Infectious Diseases of Skin and MSK - VIRUSES Flashcards
Viral infections of these are often acute, occurring concurrently with signs and symptoms of febrile systemic illness and resolves along with other manifestations of illness
Joint and bone
Viruses may cause arthritis directly by infecting this
Viruses may cause arthritis indirectly through this
Host immune-mediated responses
Measles is this type of virus
Rubeola virus - a paramyxovirus
Measles virus has this type of genome
Measles envelope contains these 2 proteins
Fusion protein (F) and Hemagglutinin (H)
(no neuraminidase)
How many serotypes of Measles are there?
(strict human pathogen with a single serotype)
Ulcerated mucosal lesions marked by necrosis, neutrophilic exudate, and neurovascularization seen in Measles
Characterized as clustered, white lesions on the buccal mucosa (opposite the lower 1st and 2nd molars)
Often described as appearing like “grains of salt on a reddish background”
Koplik spots
A chronic degenerative fatal neurologic disease that occurs on average 7 years after an attack of measles, particularly in children who had measles before 2 years of age
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a chronic degenerative fatal neurologic disease that occurs ~7 years after an attack of this
What is responsible for the rash seen in Measles?
CMI attacking infected endothelial cells
CMI attacking infected endothelial cells is responsible for this symptom seen in Measles
What is the route of transmission of Measles?
Respiratory droplets, highly contagious
Incubation period of Measles
9-11 days
Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test is used in the diagnosis of this
Condition with cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, Koplik’s spots (2-3 days after symptoms begin), and a maculopapular rash beginning on the face (3-5 days after symptoms begin)
The measles vaccine is this type
Live attenuated
This virus does not readily cause detectable cytopathologic effects
URT infection spreads to lymph nodes leading to viremia which in turn leads to the rash
Rubella virus
Primary manifestation of this virus includes rash, fever, and lymphadenopathy
Rash begins on the face, spreading to the abdomen and extremities
Do children or adults have a milder disease with rubella?
In Rubella, the appearance of this correlates with appearance of rash (type III)
Appearance of Ab correlates with appearance of rash (type III) with this virus
Virus that replicates in the URT leading to viremia and spread to bone marrow
Infection is cytotoxic
Parvovirus B19
Virus that is dependent on mitotically active cells for replication
Viral replication requires factors only available during the S phase and cellular DNA polymerase are required to generate the complement strand
Parvovirus B19
Parvovirus is dependent on these cells for replication
Mitotically active
Main target cells of this virus are mitotically active erythroid progenitors and CD36-positive erythroblasts
Parvovirus B19
Usually benign and self-limiting infection that results in lifelong immunity and requires no treatment other than symptomatic relief
In patients with hematologic disease or persistent infection, specific treatment may be necessary
Parvovirus B19
This virus can cause aplastic crisis in patients with chronic hemolytic anemia, sickle cell
Parvovirus B19
Intrauterine infection with this virus leads to abortion due to anemia and congestive heart failure (hydrops fetalis)
Parvovirus B19
Viral protein of HPV that prevents the acidification of endosomes
Stimulates the transforming activity of the EGF receptor
Viral protein of HPV that binds to p53 accelerating its degradation
Viral protein of HPV that binds to and inactivates retinoblastoma protein
The viral HPV E6 protein binds to this and accelerates its degradation
Types of HPV that can cause laryngeal papilloma
types 6 and 11
HPV types 6 and 11 can cause this cancer
Laryngeal papilloma
2 main HPV types that can cause cervical dysplasia and neoplasia
types 16 and 18
This virus has low Ag expression until the skin cell reaches terminal differentiation
Enlarged keratinocytes with clear haloes around shrunken nuclei that are seen in HPV infection
Koilocytes (enlarged keratinocytes with clear haloes around shrunken nuclei) are seen in this viral infection
HPV types that will linearize and integrate into the host genome, leading to an unregulated increase in expression of E6 and E7
Types 16 and 18
HPV vaccine is this type
Are there therapies available to eradicate HPV infection?
Current treatments are designed to decrease or eliminate clinical manifestations
This type of virus has tegument with enzymes to initiate replication
This virus’ genome exists in a circle, and episomal form during latency
Type of herpes virus that is only transmitted when patients have varicella or zoster
Lytic replication of this virus causes characteristic inclusions in tissues
2 types of herpesviruses that cause both intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions
CMV and HHV-6
2 types of herpesviruses that result in only intranuclear inclusions
Type of herpesvirus with lytic infection in mucoepithelial cells and fibroblasts
Latent infection in neurons
Multiple glycoproteins for attachment and fusion
Herpes simplex virus-1,2
Gingivostomatitis and pharyngitis are the most frequent clinical manifestations of first-episode infection with this virus
Virus that causes clear lesions on an erythematous base (dewdrop on a rose petal)
Painful but benign vesicular lesions
Oral herpes (HSV-1)
First episode infection with this is associated with prolonged duration of symptoms, lesions (10-12 days), and viral shedding
Genital herpes
Reactivation of this virus seems to trigger a transient down-regulation of virus-specific T cells and a shift to Th2 response