Special Tests Flashcards
Anterior Drawer Test: Perform and Explain
Testing integrity of ACL
Client is supine with hip flexed to 45 degrees and foot flat on table
Therapist anchors foot by covering with thigh.
Therapist places both hands around the posterior side of the proximal tibia and gives a firm pull on the tibia
Positive: mushy end feel, pain or anterior movement of the tibia.
not as accurate at Lachman Test
Lachman Test
Testing integrity of ACL.
Client Supine on table
Knee may be straight or flexed to 30 degrees.
Therapist stablizes the distal femur with one hand and the other hand is placed behind the proximal tibia. Therapist gives firm pull anteriorly to the tibia.
Positive: mushy end feel, pain or movement may suggest damage to ACL
Posterior Drawer Test:
Perform and Explain
Gravity Drawer Test:
Perform and Explain
Valgus Stress Tets:
Perform and Explain
Varus Stress Test:
Perform and Explain
Clarke’s Sign:
Perform and Explain
Obers Test
Perform and Explain
Noble Compression Test
Perform and Explain
Apley’s compression Test
Perform and Explain
Apley’s Distraction Test
Ankle Drawer Test
Talar Tilt Test
Squeeze Test
Morton’s Test
Dorsiflexion-Eversion Test
Tibialis Posterior Compression Test
Tinel’s Test
Thompson Test
Achilles Pinch Test
Windlass Test
Tendinitis Bursitis Test
Using isometric Contraction
Mills Test
Lateral Epicondylitis
Medial Epicondylitis test
Medial Epiconylitis
Pronator Teres Test
Compression of median nerve
Pinch Grip Test
Anterior Interosseous nerve syndrome
Phalens test
Compression of median nerve (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
Elbow Flexion Test
Ulnar nerve patholoy
Tinel’s Sign
Carpal Tunnel-Median Nerve
Froment’s Sign
Weakness of adductor pollicis (guyons canal/ cubital tunnel)
Finkelstein test
inflammation or adhesions in synovial sheath of thumb (De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Straight Leg Raise Test
Sciatica / hamstring tightness
Slump Test
Nerve root involvement neningeal or dural irritation
Prone knee bend test
Nerve root compression in lumbar nerve roots- FEMORAL NERVE
One leg lumbar Extension
Stress fracture in pars interarticularis, spondylsis, spondylolisthes
Bowstring Test
Sciatic Nerve Tension or Space occupying lesion in lumbar region
Functional or Structural Scoliosis Test
Stand behind client, observe the spinous processes for any visible curves.
Rib Motion Test
Motion of ribs
Rib Palpation Test
position of individual ribs