NASP objectives Flashcards
10 domains of the NASP practice model
data-based decision making; consultation and collaboration; academic interventions and instructional supports; mental and behavioral health services and interventions; school-wide practices to promote learning; services to promote safe and supportive schools; family, school and community collaboration; equitable practices; research and evidence based practice; legal ethical and professional practice
6 organizational principles
organization and evaluation of service delivery; climate; physical, personnel, and fiscal support systems; professional communication; supervision, peer consultation, and mentoring; professional development and recognition systems
Organization and Evaluation of Service Delivery
services provided by licensed or credentialed SP and services provided in coordinated and organized fashion.
Organizational Principle: Climate
school system creates a climate that allows school psychological services are delivered with mutual respect
Organizational Principle: Physical, Personnel, and Fiscal Support Systems
Schools ensure adequate personnel to meet needs, all funding is used and maximized, employees have adequate tools and work space, employees have adequate personnel benefits to support work
Organizational Principle: Professional Communication
policies and practices at schools result in positive, proactive communication
Organizational Principle: Supervision, Peer Consultation, and Mentoring
supervision and mentoring are provided through ongoing, career-long, positive collarobation between a SP supervior and other SP colleagues
Ogranizational Principle: Professional Development and Recognition Systems
System ensures continuing professional development.
School Violence Prevention and Safety Strategies
Creating School-Community Safety Partnerships, Establish Comprehensive School Crisis Response Plans, Enhance Classroom and School Climate, Promote Positive School Discipline and Support, Implement Student-Affirming Threat Response Processes, Promote Anti-discrimination Strategies, Implement MTSS to meet needs, reduce Firearms access
Test Sensitivity
Test’s ability to correctly identify people with a disease or true positives
Test Specificity
Test’s ability to correctly identify people without a disease or true negatives
What is the most appropriate activity for a school psychologist to participate in to assist teachers with intervention implementation
ensuring there is a means of progress monitoring with the program being implemented and helping to collect the data
Which THREE of the following are approaches NASP recommends for bullying prevention?
Bullying prevention is best ensured through the creation of a positive school climate and the use of a multidisciplinary team when responding to peer conflict. Further, continued training on local legislation and awareness of issues within the community is beneficial for those working within the school.
According to NASP, which THREE of the following best describe effective district-wide policies for discipline in school
Abolishing the use of a zero-tolerance policy and selecting an alternative policy that is supported by research and data
Establishing district-wide rules and expectations that are used in each school
Creating multidisciplinary teams at the district- and building-wide levels to review student discipline policies
Which THREE of the following are strategies suggested by NASP for developing cultural competency
Developing cultural competency includes increasing access to services and supports through offering materials in a family’s native language, educating others on cultural awareness, and communicating with the family in their preferred language.
a social justice concept that pertains to the proportion of culturally or linguistically diverse students in a particular category that markedly exceeds that group’s proportional representation in the student population.
According to NASP, which THREE of the following are considered main components of school climate
Engagement, Safety, and Environment
Which THREE of the following best describe factors used to assess school climate
NASP measures school climate based on physical, social, and emotional environments
Which THREE of the following are functions of a threat management plan in a school setting
containing the situation, protecting potential targets, and providing support for the student who initiated the threat are all functions of a threat management plan
School-based mental and behavioral health services
EBP to foster psychological well-being, improve positive socioemotional development, mitigate mental illness, maximize success in schools, communities, and families
MASP views mental and behavioral health as not simple the absence of mental illness but
encompassing social, emotional, and behavioral wellness and the ability to cope with life’s challenges.
School and Family partnership
benefits for families from diverse cultural, ethnic, liguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds
what type of benefits from school and family partnerships?
students with more positive attitudes toward school and learning, higher achievement and test scores, improved behavior, increased homework completion, greater participation in academic activities, improved attendance, reduced need for more intensive services.
Violence Prevention and safety strategies
creating school-community safety partnerships, establish comprehensive school crisis response plans, enhance classroom and school climate, promote positive school discipline, implement student-affirming threat response processes, promote antiracism strategies, MTTS, reduce firearms access
Key roles of SP in assessment involvement
- selecting, implementing, and interpreting universal screening and progress monitoring measures 2. completing psychoeducational assessment for referred kiddos 3. evaluating instruction and intervention services
Role of SP in safety for transgender students
Inform, Advocate, Affirm, Protect, Connect,
Safe and supportive schools for LGBTQ youth-SP role
develop and implement comprehensive antibullying policies, provide professional development, support gender and sexuality alliance, consult with teachers to develop inclusive curricula, provide affirming counseling, collaborate with families, be an ally
NASP position on MTSS
children learn best in inclusive environments with evidence-based instruction-best accomplished through MTSS
Special education services under SLD must consider
evidence of a learning disability underachievement’; and exclusion of other factors (the exclusionary factors)
Three methods for SLD identification
Aptitude-achievement discrepancy; RTI, PSW
NASP position on Grade retention and social promotion
replace the debate on grade retention/social promotion with efforts to identify and disseminate ebp to promote academic success-look at MTSS
SP should collaborate and take leadership roles in their district to ensure:
equitable learning opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds, universal screening, culturally relevant and trauma-informed approach to education, MTSS
what is the black star within the Indigenous Conceptual Framework recognized by NASP
Sovereignty, language, intentionality, and reciprocity
What is the role for SP in providing support for families
communicate information and strategies to support student learning such as: Parent education, parent management training, positive behavior support, manage consequences, use limit setting, provide corrective feedback, promote generalization, establishing home environments conducive to learning, engage in learning activities with children, promote high-quality relationships
The use of corporal punishment is what kind of issue
social justice
What is the highest priority of a SP
protect children’s rights, interest, and welfare
Convention on Rights of Children (CRC) themes
the best interest of the child in all actions, education, child care and protection, respect for the views of the child, respect for rights and responsibilities of parents, life survival and development, right to best healthcare possible, special help to those neglected and abused, children entitled to opportunities for rest and recreation, freedom from discrimination and respect for diversity, special attention to rights of children with disabilities.
What are the most common type of bullying?
Physical, Verbal, RElational/social, Cyber bullying
recommended school-based bullying prevention and intervention
teach SE and b/hr competencies early and often; develop and implement antibullying policies; understand connection b/w bullying and mental health problems; teach responsible use of technology; pay special attention to needs of marginalized youth, use a comprehensive approach, focus on bystanders, collaborate with parents
What are some ways that according to NASP SP can help close the achievement gap for multilingual students
MTSS, Mental and Behavioral Health Services and Interventions, Family, School and community collaboration, multicultural consultation, assessment by an SP trained in the complexity of culturally and linguistically responsive practices
role of SP in meeting the needs of students who have been displaced
facilitating enrollment, developing welcoming and affirming school climates, assisting students and families with navigating the school environment, developing cultural responsiveness and empathy of school staff and students, providing culturally and linguistically responsive academic supports, mental health supports, and trauma informed care, collaborate within district and across community to meet needs and build resiliency,