Module #2-Foot, Ankle, Lower Leg Flashcards
Foot, Ankle, Lower Leg
Are the Deltoid Ligaments on the on the medial or lateral side of the foot?
How are the tarsal bones named?
Medial -Lateral, First, second, third
What does the distal tibiofibular joint (tibia and fibula) Form?
Ankle Mortise
What three movements are “Pronation” of the foot
Dorsiflexion, Eversion, Abduction of the foot
What three movements are “Supination” of the foot
Plantarflexion, Inversion, Adduction of the foot
What four ligaments make up the deltoid ligaments?
Anterior Tibiotalar
Posterior Tibiotalar
What is the most common type of ankle sprain?
Lateral ankle sprain at the anterior talofibular
What stabilizes the medial longitudinal arch?
Spring Ligament-Plantar Calcaneofibular
Without this, tendons would not be safe!
how many compartments is the lower leg divided into?
What are compartments separated by?
Strong Fascia Walls
___________ is not a true arch
Transverse arch
Which muscle plays a huge role in supporting the medial arch of the foot?
Tibialis Posterior
Tibial Nerve entrapment syndrome
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Most common affected compartment in the leg
A fracture affecting one or more of the malleoli
How long does the first stage of healing take for fractures?
72 Hours
How are lateral ankle sprains measured?
Grade 1: mild, Grade 2: Moderate, Grade 3: Severe or total
Floating matter in the space where blood travels through
Normal heart rate
60-100 Beats per minute
irregular heart beat
Avoid pacemaker side for how many weeks
6 weeks. Avoid entire area surrounding it
If a client is having an angina attack, you can administer how many nitro doses?
Why is the head of the fibular an endangerment site?
it doesn’t have a lot of fat or muscle to protect it
What structure goes around the head of the fibula?
Common Fibular Nerve
What is an easy test for Plantar Fasciitis?
Windless Test
Where is the tarsal tunnel located?
Find Medial Malleoli and go posterior then inferior to it.
What structures are involved in the tarsal tunnel ?
Tibial Nerve, Posterior Tibial Nerve, TDH muscles, medial Malleoli, Anterior Retinaculum
The sciatic nerve splits into what sections in the popliteal region?
Tibial nerve which innervates gastroc and soleus and the common fibular nerve which innervates the peroneals
What structure acts as the primary shock absorber for the foot?
Plantar Fascia
What structures are involved with mortons Neuroma?
Plantar nerves between 3rd and 4th toes
What structures are involved with bunions (Hallux Valgus)?
Medial part of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint of the first big toe
What structures are involved with hammar toes?
toes 2-4 stuck in flex position
What structures are involved with a medial ankle sprain?
Deltiod Ligaments: Anterior Tiobiotalar, Posterior tibiotalar, tibionavicular, tibiocancaneal
What is mortons neuroma?
enlarged or irritated nerve tissue in distal region of the foot usually between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal
How would you treat mortons neuroma?
metatarsa;l spreading, deep stripping, avoid direct compression in area, nueral stretching
What is closed pack position?
When a synovial joint is under maximum tension
What is Capsular pattern of restriction?
predictable pattern of restriction,