S.S matching quiz terms 11/20/24 Flashcards
Industrail revolution
the change in roducing goods by hand to producing goods by machine. Begain in England in the 1700s
Agrarian Revolution
Changes in the methods of farming that allowed for more food to be produced and less workers needed on farms
Enclosure Movement
Process of fencing of land that was shared by pesant farmers. Wealthy landowners bought the land, and developed large efficient farms which produced more food.
Crop rotation system
farming techinque where farmland is used to grow diffrent foods during diffrent seasons, which keeps the farm working at full capacity
Domestic system
Method of producing goods at home to sell at the market. At home, goods are produced by hand or with small machines and tools.
Factory system
Method of mass producing goods with large machinery. These goods are produced more efficently with a consistent quality and can be sold at a cheeper price.
Adam smith
Author of Wealth of Nations: He advocates for capitalism and economic freedom of bussness owners.
Lalssez-faire capitalism
System where the government does not regulate businesses or the economy and instead leaves businesses and workers alone.
The process of moving to cities or develping cities.
Thomas Malthus
Author of “essay on populaion”; believed that the population was growing faster then the food supply, and that there would be famine. He saw the overcrowded cities and blamed the poor for creating this problem. His prediction was wrong.
Social Darwinism
Therory that some people were naturally superior to others, and this is why some people are wealthy and others are poor. This was a missuse of the theory of evolution
Economic system where the government controlls major industries; some private ownership of land is allowed
Karl Marx
Author of communist manifesto; advocated a violent world-wide revolution overthrowing bussness and sharing all wealth
Economic system where all property and wealth is shared by all
Labor unions
Organiszations of workers that advocate for better working conditions and wages for workers