Special Test of the Ankle and Foot Flashcards
What are all the special test of the Ankle and Foot?
Anterior Drawer, Anterior Talofibular LST, Babinski’s, Calcaneocuboid LST, Calcaneofibular LST, Deltoid LST, Functional / Structural Pes Planus, Morton’s Neuroma, Ramirez’s, Soleus / Gastroc Length, Thompson’s.
What is Anterior Drawer Test used to assess for?
Used to evaluate the stability of the Anterior Talofibular ligament.
How would you perform a Anterior Drawer Test?
Client seated / Supine,
With one hand stabilize the anterior surface of the Distal Tibia and fibula.
With the other hand grasp the calcaneus and distract it inferiorly.
With the foot in 20* of planter flexion.
What is a positive result for a Anterior Drawer test?
If there is Excessive anterior translation of the talus, sometimes accompanied by thunking.
This indicates a positive test for Ligamentous laxity or rupture of the ligament.
What does Anterior Talofibular LST assess for?
Used to assess the integrity of the Anterior Talofibular Ligament.
How would you perform a Anterior Talofibular LST?
Client seated,
One hand stabilize the anterior surface of the tibia and fibula proximal to the ankle.
With the other hand grasp the Dorsal surface of the Foot and apply a combined movement of planter flexion, inversion, and adduction applying overpressure.
What is a positive result from a Anterior Talofibular LST?
A positive test for Subacute, mild to moderate anterior talofibular ligament sprain.
Pain is local to the ligament and excessive movement and mm spasm end feel.
What does a Babinski’s test assess for?
Used to assess for Spasticity present with CNS lesions.
How would you perform a Babinski’s test?
Client supine,
Run pointed object along the planter aspect of the foot, Using the end of a reflex hammer handle.
What is a positive result for a Babinski’s test?
Any extension of the big toe and abduction of the other toes is a positive test for,
CNS lesions.
What is Calcaneocuboid LST used to assess for?
Used to assess for the integrity of the Calcaneocuboid ligament.
How would you perform a Calcaneocuboid LST?
Client seated,
One hand stabilize the Calcaneus,
With the other hand, supinate the affected forefoot, applying overpressure at the end of the passive rom.
What is a positive result for a Calcaneocuboid LST?
Pain and hypermobility local to the ligament are positive for Sprain.
Muscle spasm end feel may be present with a subacute injury.
What does a Calcaneofibular LST assess for?
Used to assess for the Calcaneofibular ligament.
How would you perform a Calcaneofibular LST?
Client seated,
With one hand stabilize the anterior surface of the Tibia proximal to the ankle.
With the other hand, grasp the calcaneus and invert the hindfoot, applying overpressure at the end of the passive rom.
Keep the ankle in a neutral position.
What is a positive result for a Calcaneofibular LST?
A positive result for Acute Calcaneofibular ligamentous sprain,
is pain local to the ligament and hypermobility.
A mm spasm end feel may be present with subacute stage.
What does a Deltoid LST assess for?
Assess the integrity of the Deltoid ligament in the ankle.
How would you perform a Deltoid LST?
To assess the anterior fibers of the Deltoid ligament
Client seated,
With one hand stabilize the anterior tibia and fibula,
Use the other hand to grasp t he dorsal surface of the foot,
combining eversion and planter flexion, of the foot and applying overpressure at the end of passive range.
What is a positive result for a Deltoid LST?
Pain and hypermobility local to the ligament are signs of a positive test.
Mm spasm may be present at the end feel if in the subacute stage.
How would you perform a Deltoid LST to assess the Middle Fibers?
Reposition the hand you’re grasping the Calcaneus, so the hindfoot can be taken into eversion with overpressure.
How would you perform a Deltoid LST to assess the posterior fibers?
Reposition you hand along the planter surface of the of the foot, combining eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot with overpressure.
When performing a Deltoid LST, how would you do only a general assessment and not of one portion of the ligament.
When doing this you would stabilize the anterior Tibia and Fibula.
Evert the hindfoot only.
What does a Functional or Structural Pes Planus Test assess for?
Used to assess if a client’s Pes planus is structural or functional.
How would you perform a Functional or Structural Pes Planus Test?
Observe the orientation of the of the client’s Medial longitudinal arch, while the client is weight bearing.
First, instruct the client to stand with both heels and toes on the ground, and then to stand on their toes only.
Get client to sit on table, while they’re not weight bearing observe the medial longitudinal arch.
What is a positive result of a Functional or Structural Pes Planus Test?
If the Arch is restored while the client is ether standing on their toes or seated, then the test is positive for functional Pes planus.
If the arch remains flat while the client is standing on toes or being seated after then the test is positive for Structural Pes planus.
What is a positive result for Functional Pes planus Due to?
This can be due to Weakness in muscles of the Arch or Ligamentous weakness.
What is Morton’s Neuroma test used to assess for?
Used to assess for Morton’s neuroma.
How would you perform a Morton’s Neuroma test?
Client seated,
Compress foot by applying pressure to the lateral and medial sides.
What is a positive result for Morton’s Neuroma test?
A positive test is indicated by sharp pain at the location of the neuroma.
The pain is worsened by activity.
What is a positive result for a Thompson’s test?
If the is a absence of planter flexion when the mm is squeezed.
How would you perform a Thompson’s Test?
Client prone or supine,
Grasp the Client’s posterior leg (Gastroc/Soleus),
Then Squees the mms assessing if the ankle has any planter flexion.
What is a Thompson’s Test used to assess for?
It is used to assess for a Strain / Complete rupture of the Achilles tendon.