Spinal Cord Circuitry and Reflexes Flashcards
Definition of reflexes
Stereotyped, involuntary response to a stimulus
Definition of an autonomic reflex
Reflexes mediated by the ANS which activates smooth, cardiac muscle and glands
Definition of a somatic reflex
Reflexes mediated by the somatic nervous system which activates skeletal muscle
What is a reflex
What characterises an autonomic and somatic reflex
Stereotyped involuntary responses to a stimulus
- Mediated by the ANS
- Activates smooth, cardiac muscles and glands
- often bilateral
Somatic reflexes
- Mediated by the somatic NS
- Activates skeletal muscle
What are the 4 main properties of any reflex
Simplest neural circuit
Fast automatic behaviour
Very old evoluntionary to help us survive
What are the basic steps in any reflex
Receptor Sensory neurone Interpretation center Motor neurone Effectot
Describe the monosynaptic reflex pathway in the knee jerk reaction
What could go wrong in this pathway
Muscle spindle surrounded by extrafusal fibres
Myelinated Aa, large diameter fibre in peripheral nerve
Cell body in DRG
Synapse in ventral horn with myelinated Aa motor
Transduces electrical => chemical energy onto NMJ => muscle
Myelinated fibres can get demyelinated => decreased conduction velocity Cell body in DRG can get damaged NT problem NT receptor problem Muscle problems
Describe the structure of a peripheral nerve
Whole nerve surrounded by epineurium
Nerve fascicles in perineurium
Individual fibres surrounded by endoneurium
Peripheral nerve contains many afferent and efferent fibres
What is the average speed of a Aa fibre
What is the 2 functions of a monosynaptic reflex
What is an example of a monosynaptic reflex
Controls stretch leg muscles
Maintains upright posture
Muscle spindles in the stretch reflex
What are the 3 properties of a polysynaptic reflex
Have interneurons More synapses => 0.5ms synaptic delay => slower reflex Synapse signals can be changed -Spatial summation => AP -Temporal summation => AP -EPSPs, IPSPs => SP
What are the 2 properties of properioceptors in reflexes
- where are they found
- what do they do
Found in skeletal muscles, tendons, joint capsules, ligaments
Carry sensory input to CNS
Describe the 3 main properties of muscle spindles
- location
- stimulus
- type of synaptic reflex
-pathway of function
-Parallel and inbetween extrafusal muscle fibres
-Respond to stretch, prevent over stretching
Tonically active sensory neurones around intrafusal fibres => CNS
- Extrafusal loses tone/stretches too much
- Intrafusal stretched
- Sensory afferent from sensory neurone => CNS
- a motor contracts extrafusal muscle
How is the muscle spindle reflex stopped when you want to move voluntarily
Descending pathway coactivates
a motor => extrafusal
y motor => intrafusal
Both contract so length change is not detected by the sensory afferent
Describe the 3 main properties of golgi tendon organs
- location
- stimulus
- type of synaptic reflex
-pathway of function
- Series at musculotendinous junction with collagen fibres
- Responds to tension
-Extrafusal muscle contraction stretches golgi tendon organ
-GTO fires => CNS
Interneurone between afferent and efferent inhibits muscle contraction
-Muscle relaxes, load dropped
What is the withdrawal reflex
3 properties
Total flexor pattern => retraction of the whole limb from danger
Hardwired in spinal cord
Many interneurons
Why are interneurons important
If both flexors and extensors are excited => both contract => rigidity
Inhibitory interneuron onto antagonist => relaxes => movement