Questions on how to treat some Conditions Flashcards
What are special things to include in a treatment for a client with Asthma?
There may be facial restrictions over the posterior thorax, these should be treated first.
including Lat, QL and lower intercostal attachment’s.
Treat compensating structures, then…
Treat the Diaphragm directly + Rib springing.
What are Special things to include when treating Emphysema?
Depending on the client’s severity of the condition…
With sever Emphysema you want to have the client in Semi-supine.
You cam treat the client as normal but don’t Exsust the client with deep work.
Postural Drainage work can be used to remove mucus secretions associated with chronic bronchitis.
How would you treat Chronic Bronchitis?
Prior to postural Drainage the client should practice a productive cough along with Belly breathing.
Lower lobes - the client has pillows under hip and prone.
Middle lobes - the client is supine with pillows under right thorax and knees.
Upper lobes - Seated with pillows piled on lap and on table.
Have a bucket for clients to use.
How would you treat Bell’s Palsy?
Massage on the Unaffected side first.
Being carful not to traction any facia or mms.
The pressure is always directed towards the lesion site.
Going from lateral to the midline of the face.
On the affected side you work towards the lesion site from midline to lateral and USING NO facial work.
After you would include Passive movements:
Raising the Eyebrows, Closing the eyes, Flaring the nostrils, Grinning, Making an O shape with the mouth.
How would you treat a client with Edema?
You would use MLD and make sure that the client’s Limb (Arm / Leg) are elevated to encourage drainage.
How would you treat a client with a spinal cord injury?
Trigger points would be addressed using Repetitive mm stripping as a ischemic compression may be too much pressure.
You can also include passive stretching to improve joint health.
How would you treat a client with Parkinsons?
Positioning can be a challenge and getting the client to turn often or at all can increase SNS firing.
In supine there is a pillow for the head.
If the client produces excess saliva there will be a cloth there for them.
Rib springing is used to keep thoracic mobility.
How would you treat a client that comes to you with MS?
The client’s current condition is very important.
Contractures are treated with long passive rom stretching instead of Deeper work.
Techniques to reduce spacicty:
Lighter GSM, Slow shaking of the limb, Stimulation of the Antagonist mm.
The main goal of treatment is to keep the cliewnt relaxed as stress can cause the condition to worsen.
How would you treat a client with OA?
Using Deep moist heat to warm up the tissue (If no inflammation is present).
Joint play is used to reduce spasm, Cold hydro with acute inflammation.
How would you treat a client with DDD?
Prone with no pillows under the abdomen. if DDD is in lumbar.
If DDD is in the C spine you would use pillows under the Thorax.
Treatment is used to treat symptoms under the client’s pain tolerance.
As the condition leaves the Acute stage you can use deeper work.
How would you treat a client with Scoliosis?
Besides the normal pillowing you would also ad a rolled up towel under the anteriorly rotated hip to promote proper alignment.
After the heat is applied you would do zig zag fascial work to the restrictions in a inferior - Superior motion.
cool wash applied to stretched mms and heat to tight mms.
If the client is side lying you would have a towel rolled up and placed between their hip and ribs.
What are Ci’s for treating Scoliosis?
Do not attempt to mobilize the spine if there is any rods or fusions present.
Avoid doing joint mobs on hypermobile joints.
Do not use longitudinal work on the convex side as the mms are already stretched out.
Do not randomly work on fascia, assess the fascia and work on restrictions.
How would you treat a client with Patellofemoral Syndrome?
The primary focus is on compensating structures.
Can include Deep moist heat to the IT band.
Working proximal and distal to the knee, using fascial work and tapotement on the weak areas like medialis.
How would you treat a client with IT band contracture?
Starting with fascial work to the IT band area including GSM to warm up the tissue.
Any Adhesions are treated with Frictions.
(Ice and Stretch included)
Sometimes there is inflammation at the site of friction syndrome so you would use ice hydro.
TFL is treated for any trigger points or adhesions present.
What are CI’s for applications of heat?
Any Acute injury, Circulatory pathologies, sensory changes or inflamed joints, also don’t leave the heat on too long as it may burn.
Clients with MS may be at higher risk for burns.
What are Ci’s for application of cold?
Raynaud’s, or any other circulatory insufficiency’s, if a client has a cold allergy or if they already feel colder in general.
How long do you leave a heat application on a client?
Around 10 mins at up to 39*c and check for a patch test.
How long do you leave a cold hydro application on a client?
0-12*c is considered cold and should be applied for 20-30 mins.
What are the CI’s for using Contrast Hydro on a client?
Acute conditions, vascular pathologies and if the client feels chilled.
How do you use Contrast Hydro on a client?
Starting with a warm then a cold application. the ratio of heat to cold is 3/1.