Structure and function of cells and tissues Flashcards
What are the three main structures of cells?
cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus
What are the structures within the cytoplasm collectively known as?
What is the cell membrane?
The outer surrounding membrane which forms the barrier. It is semi permeable allowing some nutrients in and waste out.
What is the nucleus?
Largest of the cell structure, responsible for all cell activities, contains DNA
What is cytoplasm?
The liquid in the cell
What is mytochondria?
Rod shaped structures that contain the enzymes to breakdown glucose to form energy. The powerhouse.
What are ribosomes?
Contain ribnucleic acid. Manufacture enzymes and proteins for the cells and also to export to other parts of the body.
What is endoplasmic reticulum?
A network within the cell that provides support.and channels the transportation of substances through the cell.
What is golgi apparatus?
Contains collagen, protein, enzymes, lipids and mucus.
What are lysosomes?
Powerful enzymes that breakdown bacteria and destroy damaged cell tissue.
What is tissue?
A group of cells that performs a certain function in the body.
What are the four basic types of tissue?
Epithelial, Muscle, Nervous and Connective
Where do you find epithelial tissue?
Covers the outer body surfaces, Surfaces of internal organs, forms glands and line internal body cavities.
What is the function of epithelial tissue?
Movement of materials in/out or around the body, protection and secretion.
What is the function of connective tissue?
Connects, fills in space, supports and binds all other types of tissue.
What do you find inside connective tissue?
living cells, the matrix, collagen and elastin fibres.
What are the five types of connective tissue?
Loose (areolar), adipose, dense connective, cartilage and bone.
What are the three types of muscle tissue?
Voluntary (skeletal), involuntary (cardiac) or smooth
Location, function and facts re voluntary muscle tissue.
Attached to skeleton, controlled voluntarily by brain and nervous system. Visible stripes (striated), power to perform a great deal of work tires easily.
Location, function and facts re cardiac muscle tissue.
only found in walls of heart, striated short muscle fibres. Regulated by nervous system and adrenalin.
Location, function and facts re smooth muscle tissue.
Found in food canal, blood vessels and urinary system. Regulated by automatic nervous system and adrenalin. Does not tire easily.
What is nervous tissue?
Consists of nerve cells called neurones, transmits messages (nerve impulses) messages pass from inside/outside the body to the tissues within the body
What does each neuron contain?
A cell body, dendrites (several short projections that receive information from other cells and transmit this info to the cell body and an axon (a long projection that transmits messages away from the cell body, insulated by a myelin sheath to prevent against loss of electrical impulse which increases the speed at which the impulse is conducted.