Rad Monitoring and Control Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Area Radiation Monitoring System?
Consists of detectors, instrumentation, and alarms to warn plant personnel of rising radiation levels in various areas of the plant, and provides early warning of plant malfunction
What initiates a CHR signal?
2 out of 4 containment rad monitors
1 out of 2 containment refueling monitors
What brings in the CHR alarm in the Control Room?
Alarm is only fed by 1 out of 4 from containment rad monitors
1 out of 2 from containment refueling monitors initiates a CHR signal, but not the control room alarm
Which channel(s) are initiated by a CHR signal?
Both left and right channels are initiated regardless of which monitors cause it.
Where are area rad monitors powered from?
Preferred AC buses, or the instrument bus
What is the purpose of the interface between the Rad Monitoring System and plant ventilation systems?
Area rad monitors trip ventilation and dampers associated with that area on a high rad alarm
What is the purpose of the interface between the Rad Monitoring System and CRHVAC?
CHR initiates CRHVAC Emergency Mode
What is the setpoint for CHR signal?
10 R/hr on the containment rad monitors
80 mR/hr on the containment refuel monitors
What are the automatic actions associated with the Penetration Room Ventilation System?
High alarm at 4 mR/hr trips supply and exhaust fans/dampers to prevent the spread of radioactive noble gases and airborne particulate
What are the automatic actions associated with the blowdown rad monitor?
High alarm at 9.8E3 cpm isolates blowdown tank discharge to the mixing basin, and top/bottom blowdowns from both generators
What are the automatic actions associated with the CCW rad monitor?
High alarm at 7000 cpm re-positions CCW Surge Tank Vent from the room to the VGCH
What are the automatic actions associated with the radwaste discharge rad monitor?
High alarm at 1.5 times the calculated count rate closes both the 1” and 3” liquid radwaste discharge valves to terminate the release
What are the automatic actions associated with the radwaste area ventilation monitor?
High alarm at 900 cpm trips V-10 and V-14, and their associated dampers
What are the automatic actions associated with the ESS Rooms rad monitor?
High alarm at 900 cpm isolates supply and exhaust dampers
What are the automatic actions associated with the waste gas discharge rad monitor?
High alarm set based on decay tank contents, terminates release if high alarm setpoint is exceeded
What are the automatic actions associated with the radwaste addition ventilation monitor?
High alarm at 1.04E4 cpm trips V-67 and standby V-68, along with their associated dampers
What are the automatic actions associated with the fuel building addition ventilation monitor?
High alarm at 1.04E4 cpm trips V-69 and standby V-70, along with their associated dampers
What are the automatic actions associated with RGEM?
On an alert at 1.6E4 cpm, sample flow is routed through the sample bomb for 15 seconds to flush sample bomb and give a representative sample.
On a high alarm at 1.3E6, normal sample flow is bypassed and sample flow is diverted to accident filters and high range noble gas monitor
What is the purpose of the Process Rad Monitoring System?
Ensures that rad levels of process streams are indicated and alarmed so that action, either auto or manual, can be taken to prevent radioactive releases.
What are the consequences of improperly isolating the Waste Gas Monitor?
It can isolate the RV-1111 discharge path, thus disabling the WGST overpressure protection
What are the consequences of operating the rad monitoring system with insufficient sample flow?
Defeats the function of the monitor because it isn’t able to measure the radioactivity of a representative sample of the effluent
What information needs to be completed on a WGDT batch card?
- Tank pressure
- Release volume
- Gamma concentration of tank contents
- Expected reading on RIA-1113 during release
- Calculated release limit on RIA-1113
- Tank isolation date/time
How is the RIA-1113, Waste Gas Monitor, release setpoint obtained?
Determine the background count rate after purging the monitor, and add it to the calculated release limit on the batch card
What actions are required if a Main Exhaust Fan trips during a WGDT release?
Immediately terminate the release because you no longer have adequate dilution flow for the release
What are the admin requirements for releasing a WGDT with RIA-1113 inoperable?
2, 2, and 2 rule.
2 samples are obtained and analyzed independently
2 independent verifications of the release rate
2 NPOs independently verify the release lineup
LCO 3.3.3, “Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Instrumentation” requirements
4 ESF bistables and associated instrumentation shall be operable
This is referring to the 4 containment rad monitors (RIA-1805, 1806, 1807, and 1808)
LCO 3.3.3, “Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Instrumentation” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.3.4, “Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Logic and Manual Initiation” requirements
2 ESF manual initiation and 2 ESF actuation logic channels shall be operable
Both manual CHR push buttons and both trains of automatic CHR
LCO 3.3.4, “Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Logic and Manual Initiation” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.3.6, “Refueling Containment High Radiation (CHR) Instrumentation” requirements
2 refueling CHR auto actuation function channels and 2 manual initiation channels shall be operable
Both refueling monitors and both CHR push buttons
LCO 3.3.6, “Refueling Containment High Radiation (CHR) Instrumentation” applicability
During core alterations and during movement of irradiated fuel in containment
LCO 3.3.6, “Refueling Containment High Radiation (CHR) Instrumentation” required actions in less than 1 hour
If 1 or more functions with 2 channels inoperable, then IMMEDIATELY suspend core alterations and suspend movement of irradiated fuel in containment
LCO 3.3.7, “Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation” requirements
The PAM instrumentation for each function in table 3.3.7-1 shall be operable
Both high range containment area rad monitors shall be operable
LCO 3.3.7, “Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation” applicability
Modes 1-3
LCO 3.3.7, “Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation” required actions in less than 1 hour
If completion times for other actions are not met, then IMMEDIATELY enter LCO 5.6.6, which requires a 14 day letter to the NRC
LCO 3.3.10 “Engineered Safeguards Room Ventilation (ESRV) Instrumentation” requirements
2 channels of ESRV Instrumentation shall be operable
LCO 3.3.10 “Engineered Safeguards Room Ventilation (ESRV) Instrumentation” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.3.10 “Engineered Safeguards Room Ventilation (ESRV) Instrumentation” required actions in 1 hour or less
If 1 or more channels are inoperable, then IMMEDIATELY initiate action to isolate the associated ESRV System
LCO 3.4.15 “PCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation” requirements
3 of the following PCS leakage detection instrumentation channels shall be operable:
a. 1 containment sump level indicating channel
b. 1 containment atmosphere gaseous activity monitoring channel
c. 1 containment air cooler condensate level switch channel
d. 1 containment atmosphere humidity monitoring channel
LCO 3.4.15 “PCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation” applicability
Modes 1-4
LCO 3.4.15 “PCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation” required actions in less than 1 hour
If all required channels are inoperable, then IMMEDIATELY enter LCO 3.0.3
ORM 3.17.6, “Other Instrumentation” requirements
Both SFP area rad monitors shall be operable
ORM 3.17.6, “Other Instrumentation” applicability
When fuel is in the SFP area
ORM 3.17.6, “Other Instrumentation” required actions in less than 1 hour
If 1 or 2 of the SFP area rad monitors are inoperable, then IMMEDIATELY stop moving fuel within the SFP area
What rad monitors would indicate primary to secondary leakage?
- Blowdown Monitor
- Blowdown Vent Monitor
- Condenser Off-Gas Monitor
- Main Steam Line Monitors
Containment gamma monitor self test
Every 17.1 minutes, each monitor undergoes and automatically initiated self test using an internal electronic check source.
Test lasts 3-6 seconds, during which time the detector is not measuring the ambient radiation field
What is indicated on a digital rate meter area monitor when an out of range high condition exists?
“EEEEE” is displayed, and “RANGE” alarm LED illuminated
What is indicated on a digital rate meter process monitor when an out of range low condition exists?
“0.00E0” is displayed, and “RANGE” alarm LED illuminated
What happens when you push the “CHECK SOURCE” button on a digital rate meter process monitor?
Unshields a local check source at the detector
How is a waste gas release manually terminated?
By lowering the high alarm setpoint on RIA-1113 until the high alarm actuates, which then automatically closes the waste gas release valves
Caused by loss of potential or meter downscaled on any process monitor except the failed fuel monitor
Check individual RIA “FAIL” alarms
For analog channels, the green “Fail/Reset” lamp will be dark
For digital channels, the red “FAIL” LED will be illuminated