Sociology Paper 2 Gender Inequality Authors Flashcards
What is Marxist Feminist Feeleys arguement on gender inequality
Children are forced to submit and become more passive not rebellious
What is Marxist Feminist Benstons arguement on gender
Women work unpaid to benefit the capitalist system/ they also supply the husband to keep them working
What is Marx feminist Ansleys arguement on Gender?
Women are takers of shit to absorb the husbands frustrations
What is Lib Fem Ann Oakleys arguement on gender inequality?
Gender role socialisation is the cause of gender inequality through canalisation.
What is Lib Fem Sue Sharpes arguement on gender
Change in womens aspirations from housewife to professional work.
What is Radical Feminist Millets arguement on gender inequality?
Men took power over women due to biological factors such as pregnancy but now women hold a bit more power as they are able to use contraceptives.
What is Radical Feminist Delphy and Leonards arguement on gender inequality?
Women work for the male househead. Males control the decisions, finances of women.
What is Intersectionalist Walbys arguement on gender inequalities?
Patriarchy, capitalism and racism are to blame for gender inequality.
6 patriarchal structures to restrict women.
Cultural institutions
Young Women and older Women suffer through public and private patriarchy.
What is Preference Theorist Hakims arguement against Gender inequality?
Women are not victims to unfair employment but it is their own choice in choosing their career
What is Engels arguement on gender inequality?
Women are restricted to allow men to gain ownership of property
What is Parsons arguement on gender inequality
Nuclear Family structure is the best family structure as it provides a clear division of labour where women work domestically.
What is functionalist Murdocks arguement on gender inequality?
Universal Nuclear family across the world where women served a childbearing role due to biological differences
What is Neo functionalist Popenoe arguement?
Gender roles are biological where women are childbearers therefore are caregivers and are the emotional role
What is Webers theory on gender inequalities?
Women have lower social standing in society due to status
Women have lower market position
Women lack business connections in work and employment
What is the glass ceiling theory on gender inequality?
Women are unable to achieve social mobility due to barriers in work
What is Weberian Barron and Norris arguement on gender inequality?
primary sector jobs are professional and high paying and secondary sector jobs are less professional and lower paying. More women work in the secondary sector.
What is Murrays New Right Arguement?
Family diversity such as lone parent mothers lead to underachieving children in society
What is New Right Bowlby’s arguement?
Men work in the public sphere of work and women should be in the private sector of work due to biological natural differences.
What is New Right Schlafys arguement?
Women are not biologically superior to men therefore they should support men through marriage and have children as this is the best thing a women can do.