OME Surg Subs 6/2017 Flashcards
Strong suspicion of intussusception in kid based on history and physical, confirm dx by ultrasound or give enema?
Enema - diagnostic and therapeutic
Air or barium enema for peds intussusception?
Either works, but prefer air because safer…
Baby with meconium ileus, next step gastrografin enema or sweat chloride test?
Gastrografin enema - relieve obstruction
Then test for cystic fibrosis with sweat chloride test
Persistent gastric ulcers despite behavioral modification, therapy, confirmed h.pylori eradication
Next step
think Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma)
get serum gastrin to dx (elevated above 1000)
Next steps for asymptomatic hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia and normal Cr
PTH level – mechanism must be related to overactive pth and intact kidney
If pth high follow with Sestamibi scan to see which parathyroid glands acting up
When to get PTH-rp level
When clear hyperparathyroidism but PTH level low – PTH-rp performs pth function, paranroplastic syndrome of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
Diagnostic workup for pheochromocytoma
Urine catecholamines or metanephrines during an episode
24-hour urine VMA or metanephrines between episodes
Followed by MIBG or CT to find source
Adrenal vein sampling is usually reserved for…
Conn syndrome (adrenal hyperaldosteronism)
Why urine metabolites before ct in workup for pheo
so you don’t go chasing incidentalomas – want to dx then soecify location
Hypotension amd hyperkalemia think…
2 typical presentations of renal artery stenosis
Fibromuscular dysplasia in young woman
Atherosclerosis in old man
Is cushing’s primary or secondary hypercortisolism
Secondary hypercortisolism
Pituitary adenoma…
Work up cushing’s syndrome
Start with 24-hour urine cortisol measurement
Or overnight LOW-dose dexamethasone suppresion test (equivalent)
If cushings confirmed (hypercortisolism):
Check ACTH
- if acth low, get CT to find adrenal adenoma
- if acth high, do HIGH-dose dexamethasone suppression – pituitary adenoma suppressed get brain MRI to confirm get inferior petrosal sinus sample if mri negative tumor may be functional but small; cancer not suppressed get whole body ct looking for it almost always small cell lung cancer
Workup suspected coarcted aorta in an adult
XR for rib notching
Confirmed by CT w IV con, MRA, or simple angiogram (prefer MRA or angiogram in kids to expose less radiaton… echo if real youn eg 2yo…)
Treat renal artery stenosis from fibromuscular dysplasia
Percutaneous angiography with baloon dilation and stenting
Open surgical currection if above fails
Cyanotic heart condition not diagnosed at birth (aka pt lived for a bit before dx) think
Tetrology of fallot
The only cyanotic condition that baby can live with and present later in life aka after day 1 of life
Holosystolic murmur think…
VSD in a kid
Mitral Regurge in an adult
Manage a small asymptomatic vsd confirmed by echo causing a 3/6 holosystolic murmur in a toddler
Reassure and follow till 2yo as most small asymptomatic vsd’s will close spontaneously
Newborn cyanotic heart diseases
5 Ts, only 2 common in life and on test
Tetrology of Fallot
Transposition of Great Vessels
Tricuspid Atresia
Total Anomalous Venous Return
Truncus Arteriousus
Coarcted aorta suspected in 2yo not walking apparently due to pain with elevated ue bp’s and low le bp’s – next diagnostic step
Echo – easy visual window in kid, avoid radiation
What enzymes to draw to assess MI after open heart surgery
Peaks later than troponin I but normalizes faster – so best for assessig repeat MI
When is CK-MB the best enzyme to draw for chest pain
To assess repeat MI in a short time (trops remain elevated while ckmb normalizes between infarcts)
Old guy with symptomatic aortic stenosis, next step in management
Coronary angiography to assess need for CABG before subsequent valve replacement
Metoprolol and lisinopril to treat chf before valve replacement for aortic stenosis
Proceed to coronary angiography to assess need for CABG, then valve replacement, don’t watch and wait with medical therapy
Metoprolol and lisinopril for medical mgmt of chf, not tiding over for surgery
Low rumbling diastolic mirmur woth an opening snap
At midclavicular 5th intercostal space
Mitral stenosis
Treatment of mitral stenosis vs aortic stenosis
Mitral stenosis responds to commisurotomy or baloon angioplasty so try those endovascular procedures in young pt who will outlive a valve replacement because can only open the chest 3 times
Aortic stenosis does not respond to these (too calcified… maybe palliative for severe stenosis in a poor surgical candidate only) so will need valve replacement
Coronary angiography to assess need for CABG prior to mitral valve baloon angioplasty or commissurotomy
Baloon angioplasty and commissurotomy are endovascular procedures
Assess for CABG need before open valve replacement to make sure heart can tolerate open heart surgery
Normal cardiac index
What is cardiac index
CO / body surface area
L/min x m^2
Pt in severe cardiogenic shock, are you increasing furosemide dose or giving dobutamine
Give dobutamine
If it’s severe you are stepping it up from playing around with furosemide
Indication for open heart surgery (CABG)
Left mainstem equivalent or 3 vessel disease