subcortical and mixed aphasias Flashcards
striato-capsular aphasias (affecting basal ganglia)
-anterior damage to internal capsule and putamen
-posterior capsular-putamen damage
-anterior and posterior damage to basal ganglia
anterior damage to internal capsule and putamen
- may cause symptoms similar to Broca’s aphasia
- severe form of dysarthric articulation
- mild repetition
- severe writing and moderate reading problems
posterior capsular-putamen damage
- may cause symptoms similar to Wernicke’s aphasia
- severe auditory comprehension deficits
- fluent speech
- significant naming and word-finding problems
- moderate reading and writing problems
similarities of first 2
both have naming, reading, and writing problems
anterior and posterior damage of basal ganglia
- may cause symptoms similar to global
-nonfluent and extremely limited spontaneous speech
-severely impaired auditory comprehension
-significant reading, writing, repetition, and naming problems
thalamic aphasias
usually occurs with damage to certain thalamic nuclei on the dominant side of the brain
symptoms associated with thalamic aphasias
May start out mute but language is intact most of the time when the patient is alert. So the symptoms fluctuate based on their consciousness and alertness.
symptoms associated with thalamic CVA included
-symptoms fluctuate based on their alertness and consciousness
symptoms of acute thalamic aphasias
-limited spon. speech although once speech in initiated syntax is intact
-relatively intact repetition skills
- some level of auditory comprehension deficits
-impaired reading and writing skills
symptoms of chronic thalamic aphasia
-relatively fluent expressive lang. along with naming deficits
-writing and spelling errors
-mild auditory comprehension deficits
mixed transcortical aphasias
- extremely rare
- presence of both sensory and motor aphasias
- unable to speak spontaneously
- lang. comprehension deficits
- reading skills intact
- intact confrontation naming
mixed non fluent aphasia
-presence of broca’s and global
-considerate comprehension impairment for content words
-occur with one or more CVAs
-associated with right sided hemiparesis and right sided facial paresis
treatment for subcortical aphasias
treatment for mixed aphasias
- visual action therapy
- voluntary control of involuntary utterances
- group therapy
- teletherapy
visual action therapy
goal: improve the use of communicative gestures, facilitate improved verbal expression
-useful for indviduals with nonfluent aphasia and minimal output
voluntary control of involuntary utterances
goal: stimulate the use of propositional speech for functional communication among individuals with nonfluent aphasias
-useful for individuals with relatively spared abilities to read printed words