7. Intel and Tasking and Coordination Flashcards
The goal of Intelligence in Police is to enable decision-makers to prevent crime and road trauma problems, and to promote safe communities, how does it achieve this? (2)
- By providing accurate, timely and actionable advice to the decision-makers;
- that informs and supports operational activity and helps achieve organisational objectives.
Intelligence is a key component of Police Critical Command Information (CCI) which underpins the Prevention First National Operating Strategy.
- What is it used for? and
- What does it include?
Used for;
- To inform and drive the deployment of operational resources
- To enable understanding of the criminal environment, and
- To facilitate evidence-based action
It includes - people, products, processes and partnerships
Intelligence products.
Deployment and the five Prevention First Priority areas: With regards to deployment and prevention first, what are the 8 things Intelligence will do?
- Target active offenders.
- Scan Criminal/Crash environs and ID opportunities for action.
- Maximise forensic intel opportunities.
- Use intelligence products to understand trends and patterns.
- Encourage quality notings.
- Production of a range of intel products over time to solve persistent problems.
- Provide reporting on Repeat/Priority offenders/victims/locations.
- Support short-medium-long term interventions.
3i Model.
The 3i Model provides a consistent, integrated and cohesive approach to reduce crime and victimisation. It consists of 3 inter-related elements, what are they?
- The criminal environment
- Intelligence
- Decision makers
3i Model.
Intelligence includes processes, products and people, and in the 3i model ‘intelligence’ means all three.
These elements are linked by three processes, namely?
- Interpret
- Influence
- Impact
3i Model.
Draw the 3i model taking care of the direction of the arrows.
- What is Criminal Environment element linked to?
- What is Intelligence element linked to?
- What is Decision makers element linked to?
- Where does the process Interpret sit in between?
- Where does the process Influence sit in between?
- Where does the process Imapact sit in between?
- Intelligence
- Decision Makers
- Criminal environment.
- Criminal Environment to Intelligence (one way only)
- Intelligence and Decision Makers (goes both ways)
- Decision makers to Criminal Environment (one way only)
NB: To be successfu each part of the model needs to be opperating effectively
3i Model.
The 3i model is designed to provide a consistent, integrated and cohesive approach to reduce what? (1)
- Crime and Victimisation.
3i Model.
What is one of the key tenets of intelligence-led policing? (1)
- Every Police employee is a collector of intelligence.
3i Model.
Influencing decision makers: Discussions between Intel staff and decision-makers about intel products is an essential part of the 3i model. The aim of the intereations is to ensure Intelligence activities are what? (3)
- Focused on priorities
- Products are timely and useful, and
- Suggested actions will have the desired effect.
3i Model.
Influencing decision makers: Delivery of an intel product must be?
Based on clear direction and priorities from decision-makers, usually set in T and C meeting.
Decision-making and planning.
Each district has a DCC which is responsible for intelligence-informed, command-led implementation of round the clock deployment within the districts. What does the DCC provide the Deployment Manager? (1)
- Real time, big picture overview of how best to deploy resources to beat demand and prevent crime from happening within district.
Intel categories.
What are the 3 levels of intelligence?
- Strategic Intelligence - is directed to the achievement of long-term organisational objectives.
- Operational Intelligence - supports ACs and DCs in planning crime and road trauma reduction activities and deploying local resources to achieve operational objectives.
- Tactical Intelligence - supports frontline areas, investigations and other operational areas in taking specific action to achieve enforcement objectives.
Intel categories.
Distinguishing between tactical and strategic intellingence: What are differences between Tactical and Strategic Intelligence? (2)
- Strategic Intel - deals with ‘big picture’ issues such as planning and staff allocation. Explores long-term, large scope solutions.
- Tactical Intel - directs immediate action.
Intelligence cycle.
What is the NZ Police Intelligence cycle? (2)
- It is a model for how information is processed into intel in order to inform decision making and drive action.
- The cycle is continuous and iterative.
Intelligence cycle.
Components of the Intelligence Cycle: What are the 8 parts of the intelligence cycle?
- Direction
- Collection
- Evaluation
- Collation
- Analysis
- Response
- Dissemination
- Review
Intelligence cycle.
Responses: The SARA Problem solving model defines responses as what? (6)
SARA: USA 1980 by John Eck.
- Brainstorming (new interventions)
- Searching for what other communities with similar problems have done.
- Choosing among alternative interventions
- Outline response plan, and identifying responsible parties
- State specific objects for response plan
- Carry out planned activities.
Intelligence cycle.
The fundamental tenet of dissemination is to get the intel to those who need it, and have a right to use it in whatever form is deemed most appropriate, and in a timely manner. Police disseminates intel through verbal briefings and four standard intelligence product types. What are the 4 standard product types? (4)
- Core Intel products - Strategic and tactical assessments and prolem and subject profiles.
- Knowledge Products - provides an overview of a general topic or issue and highlights current knowledge and specific areas of concern or priority.
- Analytical Products - such as pattern analysis, crash analysis, road trauma, risk profile, road user analysis…
- Frontline Intelligence (FLINT) - Subject profiles, intel reports, special notices.
Intelligence Cycle.
Linking products and decision-making:
Decision makers generally are not intelligence professionals. How can we link intel products and decision-making? (9)
- Know who the key decision-makers are and how to influence them.
- Decision makers need clear, straightforward advice, free of jargon and complexity.
- Pick the right presentation style and format. Henry Mintzberg: “It is more important for the manager to get information quickly and efficiently than to get it formally.”
- Decision-makers are faced with multiple competing demands.
- Know what is important
- Seek clarity on what decision-makers expect
- Focus on people and context.De Bono: “If you are interesting people will want to be with you. People will seek your company. People will enjoy talking to you.”
- Key decision-makers may be outside the immediate polciing environment.
- Be aware of constraints on decision-makers.
Tasking and Coordination.
Define what Tasking and Coordination is. (1)
- It is the process by which critical command information (CCI) is turned into prioritised operational activity.
Tasking and Coordination.
Prevention First: Deployment Model:
- What is the purpose of the Prevention First Deployment model? (1)
- What are our deployment principles? (3)
- To enable decision makers to deploy resources using a nationally-consistent approach, in order to focus these resources on local crime & crash environment.
- Well informed and well directed taskings
- Better understanding of demand and our capabilities
- Clear focus on achieving the right results.
Tasking and Coordination.
Components of Deployment: What are the 4 components of the Deployment.
- CCI - provides essential info on demand, resources, intel, performance and evidence-based policing to inform T and C decision-makers
- T and C - decides on activities, assigns accountability and allocates resources in order to have a positive impact on the crime and crash environment.
- WFM - delivers capability and capacity to the crime and crash environment.
- Operational Delivery - the implementation of tactics against the crime and crash environment.
Tasking and Coordination
What 3 outcomes can come out of a T & C meeting?
- Information Only
- Recommendations for Consideration
- Taskings
Deployment Model.
The Deployment Model focuses on the 6 drivers of demand, what are they?
- Alcohol
- Youth
- Families
- Roads
- Organised Crime and Drugs
- Mental Health.
Deployment Model.
Prevention First: Deployment Model. The focus on the six drivers of demand involved viewing the source of what (5)
- Problems
- Problem solving
- Reducing repeat victimisation
- Targeting repeat & profilic offending
- Priority locations.
Intelligence Products.
The Police intelligence framework is designed to support staff at all levels, through a combination of what? (3)
- Core Intelligence Products
- Analytical and knowledge Products
- Frontline products (including FLINT)
3i Model.
What approach does the 3i model provide to reduce crime and victimisation? (3)
Hint: C.I.C
- Consistent
- Integrated
- Cohesive approach
3i Model.
Interpreting the Criminal Environment: Identifting patterns and problems depends on what? (1)
- In-depth situational awareness.
3i Model.
Interpreting the criminal environment: Intelligence focuses on crime and road trauma problems that have the greatest impact on offending rates. These include? (3)
HINT: Hot…
- Hot locations (time and space)
- Hot targets (victims and commodities)
- Hot offenders
Decision-Making and planning.
Intelligence and Strategic Decision-Making: Who wrote in 2004 the following?
- “At no time in history is law enforcement more in need of strategic direction…*
- To be effective, law enforcement is now required to predict into the short & long term, anticiate the behaviour of organised crime groups, think strategcally and be judicious with resource allocation”.*
Dr Jerry RATCLIFFE in Strategic Thinking in Critical Intelligence.
Decision-making and planning.
Intelligence and Strategic Decision Making: What timeframe does effective strategic intelligence considers emerging trends and risks to the organisation?
Out to 3 - 5 years.
Intelligence categories.
Real Time Intelligence: What does Real Time Intelligence support?
Daily tactical and operational decision making.
Intelligence categories.
Real Time Intelligence: Real Time Intelligence is characterised by what?
Rapid processing of information into intelligence.
Deployment Model.
Prevention First: Deployment model: T and C specifically enables and encourages participants to engage with with their comminity. In this context describe what a community is?
Key stakeholders including
Other government departments,
Local body councils
Community Groups or Individuals
with an interest in crash and crime prevention.
Deployment Model.
Prevention First: Deployment Model. How can engagement from Communities be acheived? (3)
- Police liaise with their community to build the intelligence picture.
- Actively engage with their community, seeking their views.
- Actively seek out and engage with community partners.