Containment Building Flashcards
LCO 3.3.3 “ESF Instrumentation” requirement
4 ESF bistables and associated instrument channels for CHP (3.7-4.3 psig) and CHR (<= 20 R/hr) shall be operable.
LCO 3.3.3 “ESF Instrumentation” applicability for CHP/CHR
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.3.4 “ESF Logic and Manual Initiation” requirement
2 ESF manual and 2 ESF actuation logic channels and associated bypass removal channels shall be operable for CHP and CHR.
LCO 3.3.4 “ESF Logic and Manual Initiation” applicability for CHP/CHR
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.3.6 “Refueling CHR Instrumentation” requirement
2 refueling CHR auto actuation function channels and 2 CHR manual actuation function channels shall be operable.
LCO 3.3.6 “Refueling CHR Instrumentation” applicability
During core alterations and during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within containment
LCO 3.3.6 “Refueling CHR Instrumentation” required actions if 1 or more functions with 2 channels inoperable
IMMEDIATELY suspend core alterations and movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within containment
LCO 3.3.7 “PAM Instrumentation” requirement
The PAM Instrumentation for Containment Pressure (Wide Range, 2 channels req’d), Containment Isolation Valve Position (1 per valve), and Containment Area Radiation Monitor (High Range) shall be operable
LCO 3.3.7 “PAM Instrumentation” applicability
Modes 1-3
LCO 3.6.1 “Containment” requirement
Containment shall be operable
LCO 3.6.1 “Containment” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.6.1 “Containment” required actions if containment is inoperable
WITHIN 1 HOUR, restore containment to operable status.
LCO 3.6.2 “Containment Air Locks” requirement
2 containment air locks shall be operable
LCO 3.6.2 “Containment Air Locks” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.6.2 “Containment Air Locks” notes/exceptions
- Entry/exit is permissible through a “locked” air lock door to perform repairs on the affected air lock components
- Separate condition entry is allowed for each air lock
- Enter applicable conditions and required actions of LCO 3.6.1 “Containment” when leakage results in exceeding the overall containment leakage rate acceptance criteria
LCO 3.6.2 “Containment Air Locks” required actions if 1 or more air locks with 1 or more air lock door inoperable
WITHIN 1 HOUR verify the operable door is closed in the affected air lock
LCO 3.6.2 “Containment Air Locks” required actions if 1 or more air locks with interlock mechanism inoperable
WITHIN 1 HOUR verify an operable door is closed in the affected air lock
LCO 3.6.2 “Containment Air Locks” required actions if 1 or more air locks inoperable for reasons other than a door or interlock mechanism inoperable
IMMEDIATELY initiate action to evaluate overall containment leakage rate per LCO 3.6.1
WITHIN 1 HOUR verify a door is closed in the affected air lock.
LCO 3.6.3 “Containment Isolation Valves” requirement
Each containment isolation valve shall be operable
LCO 3.6.3 “Containment Isolation Valves” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.6.3 “Containment Isolation Valve” notes/exceptions
- penetration flow paths, except for 8” purge exhaust valves and 12” air room supply valves penetration flow paths, may be unisolated intermittently under admin controls
- separate condition entry is allowed for each penetration flow path
- enter applicable conditions and required actions for system(s) made inoperable by containment isolation valves
- enter applicable conditions and required actions of LCO 3.6.1 “Containment” when leakage results in exceeding overall containment leakage rate acceptance criteria
LCO 3.6.3 “Containment Isolation Valves” required actions if 1 or more penetration flow paths with 2 isolation valves inoperable (except for purge exhaust valve or air room supply valve not locked closed)
WITHIN 1 HOUR isolate the affected penetration flow path by use of at least 1 closed and de-activated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange
LCO 3.6.3 “Containment Isolation Valves” required actions if 1 or more purge exhaust or air room supply valves not locked closed
WITHIN 1 HOUR lock closed the affected valves
LCO 3.6.4 “Containment Pressure” requirement
Containment pressure shall be <= 1 psig in Modes 1-2, and <= 1.5 psig in Modes 3-4
LCO 3.6.4 “Containment Pressure” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.6.4 “Containment Pressure” required actions if containment pressure not within limit
WITHIN 1 HOUR restore containment pressure to within limit
LCO 3.6.5 “Containment Air Temperature” requirement
Containment average air temperature shall be <= 140 F
LCO 3.6.5 “Containment Air Temperature” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.9.3 “Containment Penetrations” requirement
- equipment hatch closed and held in place by 4 bolts (only required to be closed when fuel handling area ventilation system is not in compliance with LCO 3.7.12)
- 1 door in the personnel air lock closed (only required when the equipment hatch is closed)
- 1 door in the emergency air lock closed
- each penetration providing direct access from containment atmosphere to outside atmosphere either closed by a manual or auto isolation valve, blind flange, or equivalent; or capable of being closed by an operable refueling CHR signal
LCO 3.9.3 “Containment Penetrations” applicability
During core alterations and during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within containment
LCO 3.9.3 “Containment Penetrations” required actions if 1 or more containment penetrations not in required status
IMMEDIATELY suspend core alterations and movement of irradiate fuel assemblies within containment
What are containment building design features/specs?
- capable of withstanding the internal pressure from a DBA with no loss of integrity.
- designed to allow a leak rate of no more than 0.1 weight percent/day at 55 psig and 283 F.
What are design features of the air locks that help ensure containment integrity?
- doors open into containment, so during an accident, high containment pressure will force the doors closed to aid in isolation.
- doors are interlocked so only 1 can be opened at a time so there can’t be a “hole” in containment.
- designed such that 1 door can withstand containment design pressure
What is the admin limit on containment temperature?
130 F with TE-1815
135.96 with PPC
What is the tech spec limit on containment temperature?
140 F
What controls containment temperature?
Containment Air Coolers
What is the admin limit on containment pressure?
Modes 1-2 - < 0.85 psig
Modes 3-5 - 1.35 psig
What is the tech spec limit on containment pressure?
Modes 1-2 - < 1 psig
Modes 3-4 - < 1.5 psig
How is containment pressure maintained?
Vented through ‘D’ CWRT to the stack through either the exhaust plenum or VGCH.
Containment humidity relationship
- humidity is a function of temperature, so as temperature goes up, so does humidity
- a 10% step increase in humidity equates to 150 gallons of primary water leakage
What are the 2 types of containment isolation devices?
Passive and active
What are examples of passive containment isolation devices?
- manual valves
- de-activated automatic valves
- blind flanges
- closed systems
- personnel and emergency escape air locks
What are examples of active containment isolation devices?
Check valves or other automatic devices designed to close without operator action
What actuates CHP?
- Containment pressure 3.7-4.3 (4) psig
- 2/4 logic on either channel
What equipment actuates on CHP?
- closes containment isolation valves
- CRHVAC goes to emergency mode
- receive “containment isolation” alarm
- “arms” containment spray pumps. Pumps will start on SIS with a CHP signal
What is required to reset CHP?
- CHP has a seal in circuit
- can be reset if 3/4 channels < 3 psig
- EOP gives directions to reset
What happens to CHP actuated equipment when CHP is reset?
All valves stay in CHP position except:
- CCW to/from containment
- feedwater isolations
- containment spray CVs return to HS postion (normally closed). Precaution to be careful as to not dead head the spray pumps and thermal shock components because of this
How do we re-position valves that don’t automatically re-position when CHP is reset?
control switch needs to be taken to “closed” before they can be re-opened
What actuates CHR?
- 10 R/hr on any 2 of 4 containment rad monitors will result in both trains actuating
- 80 mR/hr above background on either containment refueling rad monitor (will not receive high rad alarm)
What equipment actuates on CHR?
- Containment isolation valves close except MSIVs, MFRVs, MFRV bypasses, and CCW to/from containment
- CRHVAC goes to emergency mode
- receive “containment isolation” alarm
- ESS sump pumps won’t auto pump down
What happens to CHR actuated equipment when CHR is reset?
Valves will not re-position automatically