STAFF MANAGEMENT 1: Performance Management Flashcards
Performance Management.
Is performance management a disciplinary process?
No. Performance management is about seeking improvement through dialogue and providing support to enable the employee to perform satisfactorily.
Performance Management.
When do Performance matters become relevant for disciplinary purposes?
Where an employee has been unable or unwilling to satisfactorily improve following a Performance Improvement Plan.
Performance Management.
What are the 4 steps for Performance Management?
- Informal discussion.
- The Performance meeting.
- The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
- Completion of PIP - required standard reached.
Performance Management.
What is the objective of Step 1 - the informal discussion?
Is to encourage dialogue and try to identify if there are any underlying cause that are contributing to the performance issues.
Performance Management.
What is your role in Step 1 - the informal discussion?
Is to encourage, support and try to help the employee improve.
Performance Management.
STEP 1: Informal Discussion:
When having an ‘informal discussion,’ how should this be done? (7)
- Talk in private.
- Listen to the employee.
- Don’t let it turn into formal disciplinary action.
- Where possible reach an agreement on a way forward.
- Send a letter outlining discussion.
- Arrange follow-up meeting to assess any progress.
- Consider a referral to Wellness services.
Performance Management.
STEP 2: The Performance meeting:
Why would you move to step 2?
Employee’s performance has not improved despite informal discussion, a more formal meeting may be appropriate.
Performance Management.
STEP 2: The Performance meeting:
What should a Performance meeting NOT predetermine?
That a Performance Improvement Plan will be commenced.
Performance Management.
STEP 2: The Performance meeting:
What should you do BEFORE a ‘Performance Meeting’ with a staff member? (6)
- Identify minimum performance standard and how their performance falls short of it. (discussions should focus on shortfall)
- Invitation letter - invite employee to performance mtg.
- Set up Performance Mgmt File (Separate to PA file)
- Discuss with HRM (about options to remedy performance)
- Prepare checklist of items to be discussed.
- Arrange further organisational support where required.
Performance Management.
STEP 2: The Performance meeting:
What are the 5 steps should you go through during a ‘Performance Meeting’ with a staff member?
- Introductions/reasons for the meeting/setting the agenda .
- Provide Information…of the minimum standard, the shortfall. Provide examples.
- Give the member the opportunity to respond.
- Problem solving (if a PIP is required, advise what support, training, assistance is available). Inform if the minimum standard of performance is not met, issue may be treated as misconduct under the progressive disciplinary process.
- Record Keeping. Record discussion and signed by both parties.
NB: Copy all documentation into the performance management file and provide a copy to the employee.
Performance Management.
STEP 2: The Performance meeting:
If no PIP was put in place what should you do?
Continue to monitor the employee’s performance. If there is no improvement after a reasonable period, a further meeting may be required to put a PIP in place.
Performance Management.
STEP 3: The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):
It is important that the PIP sets out what?
Sets out the requirements and expectations from both parties.
Performance Management.
STEP 3: The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):
In order for the PIP to be successful who must agree to the PIP?
The employee.
Performance Management.
STEP 3: The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):
List 10 things that a PIP should include?
- The performance to be improved.
- The minimum acceptable standard of performance.
- The remedial steps to be taken.
- The support and resources provided to assist employee.
- Feedback: How and when this will occur.
- Review Periods (with who and how often).
- Progress meeting dates
- Start Date of PIP
- Possible consequences if performance stds not met.
- Signatures/date the PIP was signed - of both parties.
Performance Management.
STEP 3: The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):
List 4 things you must do once a PIP has been implemented?
- Ensure all agreed assistance is provided.
- Diary meetings at interval agreed.
- Put a system in place to monitor progress and provide ongoing feedback.
- PIP is specific to poor performance that has been raised to the employee.
Performance Management.
STEP 3: The Performance Improvement Plan (PIP):
PIP is specific to poor performance that has been raised to the employee. What should you do if new matters arise whilst the employee is subject to a PIP?
Another performance meeting will need to be convened and the PIP revised.
Performance Management.
STEP 4: Completion of the PIP - required standard reached:
If the employee has reached the required standard what should you do? (5)
- Inform that they have achieved the level of performance required.
- Inform there is no longer a need to continue performance management through a PIP.
- End date confirmed in writing on the PIP.
- Confirmation letter provided to the employee.
- A copy of the PIP retained in the employee’s performance management file along with a copy of any letter sent to the employee.
Performance Management.
STEP 4: Completion of the PIP - required standard reached:
If an employee has reached the required standard can performance monitoring continue?
Yes, but on a more informal basis.