How many inmates did the facility hold as of Jan 2013?
761 inmates
Does the Whalley Ave correctional facility have a fire pump
Where are the sprinklers located?
Lower level
Dining area off of the kitchen
Laundry room
Central stores area
What are the sprinklers fed from?
Domestic feed
What system does the kitchen have?
A dry chemical extinguishing system
How do you access standpipe cabinets?
With a key, because they’re locked
Correctional officer has key
What size main is the facility fed from on County St?
8 inch water main
What size main is the facility fed from on Hudson St?
6 inch water main
How is smoke spread controlled in this building
Duct dampers
How are smoke hatches on the roof activated?
Smoke detection or a fusible link
How are stairwells used?
For ventilation purposes
Where does the 1st due Engine Company arrive?
County St side
Where is the hydrant located?
57 County St, opposite the standpipe
What does the 1st due Engine officer do upon arrival?
Enter the lobby with no tools and meets a correctional officer who has the keys to access the standpipe connections
What will the 1st due Engine crew do?
Stage high rise equipment in the lobby
On what channel may operations need to be conducted?
Direct channels
Where will the 1st due Squad company locate?
County St and await further orders from IC
Where will the second due Engine, 1st due ladder and Emergency Unit locate?
Hudson St. Await further orders
Where is another hydrant located?
Middle of the block on Hudson
Where will the 3rd due Engine company locate?
Whalley ave and await instructions from IC