Consultation Flashcards
What instructional quality variable can be directly observed and progress monitored within a consultative model?
Rate of praise statements, and rate of specific praise statements in particular, is a commonly targeted teacher behavior and has been shown to be modifiable with coaching and performance feedback.
Which of the following consultative strategies has been shown experimentally to increase intervention integrity?
Choice is a well-known tactic, outlined in the applied behavioral analysis literature. It is an easily implemented, experimentally valid means of increasing compliance with a treatment protocol.
What are the steps in the problem solving model?
identify, Define, Explore, Act, Look back
what is the first step in a parent consultation program with a new family?
Discussing with the parents what their mutual goals are for the consultation sessions
Which THREE of the following steps are commonly used in problem-solving consultation models
Problem analysis, problem identification, and treatment intervention are all steps in problem-solving consultation models
What does an organizational consultation involve?
targeting large groups within the school or the entire school. The school psychologist is involved in developing a strategy to support all students in the school.
Which TWO of the following have been shown to be effective in reducing student truancy
A community truancy board works directly with students and families to negotiate and implement attendance contracts for students to avoid formal adjudication for truancy. Additionally, alternative education programs may be an option for students for whom truancy results from a disconnect between student interests and traditional schooling.
Which TWO of the following best describe alternative approaches to retaining a student
Addressing the social-emotional and behavioral needs often allows for greater concentration in class and further academic success. Additional academic support offered before, during, or after the school day can close the academic gap.
What is the first step a school psychologist should take in collaborating with teachers under a consultation model
The first step in consultation is to clearly define the problem and create a concrete definition of the problematic behavior.
Which of the following best describes how conjoint behavioral consultation differs from behavioral consultation
Conjoint behavioral consultation addresses behavior in the home and school settings, whereas behavioral consultation focuses on one environment.
What are the 4 basic questions for data based problem solving?
What is the problem?
Why is the problem happening?
What can be done about the problem?
Did the intervention work?
What is the collaborative dependent consultation model
two professionals work together to identify and solve a problem. The consultant creates a plan and the consultee implements the plan. Each party contributes their unique expertise to solve the problem.
What is the collaborative-interdependent consultation model?
Participants with different areas of expertise working together as a team and have equal authority and responsibility
Triadic dependent model of consultation
involves 3 parties a consultant, a consultee and a client-consultant is the expert and the consulted depends on the consultant’s advice-goal is to increase the consultee’s knowledge and skill so that they can better help the client.
Caplan’s consultation model
2 types: Client-Centered Consultation or Consultee Centered Consultation- Consultant, Consultee, Client- goal to increase consultee’s skills to help client
Bergen behavioral consultation model
structured problem solving approach to consultation with 4 steps: problem identification, problem analysis, plan implementation, and plan evaluation.
Problem Identification
establish a collaborative relationship with consultee, clearly define the problem behavior and its impact, gather information about the behavior through interview and observation.
Problem analysis
Conduct FBA, and develop hypotheses about the factors influencing the behavior.
Plan implementation
Design an intervention, train the consultee on how to implement the intervention effectively, monitor the implementation process
Plan evaluation
collect data to assess the effectiveness of the intervention, analyze data and make modification, discuss results with consultee