Standard Operating Procedures Flashcards
What to do when SOP are not being followed?
Procedure violation or danger
Inform FC
What does the intial webCIS sign in confirm?
- CC know current CCOM, CSO and safety and service briefs
- Have valid ASIC, passport/visa and health documents
- Aren’t carrying more than A$10k
What does CSM briefing cover (each duty)?
- Major operational and safety changes
- Major AC differences when there is a AC type change
- Individual briefing to new CC who were on a different AC in last pattern
What does CSM briefing cover (originating port)?
- FD access codes (emergency and normal)
- EE and security check
- 1 current CSO question
- Work position allocation
Types of AC protection?
- Aerobridge
- Stairs
- Ground service equipment
- Engineering webbing
What to do if CC finds a cabin door open w/o protection?
- Do not attempt to close door
- Tell FC and request doorway protection
- CC remains and blocks door
- CC can not resume normal duties until aerobridge/stairs in place / door closed by ground staff
What to do if high temperatures during embarkation?
- Tell FC
- If no FC, ground engineer
Who can board with aircrew?
Operational personnel (need ID)
What is considered tampering?
- Deactivating smoke dectectors
- Doing AC maintainence w/o permission
- Cycling chiller switches w/o permission from FC
- Placing foreign objects on AC vents or light fixtures
How to report tampering?
- Report to OCM
- If crew found doing, confront immediately - tell CSM
PSC tasks are?
- Ensure EE accounted and serviceable
- Ensure no concealed weapons / prohibited items
When do PSC occur?
- CC change position or join new AC
- Total CC change
- AC not under constant surveillance
- CC join after ‘check and load’
2 types of security checks?
- Aircrew (standard)
- External personnel (enhanced)
When does PSC commence?
- ASAP after boarding AC
PSC includes:
- EE serviceable and present
- Jumpseat and harness serviceable
- Door mode check
- Doorsill free of obstructions
- SC overhead lockers
- SC coat lockers and other stowage
- SC lavatory
- SC galley - waste bin and oven
- SC CC and FC rest
If unserviceable/missing, what should CC do?
Tell CSM
Door check for AC types?
330/380 = Door lever DISARMED + door pin inserted
787 = Locked indicator illuminated + door lever DISARMED + manual mode light illuminated + window is clear (no blue LED)
What to do if door incorrectly DISARMED?
- Verify by another primary
- Tell CSM
- CSM will authorise to DISARM door
- Verify by another primary
- CSM tells FC
What to check in lavatories?
- Open mirror
- Inspect wastebin and accessible stowage
How to check oven?
- If empty check inside for spills
- Tell CSM if accumulated spillage
- If inflight - log in Cabin/IFE log
- If has foreign object - remove and complete safety report
PSC callback?
CSM: CC equipment callback
CC: Door number, name, EE and SC complete, door OPEN/ARMED/DISARMED (330/380 - pin inserted)
When is it okay for FD door to be open?
- Preflight and during passenger boaridng
- When passengers are disembarking after flight
When must FD door be locked?
When last passenger door is closed for departure
How to enter FD?
- Call on interphone
- Identify self (DN, N)
- State password
- State reason and ask for permission to enter FD
Non-normal FD entry?
- Tell CSM/CSS and proceed to FD
- Enter emergency access code
- Wait
- If FD don’t respond, FD will unlock after 30 secs
Procedure inside FD?
- Lock door
- Wait for acknowledgement before speaking
What is the boarding prep?
- Clear area
- Coats in coat locker
- Curtains and dividers open
- Full cabin brightness
- Galley checks and prep
Where is a zone?
Between 2 emergency exits/doors
What are the refuelling indicators?
- Seatbelt sign off
During refuelling, how many CC per zone and how large is a zone?
- One
- Can’t move beyond 4 econ seats of door (3 bus, 2 first)
When is refuelling complete?
Signbelt sign on
What is the preboarding PA?
CSM: CC, please get ready to welcome our customers
What to check on boarding pass?
- Date
- QF flight number
- Seat number / INF
What to ask if pax carry on moved to hold?
If it contains medication, valuables, travel documentation etc
International carry on baggage restrictions?
Econ - 7kg (115cm)
Bus/first - 14kg (2 x 115cm) (10kg max per piece)
Fabric 185cm
Musical instrument restrictions?
CBBG means?
Cargo carried on a passenger seat
(Is found on ticket)
Where can a CBBG be seated?
- Window seat (pax adjacent)
- Not in emergency exit row
- Put seatbelt around it
What are the minimum dress standards?
- Clean singlet
- Clean shorts
- Footwear
What to do if a passenger elects not to travel?
- Ensure CSM, captain and airport staff know
- Offload personal belongings
If passenger needs to get off AC?
- CC note seat number
- Tell CSM
- Escort to terminal by CC or airport staff
- Ensure reboarding before door closure - if don’t, tell captain
Who can’t be seated in an emergency exit row?
- Families
- Less than 15
- Slow moving people
Pre door closure PA?
CSM: CC, prepare for departure
What to do after door closure?
- Ensure passengers seated and seatbelts on
- Do individual briefings
- Ensure everything stowed
- Window shutters open
- Class dividers open
- Galley stowed / carts have brakes
What is door closure PA?
CSM: CC, the final door is now closed
What does final closure signify?
Sterile FD commences
(Only contact FD for safety issue)
What is the door arming PA?
CSM: CC, ARM doors and cross check
Door arming procedure?
- ARM door
- Check door armed
- Cross check opposite door
- Return to door and await callback
Response to call after door arming?
CC: DN, N, door ARMED and cross checked
What to do if door arming cannot be completed?
- CC make 1 attempt to arm/disarm
- Remain at door
- Do not do cross check
- Callback: DN, N, door problem
- CSM will ask for more info, await further instructions
- When directed, one more attempt can be made (then do cross check and notify CSM)
What to do after door arming?
Safety demo
What to do after saefty demo?
- Final securing of cabin
- 2 person crosscheck of galley if relevant
Have 1 minute or when the AC pushes back
What is the cabin secure callback and CSM command?
CC: DN, N, cabin (and galley) secured for takeoff
If not secure, report this
CSM: CC, commence silent review
When does sterile FD occur?
Takeoff = Final door closure to seatbelt sign off
Landing = Prepare cabin PA to arrival at terminal
What info can be conveyed in sterile FD?
- About seatbelts
- Ensuring FD prepped for landing
- Any other safety info
When is the no contact period?
Takeoff = Commencement of takeoff roll until the AC is airborne
Landing = When exit signs illuminate to when the AC stops/turns off active runway
What is silent review?
Operation of exits
Location of equipment
Drill (impact)
ABP and DP
Brace position and signal
What to do after seatbelt sign extinguished in air?
Unlock lavatories
What contact should be made to the FC inflight?
- Contact every 20-30 mins (must not exceed 1 hour)
- Get FC meal orders as soon as possible
What should be kept in mind while positioning carts?
Access to EE and doors
What are the types of turbulence?
- Anticipated
- Unanticapted
What is the procedure for anticipated turbulence?
- FC tells CSM
- CSM tells CC
- CC secure cabin
- 1 min before turbulence, seat belt sign illuminates
- FC seatbelt PA: All passengers and crew be seated and fasten seat belts
- CSM callback
- CC: DN, N, seated and secured
- CSM tells FC
What is the procedure for unanticipated turbulence?
- FC seatbelt PA: All passengers and crew be seated and fasten seat belts
- 1 min to secure cabin and take jumpseat
- CSM callback
- CC: DN, N, seated and secured (and any other relevant info)
What is the procedure for unanticipated IMMEDIATE SAFETY HAZARD turbulence?
- FC seatbelt PA: All passengers and crew be seated and fasten seat belts IMMEDIATELY
- CC lock carts and secure in nearest seat or wedge in aisle
- CSM callback
- CC: DN, N (and cabin report)
What to do if cabin cannot be secured in the 10 mins before landing?
Tell CSM
What to do when securing cabin in descent?
- Clear FD of items
- Seats back
- Everything stowed
- Windows open
- Curtains and dividers open
- Galley secured and stowed
- Full cabin brightness
What is the indicator landing will begin?
FC: CC, prepare the cabin for landing
What is the final descent indicator for landing?
CSM: All customers and crew must now be seated for landing with their seatbelt fastened
What are the final checks after seatbelt PA and how long does it take?
- Visually ensure passengers seated
- Ensure lavatories vacant
- Galley operator and opposite door complete galley secure check
- Return to jumpseat w/i 1 minute
What is the CSM landing callback?
CC: DN, N, cabin (and galley) secured for landing
CSM: CC commence silent review
If door unmanned in landing callback?
- Can only attempt to contact crew until no contact period
- After landing CSM reports to captain