Sports and Society (Paper 1 Mr McGarrity) Flashcards
What are some characteristics of a pre-industrial society ?
- Limited Transport
- Widespread illiteracy
- harsh conditions/violent/life was cruel for lower class; upper class lived in luxury
- Limited free time
- Two-tier society based on the feudal system
- People lived in rural areas; population was spread out in the countryside
What are some characteristics of popular recreation?
- Occasional: long working hours meant that popular recreation activities were restricted to annual events.
- Local/ rural
- Limited Coding : literacy was very low among the lower classes so any rules were basic and applied to a particular community.
- Violent: activities were aggressive and male dominated- resulting in lots of damage to property and injuries to the participant.
- Wagering: gambling was common
How did some socio-cultural factors affect the characteristics of a recreational sport ?
- Limited Transport: lead to sport being localised
- Illiteracy: lead to limited organisation/simple rules
- Harsh Society: lead to higher levels of violence and aggression
- Two-tier society: lead to gentry/upper class activities being separated from lower class/ peasant activities.
What were the characteristics of royal/real tennis ?
- it was solely for upper class
- very exclusive
- it had written rules as the upper class was educated
- lacked violence and played in a civilised manner
- equipment cost could easily be afforded by the upper class
What was urbanisation ?
this is where early in the 19th century a huge amount of people moved into the cities to work in the factories.
What did urbanisation cause ?
- lack of space
- poor working conditions
- loss of traditional sport
- large working class populations
How did sport progressively get better during the industrial period ?
- lack of space led to purpose built facilities
- working conditions gradually got better, so more free time to watch and play sports.
- Large working class populations led to mass spectatorism
What were the Wenlock games in 1850 ?
this was the first ever Olympic games and it had a large range of games such as: football, athletic events and real tenis.
Why were the Wenlock games set up ?
to promote moral, physical and intellectual improvements especially for the lower class
What did the improvements in transportation mean to the participation of sport ?
- it meant easier movement for teams and spectators
- it meant access to all over the country
- it meant cheaper travel
What did the improvements in communication mean to the participation of sport ?
this led to sport being published in newspapers, which led to knowledge of fixtures and results
How did the Church have a massive influence on the participation of sport ?
- church organised teams and competitions
- the church provided facilities such as church halls and playing fields
- encouraged social control this diverted people from drinking and gambling
How did the middle class have an effect on the participation of sport ?
- it lead to the development of strict rules
- set up competitions
- created spaces to train and play
What were the characteristics of rational recreation ?
- purpose built facilities
- fair play involved
- rule-based
What were the characteristics of amateurism ?
- manliness
- appreciating the value of health and fitness
- appreciating the value of rule-regulated activity
- high moral integrity
What were the characteristics of a gentleman amateur ?
- played sport to a high moral code
- played a range of sports using their natural talents
- belonged to the social elite
What are the characteristics of a modern day amateur ?
- tend to be a lower status than professionals
- some receive finance to pay for training expenses, such as the national lottery money
- performance at the top level in most sports is now open to all
How did professionalism rise ?
due to the fact that sports such as football became increasingly popular the demand for spectator sport increased. The working class had to make money from sports such as football otherwise they wouldn’t make a living. Therefore specialised training was introduced and results and winning became more important. Therefore foul play and gamesmanship became more common.
What are the characteristics of modern-day professionalism ?
- all classes can compete
- more time to train
- more spectators attend the matches
How has football changed throughout the post-industrial period ?
- Urbanisation: large numbers of people living in a small area created a large audience. Therefore sporting facilities were built.
- Free time: less time at work allowed for more time to play and watch sport. pm became the traditional kick off time.
- Improved transport: teams could now travel across the country to play other teams. This led to the development of leagues and clubs.
How has women’s football increase in popularity ?
- Increased media coverage: WSL on Sky sports
- Equal opportunities: influenced by the sex discrimination act
- its part of the national curriculum: women football is taught in PE lessons and extra-curricular activities.
What was Lawn tennis ?
this sport was played by the middles class as they aspired to be like the middle class. They set up private clubs, they had specialist equipment and was played by both women and men.
What is the golden triangle ?
The golden triangle shows the relationship between sport, the media and sponsorship.
What is commercialism ?
the process of trying to gain money from an activity such as sport
What is sponsorship ?
when a company pays for their products to be publicly displayed or advertised, as an attempt to increase the sale of that product.
What is merchandising ?
this is where a brand from one product is used to sell another product. For example a professional sports team promotes various products.
What are the effects of commercialisation on athletes ?
- an athlete will receive high money income for sport participation and commercial activities promoting products, this in turn will give them financial security.
- suffer from a lack of privacy
- makes winning important as athletes are paid for successful results, therefore they will spend more time training.
What are the effects of commercialisation on sport ?
*rules and scoring systems have changed to prevent spectator boredom
* breaks are provided in play so that sponsors can advertise their products.
* increased use of technology through the media has led to a more personal experience for the viewer. Such as a referee camera in some football games.
Why do companies invest large amounts of money into sport ?
- increased brand awareness; adds value to a brand. For example Nike Golf and Rory Mcllroy.
- sponsorship can decrease the amount of tax paid by a company
- increased publicity
What does the term globalisation mean ?
this is a process that allows different nations to meet together due to improvements in communication and transport.
What are the pros of the golden triangle ?
- more media coverage leads to more sponsorship, therefore more income for clubs and performers.
- greater funding leads to more investment into the sport
- more entertaining versions of sports developed, in order to tackle spectator boredom such as 20-20 cricket.
What are the cons of the golden triangle ?
- sponsorship is disproportionate, for example football vs volleyball
- media can lead to intrusion into a performers private life
- media coverage can put pressure on performers to win. Can lead to things such as drug taking
What does the term society mean ?
an organised group of people with a shared common interest or association
What does the term socialisation mean ?
a lifelong process where members of a society learn the norms, ideas, values, role in order to take their place in the society.
What does the term social control mean ?
this is the regulation of peoples thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour in line with the social systems.
What does the term social issues mean ?
problems that may affect many people within a society
What does the term social stratification mean ?
a type of social inequality. Dividing a society into different levels of on the basis of wealth or status.
What are the two types of socialisation ?
primary and secondary
What is primary socialisation ?
this is socialisation during the early years of childhood mainly with the immediate family.
What is secondary socialisation ?
this occurs during the later years in life when the family is less involved and other ‘ agencies ‘ begin to exert more of an influence such as friends, school and external clubs.
What is gender socialisation ?
this involves learning behaviour and attitudes which are historically correct for that sex
What skills and values do children develop as a result of informal play ?
- improves social skills
- learn how to share
- increased creativity
What skills and values are encouraged for children to develop in secondary school in PE ?
- improved health and fitness
- improved leadership skills
- improved moral skills
What does the term social change mean ?
an alteration in the social order of a society