SOP 100 Flashcards
The FD shall consist of:
a Fire Chief appointed by the City Manager as provided by Ordinance and as many subordinate officers and employees as may be prescribed by Ordinance
The Fire Chief shall manage the Fire Department:
In accordance with ordinance and state law, and shall prescribe procedures consistent with law, for its government and control.
Definitions: Chief of the Department
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department with full authority and responsibility for implementing the statutory responsibilities of the Fire Department, and management of all departmental activities; appointed by the City Manager.
Definitions: Commanding Officer/Incident Commander
The senior ranking officer present at any emergency incident or responsible for any special assignment.
Definitions: Lieutenant
A CO in command of a company and exercising authority and responsibility over employees under his/her supervision. While on duty at a fire station, acts as the Station Commander during their tour of duty.
How is the department organized?
Into Offices, Bureaus, Divisions, Sections, Specialists/Coordinators, and Stations
Definitions: Bureau
A major segment of the FD consisting of Divisions, Sections, Officers, and employees (Bureau of Ops, Bureau of Support Services).
Definitions: Division
A segment of the FD consisting of sections, officers, specialists, coordinators, and employees (Training, Fire Prevention, EMS, Supply and Maint., Office of Emergency Management)
Appointments of Roles
Fire Chief - City Manager as provided by ordinance
Deputy Chief - Fire Chief according to rules of Civil Services Commission
Battalion Chief - Fire Chief according to rules of Civil Services Commission
Fire Marshal - Appointed by the Fire Chief, reporting directly through the Support Services Bureau D/C
Commander, Training Division (BC) - Appointed by the Fire Chief - designated as department’s Safety Officer
Commander, EMS (BC) - Appointed by the Fire Chief
Captain - Fire Chief according to rules of Civil Services Commission
Lieutenant - Fire Chief according to rules of Civil Services Commission
FF/Engr - Fire Chief according to rules of Civil Services Commission
FF - Fire Chief according to rules of Civil Services Commission
Organization Sub Divisions - Fire Chief
Fiscal Manager
Admin Support
Community Liaison
Office of Emergency Management
Organizational Sub-Divisions - Bureau of Ops
EMS Division
Fire Suppression and Rescue Division
Organizational Sub-Divisions - Bureau of Support Services
Fire Prevention Division Fire Investigation Section Inspections Section Plans Review Section Public Education Section Supply and Maint Division Apparatus & Equipment Section Communications Section Facilities Section Training Division
Who supervises Public Education
Under the supervision of the Fire Marshal
Who authorizes information released from Fire/EMS incidents?
Approval of the City Attorney’s Office, Fire Chief, or his/her designee
Who is notified for loss of any current license?
Notify your Bureau Commander through channels
Who is notified for UWR?
Notify the member’s BC in writing (or email) requesting the date, time, hours and name of member who has accepted the assignment.
Visiting Hour Information
Visiting Hours - 0800 - 2200 hours
Provide an escort and not allowed in sleeping areas between 2000 - 0800 hors, except with officer permission
Tour groups be routed through CLO
Station Temperatures:
During operational hours- not more than 70 degrees
Non Operational hours 2300 - 0700 not more than 60 degrees
Apparatus Bays - no more than 60 degrees
How often is o/s hydrant list checked?
Not less than once each 7 days
Sleeping in bed hours
Not permitted between 0700 - 2000 hours withouth BC permission
Whom to notify violation of SOPs?
Fire Chief in writing through channels
Whom to notify change of address or phone number?
BC or Division Commander in writing through channels
Whom to notify any evidence or knowledge concerning arson or suspected arson?
Notify the Fire Chief in writing through channels
Whom to notify any loss, damage or destruction of Departmental property
Deputy Chief, Bureau of Ops in writing through chain of command
What is the intent of the complaint record for citizen complaint?
Is to provide proper documentation of the complaint and a means of notifying department members involved
What form is used for receiving a Citizen Complaint
FD 200 BFD Citizen Complaint Record
What is the process of receiving a citizen complaint?
Any member receiving a citizen complaint shall complete a FD 200 and forward to the member’s Bureau Commander or Fire Chief if the named member reports directly to the Chief. An FD 225 shall be completed immediately and attach to FD 200, identifying the nature of the complaint and circumstances.
When will the department notify the member of complaint?
With in 10 working days of the date the complaint was filed.
The Fire Chief shall manage the FD in accordance with ______ and ____ ____, and shall prescribe procedures, consistent with ____, for its government control.
Ordinance / state law / law
The FD is constituted to provide for the public safety as authorized by ____ _____ and ____ _____, The authority and responsibility for the Administration of the FD is vested in the ____ ____.
State statue / City Ordinances / Fire Chief
What governs the conduct and practices of the FD
SOPs, Fire Inspection Manual, Training Manual, Lesson Plans, Special Notices and Civil Service Rules
100.1. 4.1
Who has the duty and responsibility to ensure the governed procedures are uniformly implemented and adhered to within their commands
All Officers
Who interprets the SOPs when required
The Fire Chief
Art 100, Sec 1, sub 4.7
Why must employees provide a telephone number for contact?
Recall purposes - off duty to report back to duty
The Department is organized into:
Offices, Bureaus, Divisions, Sections, Specialists/Coordinators, and Stations
100 sec 2 sub 4.0