Face Flashcards
Where are the boundaries of the face
Where are the 9 facial subregions
Superior border => forehead
Inferior border => chin
Lateral border => ears
Orbital => around eyes Infra orbital => under eyes Buccal => next to mouth Parotid => inferolateral to cheeks Zygomatic => bony ridge of cheeks Nasal => nose Oral => around mouth Mental => chin
What is the function of the face
What is found in the face
Identity, expression, communication
Facial bones
Special senses
Name the 14 bones that make up the viscerocranium
-which ones give the face its shape
What else gives the face its shape
Inf nasal concha
What is special about the muscles of the face
How would you group the facial muscles
Very superficial
-lack of fat or tissue between skin and skull
Originate on bone => insert into skin
Scalp, forehead, eyebrows
Mouth, lips, cheeks
Orbital opening
What are the muscles of the
-scalp, forehead, eyebrows
Epicranius (frontalis, occipitalis)
- cranial aponeurosis to eyebrows
- raise eyebrows
What are the muscles of the
-mouth, lips, cheeks
Orbicularis oris
- multiple layers (extrinsic-originate from other muscles)
- intersects at the corners of the mouth
Buccinator (cheek muscle)
- mandible, maxilla to orbicularis oris
- presses cheek against teeth => food against molars,suckling
Zygomaticus (smiling)
- zygomatic => orbicularis oris and levator anguli oris
- smiling grinning
Platysma (depress mandible)
- clavicle => mandible
- tense skin, depress mandible
What are the muscles of the
-orbital opening
Orbicularis oculi
- frontal, maxilla, lacrimal around orbit
- blinking
Describe the arterial supply to the face
ECA gives off many branches
- facial branch => skin and muscles
- transverse facial => parotid, masseter
- lateral nasal => nose
- labial (superior, inferior) => lips
Describe the venous supply of the face
Parallel path to equivalent name sarteries
-drained from plexus at the surface that drain at anterior scalp => facial vein => int jugular vein
- deep facial vein => facial vein
- retromandibular divides to drain into the facial vein or external jugular
Describe the innervation of the face and facial muscles
- sensory of face, scalp
- motor for mastication
-motor for facial muscles
Describe the route of the opthalmic nerve
-what does it innervate
Opthalmic nerve
Pseudopolar neurone in trigeminal ganglion
Branches into
- Frontal => supraorbital and supratrochlear branches
- Nasociliary => intratrochlear and anterior ethmoidal branches (anterior ethmoidal => ext nasal)
- Lacrimal
Top of head
Upper eyelid
Medial surface of nose
Describe the route of the maxillary nerve
-what does it innervate
Maxillary nerve
Pseudopolar neruone in trigeminal ganglion
Foramen rotundum
Branches into
- Zygomatic => zygomaticofacial via zygomaticofacial foramen (cheek), zygomaticotemporal via zygomaticotemporal foramen (anterior temporal scalp
- Infraorbital via infraorbital foramen
Lower eyelid Lateral nose Upper lip Mucosa of maxillary sinus Top teeth
Describe the route of the mandibular nerve
- what does it innervate
- sensory
Mandibular nerve
Pseudopolar neurone in trigeminal ganglion
Foramen ovale
Branches into
- auriculotemporal => skin in front of ear
- lingual => ant 2/3 tongue
- buccal => skin, oral mucosa
- inferior alveolar => mandibular foramen => inferior dental plexus => mental nerve
Lateral temporal
Anterior ear
Describe the route of the mandibular nerve
- what does it innervate
- motor
Mandibular nerve
Joins sensory component distal to trigeminal ganglion
Branches to masticators
- masseter
- medial, lateral pterygoids
- temporalis
Branches also to other muscles involved in eating
- tensor tympani
- tensor veli palatini
- anterior belly of digastric
- mylohyoid
What is trigeminal neuralgia
Chronic facial pain
- hyperalgesia and allodynia
- unilateral, electric shock-like
-female prevalence, increases with age
Often due to the basilar artery compressing the nerve root
Often treated with anticonvulsants like carbemazepine (reduce nervous transmission)
If unaffective, can be operated on with the risk of hearing and sensory loss
Describe the route of the facial nerve
- what does it innervate
- special sensory
Facial nerve
IAM in petrous
Greater petrosal
Chorda tympani => hitchhiked with lingual nerve => ant 2/3 tongue
Stylomastoid foramen
Posterior auricular nerve
Posterior belly of digastric nerve
Stylohyoid nerve
Parotid gland => upper and lower branches
Muscles of facial expression:
Upper bilateral control => temporal, zygomatic branches
Lower contralateral control => buccal, mandibular branches
Describe the route of the facial nerve
- what does it innervate
Facial nerve
Greater petrosal nerve branch => MCF => pterygopalatine ganglion => mucous and lacrimal glands
Stapedius nerve branch => MOTOR
Chorda tympani branch => combine with lingual nerve => submandibular ganglion => submandibular, sublingual glands
Stylomastoid foramen
Post auricular
Post digastric
Describe the route of the facial nerve
- what does it innervate
- motor
Facial nerve IAM Greater petrosal nerve => PNS Stapedius nerve => stapedius muscle in inner ear Chorda tympani => PNS
Stylomastoid foramen
Posterior auricular branch=> intrinsic, extrinsic outer ear muscles Posterior belly of digastric branch=> elevate hyoid Stylohyoid branch=> elevate hyoid (facial expression Within parotid => 5 terminal branches -temporal -zygomatic -buccal -mandibular -cervical
Describe the structure of the parotid gland
Tightly enclosed in fascia (causes pain in mumps)
Branches within the gland
- Facial nerve plexuses
- ECA divides into maxillary and superficial temporal branches
Parotid duct lies on masseter, pierces buccanator => opens into oral cavity on the buccal side
Saliva production stimulated by IX
What muscles attach to the superior nuchal line
Splenius capitus
What muscles attach to the mastoid process
-what movements are possible
- bilateral => head extension
- unilateral => lateral flexion
- unilateral rotation