spinal cord Flashcards
How do you tell what side of the spinal cord you are looking at?
the anterior side has ONE blood vessel
what indicates that you are looking at the posterior cord
there are TWO posterior spinal arteries
filum terminale externum
anchors caudal end of dural sac with coxxyx; made up of dura
filum terminale interunum
made of pia and glial cells; anchors the caudal end of the spinal cord to the terminal end of the dural sac around the S2 vertebra
denticulate ligament
half way between the posterior rootlets and anterior rootlets; it goes in the subarachnoid space
artery of adamkiewicz
inferior 2/3 of cord
veins of spinal cord
located in the epidural space filled with fatty tissue that contains the venous plexus; may provide a way for prostate cancer to spread to the brain.
white matter
is the axon tracts and it carries the projections; its myelinated;
gray matter
this is where the cell bodies, dendrites and initial part of the axon are
inferior cerebellar peduncle
input from the posterior spinocerebellar tract
superior cerebellar peduncle
input from the anterior spinocerebellar tract
anteriolateral system
it decussates at the SAME level that the axon enters the spinal cord; it is ALWAYS a CONTRALATERAL lesion
ALS carries what info
pain, temperature, crude touch
corticospinal tract decussation
medullary pyramids but not all
zones of grey matter
posterior, intermediate, anterior
substantia gelatinosa locale
in the posterior horn, is significantly lighter than the other areas of the posterior horn
substantia gelatinosa’s rexed, function
II; modulates pain
medial side of anterior horn grey matter
neurons for proximal and axial muscles
cervical level shape
round to oval
cervical level GM
becomes larger reflecting sensory input “cervical enlargement” because of brachial plexus
cervical level WM
large amount of axons because you info FROM your legs/arms, also info going TO your legs/arms
thoracic level GM
has dorsal nucleus of clarke (VII); also has the lateral horn for the PreSy
gracile funiculus
only present below T6
lumbar region shape
lumbar GM
large GM anterior and posterior horns. there is a lumbar enlargement
lumbar gracile
only contains the leg fibers
Sacral shape
round, smaller than lumbar and has the fewest fibers
sacral GM
main component
patellar spinal reflex
comes in through the posterior funiculus and synapses in two places in the GM; one stimulates a motor neuron for leg extension, the other inhibits a motor neuron for leg flexion
muscle weakness indicates what type of lesion
TRICK QUESTION!!! its not a unique feature. It could be upper or lower
brown sequard
hemi section of spinal cord
B12 deficiency
dorsal columns
clarks nucleus
neurons that form the dorsocerebellar tract; T1-L3
where are motor neurons for extensors
most ventral part of the ventral horn
lamina I
sometimes called tract cells that project to ALS; pain, temp, crude touch; cross in anterior white commisure
lamina V
is the other lamina that projects to ALS
dorsal root entry zone
modalities are split here; ALS stuff is on the lateral division; the medial division proprioception, touch and pressure neurons are large and medial and the info goes to the posterior columns
how many spinocerebellar tracts
spinocerebellar tract locale
edge of the spinal cord; there are two versions of this, one is dorsal and one is ventral