STAFF MANAGEMENT 2: Early Intervention Guidelines Flashcards
Early Intervention Policy.
Executive Summary: What are the four key things to note in the Early Intervention Policy?
- E.I. is preventative in nature, aimed at engaging employees in a remedial and supportive manner.
- E.I. phases include: Identification Analysis Engagement and Intervention Feedback and Follow-up.
- E.I. is not disciplinary (must not be used for for disciplinary, performance appraisal or appointment process).
- E.I. applies to all employees.
Early Intervention Policy.
Policy Statement and Principals. WHAT?: - What does E.I. identify?
Employees who may not be performing to an acceptable standard/professional standard, whose past and present traits may be indicators that they pose a risk to themselves and Police through future misconduct or unethical behaviour.
Early Intervention Policy.
Policy Statement and Principals: WHY?: - Pressures and demands form a Police employee’s professional and personal lives can impact on how they perform their duties. What is the objective of E.I?
To identify when that may be happening and engage with the employee as early as possible to reduce risk of harm to themselves or others.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. What are the four phases of Early Intervention?
- Identification
- Analysis
- Engagement and Intervention
- Feedback/ follow-up.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. What are the ways in which employees in need of E.I. can be identified (phase 1)? (4)
- Self-referral to (Supervisor, District E.I. Lead or National E.I. team PNHQ)
- Peers
- Supervisors
- E.I .database.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. What should supervisors do if a peer raises concerns regarding a colleague?
Make a referral to the District Lead or National E.I. team PNHQ.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. E.I. Database: How is E.I. managed and recorded through which database and is administered by who?
IAPRO database. Administered by the National E.I. team PNHQ.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. E.I. Database: Who has access to the IAPRO database?
National E.I. team PNHQ has sole access.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Analysis: When an employee of referred to the National E.I. team or multiple alerts on an individual is received what does the National E.I. team do?
Undertake an analysis of the data to determine whether E.I. engagement is required for the employee.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Analysis: If the National E.I. team do their analysis and determine an employee requires E.I. engagement, what do they then do?
The data is collected in a report and provided to the District E.I. lead.
NB: This is the same information that will be provided to the employee as part of the E.I. meeting.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Engagement & Intervention: Once an employee is identified for E.I, what are the main roles of the District lead?
The District E.I. Lead will contact the employee’s supervisor to gather more info, together they will:
Determine if an E.I. meeting is required and how to best approach the employee re this.
The main FOCUS of the District Lead is to help facilitate and support the Supervisor in conducting the E.I. meeting.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Engagement and Intervention: What is the purpose of the E.I. meeting?
For the supervisor and/or the District Lead, to meet with the employee in an informal manner and to talk through their E.I.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines.
- Engagement and Intervention: The majority of E.I. cases may simply entail what?
- In other cases, what else can be made to the employee?
- A private conversation with the employee that requires NFA.
- An offer of assistance i.e. training mentoring support confidence building relationship assistance counselling anger management money management.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Engagement & Intervention: Following the initial meeting in E.I. engagement is what?
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Engagement and Intervention: After the employees initial meeting, if he/she chooses not to participate in further intervention what happens?
A record will be retained in IAPRO for reporting purposes. The employee will not be disciplined or disadvantaged for choosing not to participate in future intervention.
Early Intervention Policy.
E.I. Guidelines. Feedback and Follow Up: How is feedback and follow up done?
The District Lead will follow up with the Supervisor to ensure:
Agreed Support and follow up actions are arranged.
Employees will be asked to provide feedback on their E.I. experience to enable continuous improvement on the E.I. process.
Early Intervention Policy.
Confidentiality of E.I. data. The District Lead or Supervisor cannot disclose personal information outside of the E.I. meeting without what?
The employee’s consent.
Early Intervention Policy.
Confidentiality of E.I. data. If the employee does not consent to disclosure of personal information outside of the E.I. meeting when can this be overridden? (3)
District Lead/Supervisor reasonably believe that disclosing information is neccessary
- To prevent serious threat to public health/safety or to the life or health of a person.
- To avoid prejudice to the maintenance of law
- As part of any court process.
Early Intervention Policy.
Confidentiality of E.I. data. Limits on disclosure of personal information are detailed under what Principle and Act?
Principle 11 of the Privacy Act 1993.
Early Intervention Policy.
Confidentiality of E.I. data. E.I. is not a disciplinary sanction and information collated from it must not be used for Performance Appraisals or appointment processes. What is the exception to this rule? (1)
Where there is a proposal to remove the employee from the police in which case the material/ information may be taken into account.
Early Intervention Policy.
Confidentiality of E.I. data. What behaviour is not suitable for E.I? (3)
- Potential Criminal
- Disciplinary
- Performance issue