Special Education Flashcards
Special Education
Specially designed Instruction-no cost to parents-meets unique needs of a child w/ disability
3 prong test of eligibility
has a disability, condition adversely affects educational performance, needs specially designed instruction (SPED)
Adverse Impact
Student’s progress impeded by the disability significantly (2 SD) and consistently (6 months) below level of similar peers-how does disability impact academic performance
parents fully informed in native language-written notice
What is required to be included in the consent form
evaluation or revaluation proposed, reason for the eval, other options considers and why rejected, description of assessments, description of other facts, procedural safeguard notice.
Consent must be
Knowing (informed in writing native language), Competent (understand and agree to activities), voluntary
13 Disability categories
Deaf-Blind, Deaf hearing impaired, TBI, DD, Visual Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, ASD, OHI, Emotional Behavioral Disorder, Intellectual Disability, SLD, Speech & Language, Multiple Disabilities
Other Health Impairment
limited strength, vitality, or alertness with respect to educational environment due to chronic health problems
Emotional Behavioral Disorder
inability to learn not due to other disability, inability to maintain social relationships. inappropriate b/hrs. characteristics must be observed for more than 6 months by more than 2 observers in more than 1 setting.
Learning Disability
Neurological based Cognitive deficits impacting cognitive processes that interfere with academic skill acquisition-Unexpected Low Achievement. May occur in combination with other disability and conditions, but they are not due primarily to other conditions.
What must you do with an intial evaluation
check only identified areas of academic concern document intervention w/ PM data
8 areas of Learning Disability
Basic Reading skills (Phonological Deficit) 70-80%, REading Comprehension (Language Comprehension) 10-15%, Reading Fluency (naming Speed problems 10-15%), Math Calculation, Math Problem Solving, Written Expression, Oral Expression, Listening Comprehension
3 Methods for SLD Eligibility
Ability-Achievement Discrepancy, RTI, Pattern of Strengths & Weaknesses
What is Ability Achievement Discrepancy
is there a significant difference b/w a students IQ and scores on achievement test
lack of response to evidence based interventions. Based on dual discrepancy format
Patterns of Strengths & weaknesses
uses cognitive evaluation and breaks student performance into abilities- must have cognitive strengths and one weakness (a weakness in a sea of strengths)
Exclusionary Factors
discrepancy can not be the result of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage
Exclusionary Factors Criteria for SLD
Motor Impairment, Intellectual Disability, Emotional and or Behavioral disorders, Cultural Factors, Environment and Economic disadvantage. MICEE
Can’t Do vs Won’t Do
SKill deficit is can’t do and performance deficit is won’t do
Formula for reading
Word Recognition + Language comprehension
5 basic components of reading
Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, comprehension
How do you determine emotional behavior disorders?
Observe behaviors for more than 6 months by two observers in more than 1 setting
What is the least effort principle?
basic behavioral hypothesis that an organism will choose a course of action that appears to require the smallest amount of effort or expenditure of energy.
Which of the following statements best characterizes the difference between an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and a Section 504 plan
An IEP provides for specialized instruction, while a Section 504 plan outlines which accommodations, modifications, and supports a student will receive
What are wraparound services?
care coordination process intended to help youth who may be at risk for needing more intense and restrictive services, including out of home placements-not crisis intervention-coordinated care plan