SOPs Flashcards
“CONFIDENTIAL” envelopes shall be sealed along the package openings how?
With tape
Volunteer certified command officers may respond from home if they live no further than __ due area from their engine and respond in a fire department vehicle.
If an incident escalates to a __ alarm or equivalent, the SDO shall return to the county to coordinate incident scene requests.
Following a station inspection if a deficiency is found the battalion chief shall conduct a follow-up inspection within __?
30 days
FRD provides all hazard emergency response services from __ fire houses located throughout the approximately 405 square miles within Fairfax County.
Minimun staffing levels will maintain __ ALS and __ BLS transport units.
25 &18
Vehicle accidents involving injuries or damage to civilian property shall be investigated by __.
Police department of the juristiction in which the accident occurred
Requests for reimbursements must be submitted within __ calendar days after the completion of travel.
30 days
All medication shall be replaced when?
During the month prior to the month of expiration
All apparatus shall ___ prior to proceeding through any stop signs or traffic signals reflecting red in the direction of travel.
reduce speed to 5 mph
Who is responsible for completing the call to Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSHA)
Incident commander (IC) or designee
If a citizen calls the firehouse requesting information regarding an emergency in their neighborhood, what information is inappropriate to disclose?
Confirming whether or not the person transported was their neighbor
Third column entry in the station log book is reserved for?
Incident number
Which is the order of lowest to highest priority of tankers?
20, 42, 41, 39, 16, 12
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) is provided __ with rapid patient evacuation being the objective.
Warm Zone
In regards to improper hazardous waste distribution, if for any reason the responsible party does not provide a cleanup contractor within __ timeframe, the Fairfax County Hazardous Waste cleanup contract can be activated.
30 minutes
Following the hazardous waste county contract activation, how long after and what needs to be completed?
Within 48 hours, Hazardous Materials Cleanup Contract Activation (FRD-052)
FRD correspondence and publications shall be prepared and distributed in accordance with which guideline?
Document Standards and Processing Manual
Who does a unit officer communicate with to determine response status if unit is understaffed?
Battalion Chief
A shift briefing has what type of communication?
Two-way communication
If an apparatus is involved in an accident while en route to an incident, what should the apparatus do?
Remain on scene for investigation
If an alleged or suspected employee misconduct or violation is reported, when must the FRD-299 Professional Standards Complaint Form be submitted?
By the end of the shift
What is the only classification of a Professional Standards investigation that is retained in employee’s personnel file?
What is the proper form to complete wen property is lost, stolen or damaged?
When should an expiring medication be replaced?
The month prior to the when the medication is set to expire
If an apparatus carrying medication is parked in extreme temperatures for how long must the apparatus be left running or the medication moved to a secure climate-controlled location?
20 minutes
A backer should be placed where during backing operations?
Left rear of vehicle
What speed shall an apparatus reduce to when responding priority 1 through a stop sign or red light?
5 mph
It is the FCFRD policy to support and to allow vehicle participation in non-emergency events within what radius of the FRD headquarters?
75 miles
Who is notified for any direct flame contact burn injuries?
FHMIS investigator
If a correction to a report needs to be made after 24 hours what is an employee to do with the report?
Add an Addendum
When shall a request for records received by and FRD employee be forwarded to the appropriate FRD division or bureau?
Within one business day of receipt
Where should all attorney and law enforcement interview requests be directed to?
Professional Standards Officer
Disciplinary action for tardiness to work is progressive and subsequent occurrences of tardiness within how many days of a previous offense will result in the next step of discipline?
365 Days
An employee may request that a written reprimand be removed from his or her official county and agency personnel file after a period of how many years, unless it has been included in subsequent disciplinary action?
3 years
Adjacent response areas should not be without engine company coverage for periods in excess of _______.
60 minutes
When an off duty exposure or injury occurs, if unable to make contact with the on duty safety office, who should the employee contact?
Uniform Fire Officer
An employee who is involved in a serious traffic violation shall report to his/her supervisor within _____.
24 hours
Who should be notified immediately when an injury or illness is reported?
Employees shall shower at a fire station utilizing soap and hot water within _______ of exiting the IDLH.
1 hour
Uniformed employees that refrain from fitness training for more than ___________ shift workdays may be deemed to have a performance issue.
3 consecutive
After DPSC’s announcement for an evacuation of an unsafe structure, DPSC shall immediately activate the evacuation signal for ______.
15 seconds
Probationary lieutenants will not be detailed during the first ________ of their probation.
3 months
For vehicles with medication compartments secured by keylocks, where can the spare medication compartment key be found?
secured in the vehicle rapid entry Supra box
All station shall maintain a current Street Locator Book of all _____ through _____ due streets.
first through fourth due
How long are the Vehicle Inspection Forms (FRD-162) kept in the station files?
3 years
What is the standard time sequence for apparatus bay doors?
2:30 minutes to 3 minutes
What is the total out of pocket amount that can be submitted for petty cash reimbursement?
Events at which the number of participants and the number of spectators is expected to exceed _____ people at any given time during the day would be classified as a Significant Event.
Expected to exceed 15,000 people
In the grievance process how long does the employee have to discuss the issue from the event giving rise to the complaint?
20 business days
How many sets of keys are to be placed in a KnoxBox for a strip shopping center?
Which of the following is part of the procedure for forcibly making entry on a public service call?
Request and verify that law enforcement is responding
If an employee receives a phone call or email with a request to conduct an interview, who shall be notified through the chain of command?
Professional Standards Officer
Unless there is a clear and compelling need, an employee under investigation by the Professional Standards Office shall be provided a minimum of how many days’ notice prior to any interview or interrogation?
5 calender days
Monetary donations received by employees shall immediately be placed in a sealed envelope. What information shall be included on the outside of the envelope?
Name and signature of person receiving donation, date donation received, amount of donation, circumstances surrounding the donation
In priority 1 situation what is the maximum speed allowable through a traffic controlled intersection when the light is red?
Who does an employee report to with any serious traffic infractions to?
Immediate supervisor
How long does the employee have to report a serious matter to their supervisor
24 hours
How long does the evacuation signal and air horn sounded during an emergency evacuation
15 seconds
What needs to happen with supression units on scene after an emergency evacuation signal and subsequent repeat of the evacuation message?
PAR check
Who retains the property rights in any manner created, sent, or received via the county’s electronic communication system?
Fairfax County
Under Electronic Mail Standards within how many business days must you respond to a county electronic mail?
3 days
What is the minimum sets of snow chains each heavy duty vehicle require?
2 complete sets of cable chains and 2 heavy sets of chains
What is the maximum speed allowed with heavy chains?
30 mph
At what snow depth do you need to put on heavy chains?
6 inches
When should you recheck tire chains for proper fit and performance?
After each road trip and emergency response
Form FRD - ___ shall be filled out and completed by a section supervisor, program manager or designee to request expenditure of gift fund monies
Operational employees unable to report to work at the specified time shall notify the supervisor at the scheduled work location at least _____ hour of reporting time.
1 hour
The Oral Reprimand form FRD - ____, shall be used by supervisors in the documentation of oral reprimands
An employee may request that a written reprimand be removed from his or her official county and agency personnel file after a period of ____ years
3 Years
Former employees seeking reinstatement must submit a written request to the Fire Chief no later than _____ months from date of employment separation
9 months
The employee seeking disciplinary diversion shall make this request within the ____ day appeal period.
3 days
Work place violence takes place between two employee’s, the supervisor should fill out what form
Workplace violence incident report form (FIN-03)
The on duty shift leader shall send a copy of the police report with the Risk-03 to the ____?
Property Inventory Manage
The FRD mantains a daily minimum staffing of how many employee’s?
Minimum staffing levels will maintain at least howmany supression units?
The Fire Chief will name a designee or acting Chief when he’s unreachable or out of town for more than how many hours?
Card That’s issued by the purchasing section and is another means pf procurring goods for the FRD?
Procurement Card
The amount charged to the Voyager Card shouldn’t exceed what amount per incident?
Travel P Crads shall be returned to Fiscal Services Division within how many hours once travel is completed?
Any donation over how much money is considered a capital assest?
A supervisor shall complete what form within 24 hours of any loss, theft. Or damage that requires replacement?
The maximum speed of any emergency vehicle shouldn’t exceed more than how many mile above the posted speed limit, except on limited access highways?
FRD personnel file are reatined for how many years and before they’re archived for three years following an employee’s seperation?
An employee may request that a written reprimand be removed from their file after how many years?
Employee’s who retire,resign, exit from DROP, or vonluntarily separate from the FRD must complete a FRD-138 how many days prior to their last day?
24 hour shift employee’s who wish to donate leave to another employye, must do so in how many hour increments?
When the need for Family Medical Leave is foreseeable, an employee should notify their supervisior how many days in advance?
Light duty assignments aren’t permanent and expire after how many months from the firt date of incapacity?
Aan overall score of 0-2 on the FMAP puts a person in what Tier?
Tier 3
What speed shouldn’t be exceeded while using snow chains on county vehicles?
What Frd form must be completed priior to an employee being cleared from a fitness for duty evaluation?
Empoyee’s may request to defer a promotion if they’re due to receive a Perfromance Pay Increase within how many days of the promotonial date?
Midship mounted pumps on engines shoud be drained when the temperature is predicted to drop below how many degrees?
Within how many hours should a risk 03 be submitted?
How many day in advance should an FMLA notification be made?
If an employee is hurt while performing off duty employment they are not eligible for
Alternative placement
How long will DPSC sound the evacuation tone after the announcement is made
How soon must a unit be enroute after being dispatched to fill another station?
How far ahead must a master calendar request be submitted?
If an issue is found during station inspection how many days are given to fix it?
If the responsible party does not clean up hazardous waste within how many minutes Fairfax County will activate a contractor?
An oral reprimand for an unexcused arriving to work late remains in the employees file for
A year
Personnel need to shower how long after exiting the IDLH?
Apparatus carrying medication if outside in extreme temperatures for more than 20 mins
Needs to be Left running
Max speed with snow chains
30 mph
Engine pumps need to be drained if the temperature is going to be below
An employee needs to notify their supervisor within how many hours of them receiving a traffic ticket?
What employees are not allowed to be at the same work location?
Those in a romantic relationship
What type of work place injury does not need to be followed up with a physician on Fairfax Authorized Physicians Panel for Workman’s Comp?
If an employee doesn’t PT for 3 shifts in a row it may require
A fitness for duty evaluation
How many set of keys should be in the Knox box for a strip shopping center?
Who should be communicated with if a unit is understaffed?
Minimum scheduled in service hours for a volunteer crew?
Optimally, ow many ALS transport units are staffed in a day?
How many engines may be downgraded to BLS on a given day?
The Fire Station Leadership Team shall ensure that fire box map books for first through which due are carried on all apparatus?
When shall the inspection and inventory of station fire box map books and ADC Street Atlases be completed?
An Investigative Warning Form (FRD-297) shall be provided to an employee to reasonably apprise the employee of the nature of the investigation. Unless there is a clear and compelling need, an employee shall be provided a minimum of how many calendar days’ notice prior to any interview?
What is the maximum amount that should be charged to a voyager card?
If any donation that is determined to have a fair market value of more than what, it is considered a capital asset?
A Turnout Incident Fact Sheet is what?
A document which provides specidic, concise, and relevant incident data to facilitate a quick dissemination of pertinent operation information
An employee may request to have a written reprimand removed from their officia county and agency personnel file after a period of how many years?
Unless approval is granted in advances, employees shall not work more than how many hours in a 60-hour period?
Operational employees unable to report to work at the specified time shall notify the supervisor at the scheduled work location at least how far in advanced?
One Hour
FRD personnel files are retained for how long following an employee’s separation?
One Year
Upon injury of an employee, a supervisor must complete the Employer’s Accident Report and FRD-071 are forwarded to the battalion chief when?
Prior to the end of the scheduled workday
Prior to returning to the fire station, PPE shall be placed where?
In a six-millimeter plastic bag then into an outside compartment
A fitness for duty evaluation may be required if an employee does not complete fitness training for how many consecutive days?
A coordinated removal with specific direction on the relocation of units and their equipment operating from an area deemed untenable to a specific area deemed safe to continue operations is known as what?
A newly promoted apparatus technician would receive how many promotional probationary evaluations?