somatic disorders Flashcards
what does soma mean
of the body
so what are somatic disorders
caused by psychological problems, but present themselves physically
how are somatic disorders a cycle
psych problems -> physical problems (back pain, migraines, etc) -> cause more psych problems
what can you catastrophize and what does it mean
you can catastrophize anxiety and depression (fail test -> “i am a failure”)
you can also catastrophize pain
does pain show up on medical tests with somatic disorders
no, so this is where the doctor should recommend counseling
-but this does not often happen
what can having a lot of pain and uncertain causes of pain lead to
getting all of the tests from doctors is expensive and time consuming and stressful
-they will also give some stressful potential diagnoses
what does factitious mean
(used to be called “Munchausen syndrome”)
-group of somatic disorders, person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick
who can factitious disorders be applied to
self and others
- people create physical or psychological symptoms
- self: bruising, may hit themselves and then go to doctor
- others: people trick someone else into thinking they are sick because being a caregiver is relieving to their psychological issues, can poison someone
what are factitious disorders different than
faking sick, skipping work and going out and drinking
what is somatic symptom disorder
disorder in which people become excessively distressed, concerned, and anxious about their bodily symptoms that they are experiencing and their lives are greatly and disproportionately disrupted by the symptoms
what is illness anxiety disorder
a disorder in which people are chronically anxious about and preoccupied with the notion that they have or are developing a serious medical illness despite the absence of somatic symptoms
previously known as hypochondriasis
what is primary gain and an example
the gain people achieve when their somatic symptoms keep their internal conflicts out of awareness
-kid has ADD or ADHD you get money
what is secondary gain
the gain people achieve when their somatic symptoms elicit kindness from other or provide an excuse for avoiding unpleasant activities
-not having to go to work
what can somatic symptoms lead to
sociopathic tendencies
-to self, not hurting others
what can somatic disorders be caused by
poor coping mechanisms, bad relationships, social stressors, having to get a lot of treatment as a kid, inattentive parents & parents are medical professionals