rylan's sociology revision cards.

This class was created by Brainscape user Rylan Murton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Sociology Authors: Family
What is functionalist murdock s a...,
What is functionalist parsons arg...,
What is neo functionalist popenoe...
59  cards
Authors On Forms Of Identity
What is bowles and gintis argueme...,
What is fox s arguement,
What is saunders arguement
30  cards
Psychology Social Influence
What is conformity,
What is nsi and isi,
What is compliance
31  cards
Psychology Attachment
What is reciprocity,
What is interactional synchrony,
What is meltzoff and moores resea...
21  cards
What is statistical infrequency a...,
What is deviation from social norms,
What is failure to function adequ...
14  cards
Psychology Memory
What is the capacity encoding and...,
What is the capacity encoding and...,
What are the steps in the multi s...
27  cards
Psychology Research Methods
What is an independent variable,
What is a dependent variable,
What is an extraneous variable
70  cards
Sociology paper 2 Inequalities statistics
What is wadsworth arguement on so...,
What is the social mobility commi...,
What are the statistics for wealt...
24  cards
Sociology Paper 2 Gender Inequality Authors
What is marxist feminist feeleys ...,
What is marxist feminist benstons...,
What is marx feminist ansleys arg...
19  cards
Sociology Paper 2 Research Methods
What is validity,
What is reliability,
What is representativeness
25  cards
Sociology Paper 2 Social Class inequalities
What is neo marxist althussers ar...,
What is bowles and gintis arguement,
What is bravermans arguement
11  cards
Sociology Paper 2 Age and Ethnic Inequalities
What is parsons arguement on age ...,
What is disengagement theorist cu...,
What is marx s argument on age in...
21  cards
Types of Abuse and Types of Hazards
What are the types of environment...,
What are the types of biological ...,
What are the types of chemical ha...
9  cards
Psychology Issues And Debates
What is alpha and beta bias,
What is androcentrism,
What is collectivist or individua...
12  cards
Sociology Paper 3 globalisation
What is globalisation,
What is mcluhan global village ar...,
Why does globalisation not benefi...
55  cards
Health and Social Care Legislation and Policies
What is the health and safety at ...,
What is the management of health ...,
What is the food safety act 1990
17  cards
Sociology paper 3 Education
What is the 1870 forster educatio...,
What is the butler education act,
What is the comprehensive system ...
41  cards
Psychology Approaches
What is freud s theory of the unc...,
What are defence mechanisms,
What are the structures of person...
35  cards
Psychology Cognition and Development
What are mirror neurons,
Who accidentally discovered mirro...,
What is imitation
37  cards
Psychology Paper 3 Aggression
What is the limbic system,
What is the limbic system,
What is the hippocampus and how d...
47  cards
Psychology Paper 3 Schizophrenia
What diagnostic manuals are used ...,
How do you diagnose schizophrenia,
What are the symptoms of schizoph...
36  cards
Psychology Paper 2 Biopsychology
What is the sensory motor and rel...,
What is synaptic transmission,
What are the endocrine glands
52  cards
Adult Nursing Interview
What is the 6c s,
What is care,
What is compassion
18  cards

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rylan's sociology revision cards.

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