Sternum and ribs Flashcards
What feature is present at the top of the manubrium sterni?
Jugular notch
What is the name given to the articular site at the superolateral margin of the manubrium sterni?
Clavicular notch
What names are given to the articular sites for the joint with the first and second rib?
Costal notch I for the first ride costal cartilage; Costal notch II for the second rib SoCal cartilage
How may sternabrae for the corpus sterni?
4 sternabrae
What surface feature on the corpus sterni IDs the location of the old synchondroses?
Transverse lines
What articular sites of the costal cartilage of rise will be IDed on the corpus sterni?
Costal notches II-VII
What feature of the corpus sterni is present in 4-7% of the population?
A sternal Foramen
What are the primary parts of the vertebral end of a typical rib?
The head, neck and tubercle
What features may be IDed on the head of a typical rib?
Two articular surfaces and the interarticularis crest
What names are given to the articular surfaces on the head of a typical rib based on location?
Superior articular surface/facet and inferior articular surface/facet
What feature of the head of a rib separates the superior from inferior articular surface/facet?
The interarticularis crest
What feature may be IDed on the neck of a typical rib?
The crest of the rib
What features may be IDed on the the tubercle of a typical rib?
The articular surface and non-articular surface of the tubercle
Which feature o fate tubercle of the typical rib is closer to the head of the rib?
The articular surface of the tubercle
Which feature of the tubercle of a typical rib is closer to the shaft of the rib?
The non-articular surface of he tubercle