevation and ice recommended for compartment syndrome
for inflammation
just keep cs at level of torso
differentiate compartment syndrome from dvt
cs more acute, severe, paresthesias, pallor rare but pallor if vascular component
dvt more insidious onset, no neuro sx, red and hot because vein occluded
diverticulitis on ct
inflammatory soft tissue stranding and colonic wall thickening