Sociology Paper 3 globalisation Flashcards
What is Globalisation?
Removal of barriers/boundaries where cultures become globalised and intertwine with other cultures. This includes trade and travel and is normally associated with western countries.
What is Mcluhan global village argument?
As a result of globalisation and digital communication the world has become a small village
Why does globalisation not benefit everyone?
some uncontacted tribes e.g. awa tribe are affected by globalised lumber companies as they lose their homes and may contract diseases, However these tribes may benefit from digital communication campaigns.
What is Giddens and applebaum’s argument on digital communication?
The world is like a 24 hour clock where each hour shows a certain time period where something significant was achieved e.g. at 11:59pm digital communication was achieved in just 30 seconds.
What does digital revolution mean?
Rapid change from how information is created and stored, this is now called new media
What does carter study about digital communication?
People who use the cyberspace/cybercity develop relationships that continue into real life and is now becoming embedded into peoples lives
What is Media convergence?
way in how different types of information can be stored into one format e.g. text or photo.
What does networked global society mean?
We live in a society where we rely on social networks to form connections and show employability and hierarchal status.
What is castles argument on digital communication?
capitalism focuses on digital communication instead of oil due to economic productivity inside the market.
What is big data?
Mostly numerical data that is used in huge chunks to identify patterns and trends. includes volume of data, variety of data, verocity and how accurate data is, value and cost of data and data detection. velocity and how fast data moves and finally complexity of data
What is the study on Cambridge analytica?
Cambridge Analytica has used data collection and big data to influence political campaigns through ads e.g. nigel farage and donald trump
What is conford and robins argument against globalisation?
social media companies control the masses of people while saying they are targetting extremism as a cover up.
What is the Snowden Report?
Report that revealed that US Surveillance and security was abusing surveillance by illegally wiretapping peoples info
Who is Rupert Murdoch?
Owned a mass media empire where he used Sun newspapers to help tony blair and margaret thatcher to win the elections.
What is Nakamura’s argument?
Ethnic women use digital communication and networks as they offer support and are able to be used for different identities.
What is Castelles argument?
Networked global society that has created a decentralisation of power of information that can be shared with anyone except the bottom of society which prevents the bottom of society getting into higher levels of work
What happened during the Arab Spring?
Revolution in Tunisia and other arab countries due to mass mobilisation and protest sparked through global communication to fight against corruption
What is Seabrooks argument?
Spread of capitalist ideas and imperialism through globalisation
What is Marcuse’s argument?
Opium of the people also increases the power of false needs seen through digital communication
What is Collins Argument?
We understand how people construct identities through facebook and we can see people create seperate identities online and offline
What is Bjorklund’s argument?
People use social media like facebook as a form of autobiography of their life which is constantly adapted?
What is Case Argument?
Online and offline personalities can affect young adolescents as social media can be used as a digital audit trail.
What is Harraway’s argument?
Women use social media in order to create a seperate identity that is not connected to the patriarchy.
What is Arlacki’s argument?
The UN found that the biggest consequence of globalisation was that exploitation and organised crime massively increased
What is green and singleton’s argument?
Websites like mumsnet reinforces patriarchal stereotypes
What did ofcom say about age and digital communication?
6 Year olds know more about the internet than most 45 year olds
What is Boyle’s argument?
Young people use technology to progress into adulthood by learning extra skills to become more prepared
What is Turkle’s argument?
Young people become dependent on devices as they need constant validation to improve their perception of themselves.
What is Chopik’s argument?
Social networking can improve and enrich the lives of older adults as they are able to build interpersonal relationships
What is Shirky’s argument?
Young people use social media to gain a voice mostly used in protest
What is Polemus argument?
Young people use social media as a supermarket of styles to construct their identity
What is Case’s argument?
Our identity is like a cyborg where we have digital devices to connect to others with
What is Postmans argument?
Exposure of adult content has led to disappearance of childhood
What is Sue Palmer’s argument?
Increased freedom of children has led to toxic childhood such as using devices or eating junk food
What did sutton trust find during the covid lockdown?
15% of teachers in deprived areas reported that over a third of deprived children lack internet access
What is Mertens and D’haenens argument?
81% of working class people used the internet compared to 91% of middle class
What did ofcom say about gender internet usage?
Men spend 23.3 hours on the internet while women spend 17.8 hours on the internet a week.
What did Li and kirkup say about gendered internet activities?
Men are more likely to use chat rooms and play video games while women use communication to talk to eachother
What did the UN say about internet access?
4 billion people (57%) lack internet access which was 90% in the 48 poorest countries
What did boellstorf say about disabled identity?
Second life enables disabled people to create a seperate identity not affected by their disability
What did Zhao say about how digital communication affects relatiionships?
Using the internet to communicate increases social ties unlike solitary activities like surfing the web
What is Van dijik argument?
Suggests that online relationships are enpowering and enriching which produces social capital
What is Shaw and Grants argument?
Internet use decreases loneliness and depression however it can cause it through trolling and exploitation
What is Miller’s argument?
Facebook can actually be a reason for divorce as it tells the truth of our identity
What is Livingstones argument?
Children communicate with the virtual world more than the real world
What is Clayton argument?
studied twitter users and found that 581 of them said twitter was a reason for breakup or divorce
What is Boyd’s argument?
Young people involvement in digital networks helps them grow into adults by helping them move into public life
What is mohammedi’s argument?
Cultural homogenisation is over exaggerated and only depends upon location
What is Giddens argument?
Cultural defence from cultural homogenisation by reinforcing mexicanisation in california and arizona
What is Millers argument?
Internet content depends on location in order to adapt products for local markets and appropriated for westernised global culture e. G. Facebook in Trinidad
What is Helds argument?
Western culture has been enriched by other cultures such as Korean bts and African music
What is Kirkpatrick argument?
Digital communication has led to social change as we can mobilise people for social movements online such as protesting kidnapping in columbia
Why did the taliban use global communications
To help recruit people in a propoganda war in afghanistan
What was the me too movement?
Founded by Burke in 2006 and went viral in 2017 which raised problems about sexual violence with women
What is Sutton, palen and schklovski argument?
The Internet had a significant response to the california wildfires