Main Turbine Control, EHC/DEH Flashcards
What is the purpose of the EHC system?
Provides hydraulic fluid for the operation of the main stop valves, governor valves, reheat stop valves, and intercept valves.
What are the power supplies for the EHC pumps?
P-19A - MCC-3
P-19B - MCC-4
What is the normal lineup for the EHC pumps?
1 pump running, 1 in standby
What causes an EHC pump to auto start?
Standby pump auto starts at 1750 psig
What happens on an EHC reservoir low-low level?
At 7 5/8” from the bottom of the tank, standby pump gets locked out, but the running pump stays running.
How does a loss of service water affect the operation of the EHC system?
Non-Critical Service Water cools EHC fluid, so EHC would heat up, causing erratic control of the governor valves
What happens when the turbine is latched?
- Performed at the front standard
- Auto stop oil (supplied by main lube oil) pressure builds up, which closes the interface valve
- With the interface valve closed, EHC pressure builds up to allow opening of the main stop, governor, reheat stop, and intercept valves.
How do the 20ET trips trip the turbine?
Port EHC around the interface valve, causing all steam admission valves to close
How do the interface valve trips trip the turbine?
Auto stop oil is dumped, causing the interface valve to go open, which causes EHC to go back to the reservoir and steam admission valves go closed
What are the 20ET turbine trips?
- MSIV out of position
- Thrust bearing - 40 mils
- Low auto stop oil pressure - 45 psig (2/3 logic)
- ATWS (2375 psia PCS pressure 2/4 logic)
What are the interface valve turbine trips?
- Manual trip lever
- Overspeed - 110%
- Low condenser vacuum - 18-21” Hg
- Low lube oil pressure 5-7 psig
- Solenoid trips
What are the solenoid turbine trips?
- Reactor trip
- Generator trip
- MSIV out of position
- C-01 pushbutton
- No load - < 8 psid across the HP turbine for > 60 seconds
- DEH initiated (loss of power to the manual cabinet)
What is the purpose/function of the Aux Governor Trips
At 103% rated speed, governor and intercept valves go closed. Once speed is below 103%, valves go back open.
What causes DEH to swap to manual control?
- Loss of power to auto controller
- Auto controller not updating the Data Highway
- Greater than 3% deviation between governor valves
- Loss of speed feedback loop while in Auto Speed Control
What are the limitations on journal and thrust bearing temperatures?
Should not exceed 185 F to prevent damaging bearing surfaces
What are the limitations on turbine exhaust temperature?
Should not exceed 217 F for extended operation, or 250 F for > 15 minutes to prevent overheating the later stages of the LP turbine
What is the precaution for relamping the LATCH pushbutton on the DEH panel?
Shall not be relamped online due to possible turbine trip
What are the required parameters to sync to the grid?
- Reactor power <= 13%
- Tave <= 540 F
- TBV controller output signal > 55%
What is the preferred response to “Turbine No Load Pretrip” alarm?
Turbine will trip after 60 seconds, so it is preferred to manually trip the turbine