specimen procurement Flashcards
royal blue tube additive
light green tube is aka
PST (plasma separator tube)
pale yellow tube # of inversions
8 times
lavender/pink tube additive
red glass tube # of inversions
0 (none)
Gold/SST tube is used to test for
- routine chemistry
- antibody studies
- cross matching and blood typing
red tube department
red plastic tube additive
prothrombin activator
how should a lancet be placed on fingerprint when doing dermal puncture
perpendicular to fingerprint
why is the first drop of blood wiped away when performing a dermal puncture
contains excess interstitial fluid
maximum lancet length used on a neonate heal? why?
- 2.00mm
- avoids damage to calcaneal bone
how many hours can a fecal fat determination sample be collected for
24-72 hours
why are 3 specimens collected for
- fecal culture and sensitivity specimen
- ova and parasite specimen
- fecal occult blood specimen
presence of bacteria may be sporatic
what does the Westergren Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate test for
inflammatory disorders
black tube ratio
light blue tube # of inversions
3-4 times
black tube additive
buffered sodium citrate
red tube is used to test for
prescription/illicit drugs
what additives are found in a light green tube
- thixotropic gel
- heparin
what does HBA1c test for? goes to what department
- sugars for past 3 months
- chemistry
what is pale yellow tube used to test for
- paternity testing
- HLA tissue typing
- Canadian blood services transfusion bags
light blue tube used to test for
- PT
- Aptt
green tube additive
black tube department