Module 6-Elbow, Wrist, Hand Flashcards
What two joints make up the elbow?
Humeroulnar and Humeroradial Joints
What actions happen at the elbow?
Flexion and Extension
What makes the wrist?
Where do the wrist flexors and wrist extensors attach too?
Wrist flexors-Medial Epicondyle
Wrist Extensors-Lateral Epiconydle
What ligament is considered the “Seatbelt” holding the head of the radius in against the Ulna?
Annular Ligament
Is the Olecranon burse deep or superficial to the olecranon process?
What is the only blood supply to the hand?
Brachial Artery
What joint makes the wrist?
Radiocarpal Joint ( Radias and Proximal row of Carpals)
Acronyms for carpal bones (Lateral to Medial)
Some- Scaphoid
Positions- pisiform
What is another term for elbow?
What is the normal “Carrying Angle” in the elbow, for women and men?
Women-10-15 Degrees
Men-5-10 Degrees
What condition is identical to carpal tunnel syndrome?
Pronator Teres Syndrome
What conditions compresses the median nerve?
Pronator Teres Syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome
What runs through the carpal tunnel?
9 flexor tendons and median nerve
Capsular pattern of the elbow
Flexion more than extension
Capsular pattern of the wrist
Pronation more than supination
Which side of the forearm do the wrist extensors attach too?
Posterior/Lateral Side
What side of the forearm do the wrist flexors attach to?
Anterior/Medial Side
Brachialis Origin and Insertion
Origin: The distal half of the anterior surface of the humerus
Insertion: Tuberosity and Coronoid process of the ulna
Pronator Teres Origin and Insertion
Origin: Common Flexor tendon of the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the coronoid process of the ulna
Insertion: Middle of lateral surface of the radius
Actions of the Pronator Teres
1.Assist to flex the elbow humeroulnar joint
2.Pronates the wrist at the radioulnar joint.
Innervated: Median Nerve
What is the Mill’s Test testing for?
Wrist Extensor tendonitis/Tendonosis, or lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow).
What actions happen at the proximal and distal radioulnar joints?
Pronation and Supination