Steam Generator Water Level Control Flashcards
LCO 3.3.7 “Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation” requirement
The PAM instrumentation for each S/G Wide Range Level shall be operable
LCO 3.3.7 “Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation” applicability
Modes 1-3
LCO 3.3.8 “Alternate Shutdown System” requirement
The Alternate Shutdown System Function for S/G Wide Range Level shall be operable
LCO 3.3.8 “Alternate Shutdown System” applicability
Modes 1-3
What power level are the S/G LICs used?
What S/G levels are maintained by the S/G LICs?
Normally 65%
What are the power supplies for the S/G LICs?
LIC-0701 (A S/G) - Y-10, auto swaps to Y-30 on loss of Y-10
LIC-0703 (B S/G) - Y-20, auto swaps to Y-40 on loss of Y-20
How do the S/G LICs fail?
Closed on loss of power
How do the S/G LICs respond on a turbine trip?
Controller swaps to manual, so the MFRVs stay at whatever position they were in before the trip
What are the modes of operation for the S/G LICs?
MANUAL - output is directly input by the operator
AUTO - operator sets the set point (blue pointer), and the controllers maintain S/G level at that setpoint.
What is a requirement for placing the S/G LICs in AUTO?
“Green” PF light must be flashing. Light starts flashing when S/G level is within 5% of the controller setpoint
How does SGWLC respond on CHP?
- Controller is grounded, which gives a zero output signal, closing the MFRV.
- If only 1 channel of CHP comes in, only that train of SGWLC is affected (left train - A S/G, right train - B S/G)
How does SGWLC respond on S/G Low Pressure?
- At 500 psia, controller is grounded, which gives a zero output signal, closing the MFRV.
- Only the controller/MFRV associated with the affected S/G.
What is the function of the high level override?
- 84.7% S/G level, controller is grounded, which gives a zero output signa, closing the MFRV.
- Only the controller/MFRV associated with the affected S/G.
What is the function of the MFP Combined Speed Controller?
When in CASCADE, receives signal from both S/G LICs. Auctioneers the highest of the 2 signals, and passes this signal on to the individual MFP Speed Controllers. Lowest S/G level dictates the speed of both MFPs, and MFRVs adjust accordingly.