neuro terms and functions Flashcards
association fiber fxn
interconnects cortical areas within the same hemisphere
arcuate fiber fxn
interconnect gyri within a lobe
longitudinal fasiculi fxn
interconnect the frontal lobe with other cerebral lobes
commisural fiber fxn
interconnect corresponding lobes of different hemispheres
projection fiber fxn
connect cerebral cortex to diencephalong, brain stem, cbellum, and spinal cord
amygdaloid body fxn
component of limbic sys
claustrum fxn
role of subconsious processing of visial info
anterior group of thalamus
part of the limbic system
medial group of thalamus
integrates sensory info for projection to frontal lobes
ventral group of thalamus
projects sensory info to primary sensory cortex, cerebellum, and basal gang.
pulvinar portion of thalamus
posterior; integrates sensory info for projection to association areas of cerebral cortex
superior colliculi
integrates visual info with other info; can do reflex responses to visual stimuli
inferior colliculi
relays auditory info to medial geniculate nucli; can do reflex response to auditory stimuli
red nuclei
involuntary control of background muscle tone and limb position
substantia nigra
regulates pain activty in basal nuclei
reticular formation
automatic processing of incoming sensations and outgoing motor commands; can respond to stimuli; helps maintain consciousness
cerebral peduncles
connect primary motor cortex with motor neurons in brain and spinal cord; carries ascending sensory to thalamus
nucleus gracilis/cuneatus
relays somatic sensory info to the ventral posterior nuclei of thalamus
olivary nuclei
relays info from spinal cord, red nucleus, midbrain centers and cerebral cortex to the vermis of the cerebellum
two pathways in posterior column
fasiculus gracilis, cuneatus
path of fasciculus gracilis
1) DRG, ascend in fasciculus
2) nucleus gracilis, cross over to other side medial lemniscus and ascend
3) ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus to cortex on contralateral side of stimulus
path of fasciculus cuneatus
1) DRG, ascend in fasciculus
2) nucleus cuneatus, cross over to other side medial lemniscus and ascend
3) ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus to cortex on contralateral side of stimulus
two pathways in posterior column carry what info
proprioception, fine touch, pressure, vibration
path of lateral spinothalamic tract
1) DRG, to dorsal root
2) posterior gray horn, cross through ventral commisure to lateral spinothalamic tract and ascend
3) ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus to primary cortex on contralateral side of stimulus
lateral spinothalamic tract carries
pain temperature
path of anterior spinothalamic tract
1) DRG, to dorsal root
2) posterior gray horn, cross through ventral commisure to anterior spinothalamic tract and ascend
3) ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus to primary cortex on contralateral side of stimulus
anterior spinothalamic tract carries. lateral?
crude touch and pressure sensations. lateral spinothalamic carries pain, temperature
posterior spinocerebellar tract path
1) DRG, to dorsal root
2) posterior gray horn, enter posterior spinocerebellar tract on same side and go to the cerebellar cortex
anterior spinocerebellar tract path
1) DRG to dorsal root
2) posterior gray horn and cross before entering the anterior spinocerebellar tract to go to the cerebellar cortex.
THESE CROSS AGAIN within the cerebellum
spinocerebellar tracts carry
proprioception of muscles, tendons, and joints
corticobulbar tract UMN
primary motor cortex
corticobulbar tract destination
LMN of cranial nerve nuclei in brainstem
action of corticobulbar tract
conscious motor control of muscles for eye, face, tongue, neck, and superficial back muscles
lateral corticospinal destination
LMN of anterior gray horns in spinal cord
lateral corticospinal cross over locale
medullary pyramids
vestibulospinal tract UMN
vestibular nucleus @ border of pons and medulla
vestibulospinal tract destination
LMN in anterior horn of spinal cord
vestibulospinal tract cross over
ahahah. trick question. they don’t
vestibulospinal tract action
subconsious regulation of balance and muscle tone
tectospinal UMN locale
tectum (mesencephalon superior and inferior colliculi)
tectospinal destination
LMN of anterior gray horns in CERVICAL spinal cord only
tectospinal tract cross over
tectospinal tract action
regulate eye, head, neck, upper limb, position in response to visual and auditory stimuli
reticulospinal UMN
reticular formation
reticulospinal destination
LMNS of anterior gray horns of spinal cord
reticulospinal tract cross over
anooother trick question!! they don’t
reticulospinal tract action
regulates reflex activity
vestibulospinal, tectospinal, reticulospinal paths are part of what general pathway
medial motor pathway
corticobulbar, lateral/anterior corticospinal paths are part of what general pathway
corticospinal pathway
rubrospinal tract is part of what general pathway
lateral motor pathway
rubrospinal tract UMN
rednuclei of mesencephalon
rubrospinal tract destination
lower motor neurons of anterior gray horns of spinal cord
rubrospinal tract cross over locale
rubrospinal tract action
regulation of upper limb muscle tone and movement
cells of the primary motor cortex
pyramidal cells
medial and lateral motor pathways that can do unconscious, involuntary movements
vestibulospinal, reticulospinal, tectospinal, rubrospinal