Human Factors Flashcards
What does GRADE stand for?
Gather (as much information as you can)
Review (what info is relevant)
Analyse (weigh up info)
Decide (on best strat/solution)
Evaluate (is strat/solution effective? - do you need to change the plan?)
What are the three levels of situational awareness?
Percieving (what is going on around you)
Understanding (implications of what you have recieved)
Anticipating (predicting what may happen next)
What are two types of decision making?
- Analytical
- Intuitive
What are the Z matrix priorties?
- Important and Urgent
- Important and Not Urgent
- Not Important and Urgent
- Not Important and Not Urgent
Types of stress?
- Acute (situational/inside job)
- Chronic (long term/several underlying factors)
4 pillars of wellbeing?
- Mental
- Emotional
- Physical
- Behavioral
What are the Non-Technical Observable Skills?
- Situational awareness
- Workload management
- Decision making
- Teamwork
- Commincation technique
- Leadership and managerial skills
Workplace stress management techniques?
- ESMS (everyday stress management strategies)
Types of SOP violations?
Error - slips, laspes and mistakes (unintentional, accidents more likely)
Violation (intentional, lack of understanding extent)
4 levels of the Reason Model?
- Organisational factors
- Workplace/environment
- Person (individual)/team
- Absent/failed defences
Define Just Culture?
Fair, consistent, aim of learning + improving safety
Principles of a Just Culture?
- Actively seek out risk (awareness before harm)
- Support a learning culture (feel comfortable reporting)
- Manage employee behaviour (clear boundaries and consistent disipline)
- Focus on fixing system (rather than individuals, helps prevent accidents)
3 types of accident causing behavior?
- Human Error - Don’t choose to do
- At Risk - Chose to do w/o recognising risk
- Reckless - Continously choosing to regard risk w/o a good reason
4 types of coms styles?
Own needs - Assertive
Others needs - Supportive
Own needs - Aggressive
Others needs - Submissive
RAISE stands for?
Relay info
Ask if aware (need clarification)
Indicate concern
Solution (offer solution)
Emergency language
R and A = Green/inquiry
I and S = Orange/concern
E = Red/emergency
What is the Tuckman model and order?
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Adjorning
What is leadership defined as?
- Ability to influence others
- Achieve objectives by setting direction