Soft tissue pathology Flashcards
Syndrome with p53 loss of function
Can cause sarcomas
Li Fraumeni Syndrome
Li Fraumeni Syndrome is a loss of function of this protein
Condition with a mutated APC, causing intestinal polyps and carcinoma, intra-abdominal fibromatosis, and osteomas
Gardner syndrome
This is mutated in Gardner syndrome
NF1 gene is on this chromosome
Mutated NF1 gene in Neurofibromatosis affects this protein of the RAS pathway
Cafe au lait spots can be seen in this condition associated with soft tissue tumors
Neurofibromatosis 1
Condition due to autosomal dominant mutations in TGF-beta pathway of endothelial cells
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
Inheritance pattern of Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
Autosomal dominant
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome is due to mutations in this pathway of endothelial cells
Condition that is also known as Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
Condition associated with soft tissue pathology that presents with congenital mucosal and skin telangiectasias, often with mucosal bleeding
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
Condition caused by autosomal dominant mutation in TSC1 or TSC2 gene
Tuberous sclerosis
Inheritance pattern of Tuberous sclerosis
Autosomal dominant
Gene affected in Tuberous sclerosis
TSC1 or TSC2
Renal angiomyolipoma, pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis, and cardiac rhabdomyomas can occur with this condition
Tuberous sclerosis
Benign tumor of adipose
Lipoma affects this layer of skin tissue
Word that describes having multiple Lipomas
Are there lipoblasts seen in a lipoma?
Condition where encapsulated mature adipose tissue of subcutaneous tissue is seen morphologically
Malignant tumor of adipose
Peak age of Liposarcoma
50’s, 60’s
Subtype of lyposarcoma caused by an MDM2 amplification (inhibits p53)
Well-differentiated Liposarcoma / atypical lipomatous tumor
Subtype of liposarcoma that is very low grade, local control is main issue
Well-differentiated Liposarcoma / atypical lipomatous tumor
Applification of this p53 inhibitor is seen in Well-differentiated Liposarcoma / atypical lipomatous tumor
t(12;16) causes this condition
Myxoid liposarcoma
Translocation that causes Myxoid liposarcoma
Subtype of Liposarcoma that is intermediate grade
Myxoid liposarcoma
Subtype of Liposarcoma that is high grade with complicated genetics
Pleomorphic sarcoma
Unencapsulated or poorly circumscribed tissue with deep or retroperitoneal location could be this condition
Does Liposarcoma have lipoblasts?
Immature fat cells with nuclei that are irregular and dark, and nuclei often indented by fat vacuoles, are morphologically seen in this condition
Locally infiltrative benign fibrous proliferation with indolent behavior
Superficial Fibromatosis
Very slow growing proliferation that affects superficial subcutaneous tissues, often distorts local tissue, but never metastasizes
Superficial Fibromatosis
Name for Palmar Fibromatosis
Dupuytren contracture
Name for Plantar fibromatosis
Ledderhose disease
Name for Penile fibromatosis
Peyronie disease
What is Dupuytren contracture?
Palmar fibromatosis
What is Ledderhose disease?
Plantar fibromatosis
What is Peyronie disease?
Penile fibromatosis
Dupuytren contracture affects these fingers
4th and 5th
Begins with palmar skin dimpling, progresses to flexure contractures of MCP and PIP joints
Proliferation with multinodular growth over years
Frequent recurrence
Cells contract, causing tissue distortion
Superficial fibromatosis
Condition characterized by tissue distortion due to cells contracting
Superficial fibromatosis
Fascicles of fibroblasts with collagen are seen morphologically in this slow growing condition
Superficial fibromatosis
This is also called Desmoid tumor or aggresive fibromatosis
Deep fibromatosis
Type of Deep fibromatosis that occurs around shoulder and pelvic muscles most commonly
IHC marker for extra-abdominal Deep fibromatosis
Beta-catenin is an IHC marker for this condition
Extra-abdominal Deep fibromatosis
Beta-catenin is an IHC marker for this type of deep fibromatosis
Type of Deep fibromatosis seen in young gravid or postpartum women
Type of Deep fibromatosis that is hormonally responsible, some respond to tamoxifen
Abdominal Deep fibromatosis may respond to this drug
This is also called mesenteric fibromatosis
Intra-abdominal Deep fibromatosis
Type of Deep fibromatosis associated with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (includes Gardner syndrome)
Hereditary cancer syndrome due to APC gene loss
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Subtype of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis with extra-intestinal tumors
Desmoids, osteomas of mandible and skull, retinal pigment hypertrophy
Gardner syndrome
Gardner syndrome is a subtype of this
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Fascicles of fibroblasts and collagen, with infiltrative growth, are seen morphologically in this condition
Deep Fibromatosis
Malignant tumor of skeletal muscle
All forms of this proliferation are desmin positive by IHC (myogenin, actin, etc.)
3 common sites of pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma
Gentiourinary sites
Head and neck (sinuses especially)
Lobulated polypoid mass that has grown into a hollow space (e.g. vaginal, sinuses) is seen in this condition in pediatrics
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
(Sarcoma botryoides)
A mass with a grape-like appearance that resides in hollow spaces (e.g. vaginal, sinuses) is characteristic of this condition
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
aka Sarcoma Botryoides
Sarcoma Botryoides is also known as this tumor
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Small blue cell tumor with occasional striated cells (“strap cells”)
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
2 translocations that may cause Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
t(1;13) or t(2;13)
t(1;13) or t(2;13) translocations occur in Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma and cause this gene promotion
FOXO1 gene promotion occurs in this tumor
Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
Small soft tissue cyst associated with joint space
Ganglion cyst
Does a ganglion cyst have epithelial lining?
Tissue filled with mucinous/myxoid material that may not show communication with synovium, may result from soft tissue degeneration, and may produce nerve compression
Ganglion cyst
Synovial/ganglion cyst in popliteal space
Baker cyst
This is also called cystic popliteal bursa
Baker cyst
This is seen in association with injury, such as medial meniscus tears and rheumatoid arthritis
Is a mass with aching pain, and may compress tibial nerve, causing gastroc atrophy
Baker cyst
Baker cyst is seen in association with injury, such as in these two circumstances
Medial meniscus tears
Rheumatoid arthritis
This type of Tenosynovial GCT is called pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS)
Diffuse Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
Most diffuse Tenosynovial giant cell tumors occur in this part of the body
Tumor that is benign but locally aggressive, possibly causing bone erosion and soft tissue invasion
Causes pain, swelling, decreased ROM, hemarthrosis
Diffuse Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
Variant of Tenosynovial giant cell tumor that is slow growing and painless
Translocation seen in Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
t(1;2) (p13;q37)
t(1;2) (p13;q37) translocation causes this tumor
Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
Form of Tenosynovial giant cell tumor that grows as multinodular mass in tendon
Form of Tenosynovial giant cell tumor that grows as papillary mass in joint space
Mononuclear cells and multinucleated cells, with foam cells and hemosiderin laden macrophages can be seen morphologically in this tumor
Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
Pigment of diffuse Tenosynovial giant cell tumor (aka pigmented villonodular synovitis) that can be seen in macrophages
Inflammation of bursa
Mostly due to overuse, trauma, or adjacent inflammation (RA, gout, OA)
Bursitis is associated with these 3 conditions
Rheumatoid arthritis
Lesion associated with localized pain with motion, swelling, and fluctuance
Common locations include prepatellar, olecranon, subacromial