IFSTA Ch 2 Leadership Flashcards
The act of directing, overseeing or controlling the activities and behavior of employees who are assigned to a particular supervisor.
The act of controlling, monitoring, or directing a project, program, situation, or organization throug the use of authority, discipline, or persuasion.
Pg 32
The act of controlling, directing, conducting, guiding, and administering through the use of personal behavioral traits or personality characteristics that motivate employees to the successful completion of an organization’s goals.
Pg 32
Supervising personnel and managing projects, programs, situations are taught by courses and seminars; Leading is not easily taught or learned. It is based on ______ _____ or ______ that must be developed by the individual.
Personality traits / characteristics
Pg 32
7 Behavioral leadership styles:
Basic Leadership style Two dimensional leadership styles Contingency leadership theory Contemporary leadership styles Theory X Theory Y Theory Z
Basic Leadership Style consists of 3 categories:
Autocratic - leader tells subordinates what to do; little input
Democratic - leader includes employees with decision making process
Laissez-fair - to allow to do, leader leaves employees to make all decisions
Pg 34
Two dimensional leadership style is based on what two deminsions?
Job centered and employee centered
Pg 34
Contingency leadership theory is based on the belief that there is ____ _____ _____ leadership style.
No single best; the situation be matched to the leadership style
Pg 34
Contemporary Leadership styles is based on 4 separate theories:
Charismatic Transformational Transactional - exchange between leader and followers (reward) Symbolic - top down approach Pg 34-35
The behavioral leadership theory that is based on the average worker dislikes work.
Theory X
Pg 33
The behavioral leadership theory that is based on the average worker believing work is natural.
Theory Y
Pg 33
The behavioral leadership bases theory on involved workers performing without supervision.
Theory Z
Pg 3
What leadership theory is based on employee’s perceptions of the unit’s goals and objectives?
Path-goal theory
Pg 38
Focusing on value driven leadership and proactively living one’s own life versus enduring a reactive life, always feeling controlled by another’s actions
Principle-entered leadership
Pg 40
What distinguishes a _____ from a theory is that a _____ has been ______ through application, while ______ contain only hypotheses that still need to be proven or disproved.
Model / model / proven / theories
Pg 41
What are the 4 leadership models?
Basic Leadership Model Situational Leadership Model Social Change Model Alpha Leadership Model Pg41-43
Balanced leadership (within the basic leadership model) fosters _____ and ____ within a unit. The balanced leader leads by ______.
Respect / trust / example
Pg 41
Situational leadership model depends on matching the leader’s ____ to the ______ of the members of the unit.
Style / maturity
Pg 42
Situational leadership model is based on 4 levels of readiness:
Telling -autocratic approach Selling -convincing members Participating -relies on input Delegating -uses limits set by leader and allows members to determine how the task will be accomplished Pg 43
The leadership model that’s purpose is to make changes for the betterment of others through leadership.
Social change model
Pg 44
The model that is accomplishing a goal based on the relationship between leader, followers, system, and goal.
Alpha leadership model.
Pg 44
Alpha leadership model applies three skills:
Anticipating - anticipates trends and patterns
Aligning -
Acting - applying 80/20 rule (Pareto’s Principle); 80% of the effort on 20% of the tasks
Pg 44
The most basic of leadership traits can be summarized in 5 concepts. A good leader:
- Sees opportunities
- Identifies challenges
- Communicates
- Plans for success
- Builds trust
Pg 46
5 types of power:
Reward Coercive Identification Expert Legitimate Pg 47
The power based on subordinates’ perception of the leader’s authority to punish.
Pg 48
The possession of control, authority or influence over others:
Pg 47
Organizational authority or position power
Legitimate power
Pg 49
Legitimate power is derived from one of three sources:
Shared values
Acceptance of a social structure
Sanction of a legitimizing agent
Pg 49
To achieve command presence, it is necessary to have the following six personality attributes:
- Self condfidence
- Trustworthiness
- Consistency
- Responsibility
- Acceptance
- Expertise
Pg 50
Leadership has been called a trait, ___ _______, a ______, a _____, a characteristic and an _____.
A behavior, skill, talent, an art
Pg 31