Learning Theories Flashcards
Operant Conditioning
BF Skinner-method of learning that uses reinforcement and punishments for b/hr. association is made b/w a b/hr and a consequence for that b/hr. association is made between a behavior and a consequence.
use of reinforcement of successive approximations of a desired behavior
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov-learning associated to unconditioned stimulus that brings a particular response with a new conditioned stimulus (neutral stimulus)-eventual neutral stimulus brings the same response
occurs if condition stimulus is presented and there was no reinforced response or if the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus were no longer repeatedly paired
Social Learning Theory
Bandura: people learn form one another via observation, imitation and modeling.
reciprocal determination
Individuals are both products and producers of own environment and social system-Bandura
Triadic Reciprocal Causation
personal factors, behaviors and environment all interact bi-directionally-Bandura
belief one can learn and has the capabilities to learn
4 sources of self efficacy
personal performance, vicarious observational learning, social persuasion, physiological states and reactions
Thorndike’s Laws
Law of exercise, law of effect, law of readiness, law of trial and error
2 parts of law of exercise
Use and disuse
Trial and Error
learning occurs incrementally by trial and error
Constructivist theory
discovery learning. student constructs knowledge for themselves
8 elements of Constructivist learning
- knowledge is constructed, people learn to learn as they learn, learning is an active process, learning is a social activity, learning is contextual, knowledge is personal, learning exist in the mind, motivation is key
Theory of Cognitive Development
Piaget-learning is a cycle of assimilation, accommodation, equilibrium and assimilation and so on
equilibrium in Piaget’s theory
state of balance b/w mental schema and environment
assimilation in Piaget theory
we take in new information and experiences and incorporate them into our existing knowledge
Accomodation in Piaget’s theory
reorgainziation of what you know-changing pervious schemas
way to organize knowledge and ideas
Paiget’s 4 stages of development
Sensorimotor (birth - 2years); pre-operational (2 years -7); concrete operational (7-11); formal operational (11-adult)
time to develop more schemas-think symbolically, egocentric but as language develops rapidly b/m less egocentric
Concrete operational
Language and abstract thinking skills increase-working things out in head. language b/ms social
Formal operational
Extension of concrete-greater abstract thinking and reasoning
Social Cultural Theory-Vygotsky
Cognitive development depends on interaction with others in an environmental stimulating developmental pricess
Zone of proximal development
those who know more share that knowledge with those who know less-share cultural tools and interactions in the ZPD to produce cognitive change. proximal refers to those skills that the learner is close to mastering. To learn must be presented with a task just out of our ability level
father of behaviorism-emphasis on external b/hr of people and their reactions on given situations rather internal mental state
Bioecological System Theory
Brofennbrenner: Child at the center and affects and is affected by settings spends most time in. Child development determined by what experiences in settings. nature and nurture play a role in development.
Bioecological System Theory Structure 5 layers
Microsystem (layer closet to the child-child helps construct these settings) Mesosystem-connection b/w structures of microsystems, Exosystem-layer that doesn’t interact directly w/ child. macrosystem-outer most layer composed of culture, values and customs and laws. Chronosystem-dimension of time
What is Thorndike and connectionism
part of operant condition: examines strengthening and weakening behaviors by changing consequences.
What is equilibrium in Piaget’s theory
balance between mental schemas and environment-expectations based on prior knowledge fit with new knowledge
What is equilibration
ongoing process that refines and transforms mental constructions-basis of cognitive development (cycle of learning in Piaget’s theory and happens when equilibrium is at the optimal state.)
How much information can a person hold in short term memory
7 chunks plus or minus 3